'one year'

As they went out of the restaurant and walked towards the workshop, shiva and his two apprentice brothers saw master blacky standing at the shop entrance, looking at the three like he is going to swallow them.

Seeing this they know that they are really in for it. That day master blacky didn't let them go until the sun sets. Shiva knew he was late for today's training schedule and ran towards viscount manor.

"Looks like master blacky gave you guys a little bit of punishment huh? Lets continue with your training, you will have to awake a lot more time today."

Butler manish said looking at shiva, this made shiva make a worn out smile.

Days passed, Months passed, 1 Year has already passed since shiva came to dharini city.

Shiva already started learning black smithing from master blacky, from the next month he joined in the work shop.

He is already proficient in making all tools and some weapons. Master blacky teaches shiva with all the knowledge, he accumulated in all these years. Shiva learned bending, cutting, forging, hammering with precise control.

"Hahaha!!!!! shiva you are most brilliant apprentice, i have ever found in my entire life. All you took is 1 year to learn all things, that took me 40 years of my life. Now, all you have to do is make yourself familiar with the work and experience it yourself, in 2 years at most you will reach mastery in black smithing like myself."

Master blacky told shiva, as he was overexcited by the genius he had found in exaggerated manner.

"Master blacky!!! don't exaggerate it, it will still take me lot of time to become a master like you."

Shiva said in a humble manner and ran out of the workshop, as it is already time for his last training schedule.

As he reached the training grounds, he looked at the butler manish is already waiting for shiva.

"Grandpa manish, let's start with today's training. I hope today will be the last day we do this."

Saying that he also looked at butler manish with puppy eyes.

"I too hope so. Lets start without wasting time."

Saying that, He started adding lots and lots of weights to shiva's body. They started training as usual with different stances, while shiva lifted some weights at the same time.

It's already midnight, but shiva is still training with heavy weights on his body while butler manish is frowning on the side.

Suddenly, something inside shiva got unlocked. All the cells in his body started feeding energy on his body. Shiva looked at butler manish indicating its done.

Butler manish, seeing this indication ran to shiva while holding around 2 to 3 kg of well made meat in a plate. He handed the meat plate to shiva, who devoured all the the meat in 2 to 3 minutes of time.

For 5 minutes, the cells in his body absorbed energy from his body before stopping. The meat he ate supplied the energy that got drained from his body.

"Finally, finally!!!! let's go we will check your strength, i have never seen a person with abnormal constitution like you."

As he said that, he dragged shiva who is feeling the marvelous by the strength that transforming his body. After a year of training he reached almost 182 cm in height and have a lean muscular body, making him look absolutely handsome hunk.

"Give it you best shot." Reaching the stone pillar that used to check strength, butler manish said with much enthusiasm.

shiva took a long breath, before punching the stone pillar with all his strength. His hand made a whistling sound as it struck the stone pillar.

'3310 kg'

"Hahaha!!!! i knew it, it's definitely abnormal constitution. you not only have divine strength, but also a abnormal constitution. I will definitely recommend you to my sect."

Looking at the figure displaying on the stone pillar, manish got over excited and started shouting out loudly.

"Grandpa manish, you said that you and oldman raman are both rouge cultivators. Then how could you say that you are from a sect?"

Shiva asked doubtfully.

"We are really rouge cultivators now, as we have withdrawn from the sect inner area. But still we can recommend students up to ten members a year, as we are associated with it in the past. If we can recommend any geniuses, the sect will gift us with good contribution points. We can exchange these contribution points with sect's cultivation resources and manuals."

Butler manish explained to shiva in a detailed manner and also looked at the stone pillar again with delightful eyes.

"It took you only one year from level 1 mortal realm to level 5 mortal realm. You are just 16 years old now, so you will be among the best geniuses in the sect. Never reveal them, that you have only trained for 1 year, that will probably make some deep troubles for you."

Saying that, he looked at shiva with full of seriousness in his eyes. Shiva also understood this and nods his head.

"Of all the surprises you have give me, your abnormal constitution is the best one. Even your training speed is not gave me that much surprise. While normal mortal level apex warriors can only gain 500 kg where each level gives you with 100 kg strength, you have gained 3000 kg strength. At first level,you got 200 kg,second level gave you 400 kg, while third gave you 600 kg, the fourth one gives 800 kg and i have been betting fifth on will give you 1000 kg and that is absolutely correct."

Butler manish was speechless as he explained this phenomenon to shiva.

"Do you know, an ascending stage -1 warrior will only have the strength of 2000 kg when qi induced in their attack. Ascending stage -2 warriors, will only have 3000 kg strength, that means that you can handle a level 2 ascending realm cultivator when you are still in the apex of mortal realm!!!! ABNORMAL, ABNORMAL, you are absolutely abnormal."

Seeing this abnormal behavior of butler manish who is always acting calm and composure, shiva didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Go take some rest and don't forget to practice daily, we are be able to sense qi perfectly if we are in perfect condition of body. In one month you will go to state headquarters with other 3 members, i have recommended for the sect. so, be prepared for journey."

As he said that, he moved out of the training hall leaving the dumbfounded Shiva.