As grandpa manish walked out of the training hall, shiva immediately released his spirit sense. When he just came to the dharini a year ago, he already can sense anything around 30 meters of his.

Now he can sense everything around him for 300 meters, when he focused in a single line he can sense around 1000 meters.

"I didn't do anything to increase my spirit sense, but it is still increasing on its own. I did all the exercises to increase my strength by cultivating mortal realm to apex level."

He started thinking all those things and moved to his room with light headedness.

Next day early in the morning, shiva didn't went to workshop as there is not much to learn for him. He directly went to Floating flower restaurant to see vennela.

As it is still early in the morning, there are no customers yet and vennela is cleaning the kitchen tools using rags. Seeing this shiva slowly made his move towards vennela step by step and gave a sudden hug to vennela.

As expected, not to mention surprise on her face she didn't even turn back to see who it is. Looking at this shiva face dulled, when he did this for the first time she was so shocked. But as time goes on, she didn't even flinch making him deflate like balloon that lost air.

"What if its not me?"

He asked her to see how she is going to respond.

"Huh!!!! How can you forget, i too am a level 5 mortal realm cultivator. My senses are enhanced you know?"

She said that making already deflated balloon have more more punctures in it. Seeing the sad face, she couldn't help but take his face into her hands and gently plant a kiss on his lips.

"That's 150 you know? mine is still 149."

Shiva who acted like he was sad, started shouting with joy as they have made a bet once. Whoever going to kiss more will lose and have to call husband or wife from then on, by the time they go into sect. Shiva took the initiation to kiss vennela for 149 times, while she took 150 times with this one.

"That's cheating you know? i am not going to talk to you anymore." As she said that she again immersed herself with the work.

Seeing this shiva couldn't help but panic and gave a big pull to her. Because of this pull, they lost their balance and fell on the floor. While shiva is on the floor, vennela is on him, shiva took this chance and tightly embraced her tiny waist making her moan.

Looking at her moan, shiva couldn't take it anymore and kissed her violently on her lips. His tongue made its way into her mouth and entwined with her tongue. As they were kiss frenzily, they heard some one coughing.

*Cough* *cough*

Hearing the cough, both of them hastily wake up from their frenzy and stood up. As they look up at the person who coughed, they both started panicking while still panting for their breath because of the long kiss. He was vennela's and also the owner of floating flower restaurant, Paranth.

"Tell your grandpa manish to meet me this evening, we will decide a date for your engagement, before you go the sect."

Saying that he looked at shiva for his response.

"I will definitely inform grandpa manish, uncle paranth"

Shiva said with much confidence, because with his sense he already seen uncle paranth observing them so many times.

"Daddy!!!! have you really agreed to our marriage?"

Vennela couldn't believe her own ears, her father has been pestering her to marry some one for 2 years already, but now he simply said he will arrange engagement with shiva out of nowhere.

"Do you think, you guys are doings all these naughty things without knowing me huh? i have known it from the start. so, don't give me that face and don't go too far in your relationship until your marriage."

Hearing the last words of her father vennela face couldn't help but turn into ripe tomato.

"We won't uncle."

Shiva replied hastily, while vennela nodded her head. After saying good bye to vennela shiva directly went to Butler manish working place, where he was chatting with viscount giridhar.

"Uncle giridhar"

shiva greeted viscount giridhar formally, as they are already familiar with each other in the last one year. Giridhar also nodded with a smile on his showing that he was content with shiva's etiquette.

"Grandpa manish, uncle paranth asked you to meet him in the evening."

Looking at the shiva, who is blushing while saying this manish couldn't help but amused by this behavior.

"Giridhar, you also come with me we should go and talk with that fellow. You have been taking care of this fellow for a year you know?"

Seeing that butler manish is representing some deep matter, viscount giridhar couldn't help but panic and stuttered.

"Uncle manish, i-i didn't take care of him much,r-right shiva?"

Shiva nodded with content, reminiscing the scenes where giridhar giving him money to spend every month.

"You don't have to tell me all these lies, do you think you could escape from me. Every month you gave him a gold coin, spoiling him to the core. Let's forget about that, we will first meet paranth."

As he said that, he and giridhar went out to meet with paranth. Shiva started doing his exercises

while they went out. Grandpa manish and viscount giridhar came back in the evening and informed him of his engagement, that's going to get conduct tomorrow.

Next day early in the morning, shiva, grandpa manish,giridhar, his wife, son and daughter went to floating flower restaurant.

The engagement ceremony was attended by all vennela's family members and master blacky,his two apprentices and some viscount manors workers who are familiar with shiva.

"Big brother rutan, at least you are attending my engagement ceremony, i have been asking vennela when will you come back from your mission."

Rutan was the guard that helped shiva on the first day of his arrival at dharini city, After he fell in love with vennela he found out that he is the biological brother of vennela. Rutan is one of the three who fully supported shiva and vennela's love. While the other two are his apprentice brothers harish and raghav.

Harish is the son of viscount giridhar, who was strictly restricted by his father on spending money.

As they were chatting, priest completed with his chants and called out for two love birds to come beside him.

"Exchange the rings that you have prepared with each other."

Rutan took a box from his pocket and handed vennela, while shiva started panicking, Because he didn't prepare any ring for his engagement.

"You imbecile!!!! Give ring to your little brother. Do you want to embarrass him?"

While shiva was panicking, he heard a angry roar fro uncle giridhar who was scolding harish for his silly behavior. Getting scolded by his father harish gave a took a box from his pocket and gave it to shiva pouting.

"Let's exchange the rings"

Said the priest who is annoyed by harish's playfulness. Shiva took the ring from his box and slowly put it on vennela's little finger, after shiva done it she also did the same thing.

"From now on, you both are fiance and fiancee. You both are already half married, so please enjoy the life with all happiness."

After saying that priest concluded the ceremony.

All the guests that came to the ceremony were served with food and wine. All people congratulated the young couple and some even gave gifts before leaving.

By the ceremony completed and all people left, it already evening. Only shiva, vennela, harish,rutan, manish, giridhar and paranth stayed in the room to discuss their journey to the sect.