Training part 2

Shiva straight out went to his room, before finding butler manish for today's training.

"Well, today we will start with word formation....." As he started with that, he told shiva for 1 hour before finishing his explanation.

"Continue your practice with words for this one hour, before we start with your training."

This time shiva didn't even take half and hour before calling butler manish, that made the poor butler who is resting on his bed to jolt awake.

"Grandpa manish, let's start with my training, i have already remembered all words that you teach me."

Butler manish startled by shiva's learning speed and asked shiva some questions to confirm whether shiva is telling truth or lying.

After confirming that shiva had already learned what he has teaches, he thinks deeply before responding.

"I thought you need 2 to 3 days before you remember all these wordings, but looks like you have learned much faster than i have expected. Then, from today onward's you will train for 2 and half hours in body refining."

After saying that, he went to get weights. Like yesterday, he added 150 kg of weights to shiva before starting his training resume.

"If you can stand for two and half hours with this training, i will add an extra 20 kg weight tomorrow to your weight. Let's start with your today's session."

Shiva did last for 2 and half hour, but like yesterday he collapsed on the floor by the time his training period.Looking at this oldman manish sighed before carrying shiva to his room.

Next day early in the morning shiva woke up and ate lot of his remaining rations before going to work.

"Today also is same like yesterday, i won't teach you anything. But yesterday, your grandpa manish told me that you are a very fast learner. So, from this weekend i will start teaching you with black smithing."

Looking at shiva blacky expressed his intentions. At the same time he reorganized yesterday conversation with butler manish, where that old jerk is so excited about his learning and training.

He told him, like it won't take much time for shiva to learn in samathi language and also he can reach, mortal realm 3 by 17 years old.

Thus, he also decided to teach shiva every thing that he learned as a blacksmith master.

"I myself am a level 4 mortal realm cultivator and if this boy can reach level 3 mortal realm by the time he can reach 17, then it's easy for him to become a cultivator like that jerk. If i can teach all the things that i learned to this boy, that will definitely be helpful to him when he become cultivator."

Looking at shiva, master blacky eyes shines like he had found some unpolished jade.

By the time it reaches mid noon, Blacky told his apprentices to go for lunch. Before harish and raghav went outside the shop, shiva called them.

"Brother harish and Big brother raghav wait for me, i too will join you guys to lunch. I didn't get any rations today."

Looking at this little brother who usually eat inside the shop, they responded with smiles.

"Come little brother, we happily welcome you to join us." Harish told with joyous smile on his face.

As they trotted out of the shop, master blacky couldn't help but shake his head.

"Brothers which restaurant we are going to dine?" Asked shiva with innocent face, as he has only 10 silvers with him. He didn't want to waste money by going to extravagant restaurants.

"Don't worry little brother, we too aren't any richer than you. We are going to 'Floating flower' Restaurant, where our meal only cost us around 10 copper coins. Floating flower restaurant is neither too rich nor too poor." Looking at shiva's worried face, raghav couldn't help but explain.

In kasaya continent, 1 gold coin can be exchanged to 100 silver coins likewise, 1 silver coin is equivalent to 100 copper coins.

90 meals a month, meant 900 copper coins per month. Shiva did his calculations and he was happy, that he can still save around 100 copper coins per month.

As they talked and walked, they reached Floating flower restaurant. As they walked to the entrance of restaurant, shiva encountered with a familiar face.

"Hello big brother Rutan, how are you?" Rutan is the gate guard that took shiva to viscount manor.

Even though its his duty, shiva is still thankful for his help.

"Haha!!!! little brother, i am fine what about you? Looks like you have already found a job." He responded with hearty laugh, as he looked at the sincere and innocent smile on shiva's face.

"Yup, Grandpa manish let me work in his workshop as an apprentice. Looks like you aren't on duty today, big brother rutan?"

As rutan is on his normal attire, shiva couldn't help but ask.

"Uh, I have already quit that post. As i am still only 18 years old, i will be doing some thing else."

Rutan responded with cheeky answer, as though he didn't want to talk about it.

"Then, we will be going inside big brother rutan. See you later."

Seeing rutan didn't want to dwell anymore about that topic and shiva also don't know what to talk, he bid his farewells to rutan before going inside the restaurant with his two apprentice brothers.

"Looks like we really may meet each other again little brother. As butler manish himself is a cultivator and the way shiva calling him as ' grandpa ', i don't think he will teach him with body refining. If fate serves we two will definitely meet each other."

As he said that, rutan also took one final look at the vanishing silhouette of shiva inside the restaurant and went on his way.