Ice Troll

"F*ck! It's so freaking cold out here!"

Michael shivered in the cold as he tightly wrapped the fur coat around his body while traversing the snowy land around him.

"Why did I even decide to come here of all places?" Michael sighed helplessly, then he took his map out and check where he is right now.

"I just hope this is the right path" Michael mumbled to himself as he placed his map back at his storage space. After all, the map is currently useless because he can't determine where the heck he is right now seeing that everything looks the same...everything around him is freaking white!

Michael is currently at a land covered in snow all year round, which is most commonly known as the Land of Everwinter.

A couple of days ago, just before they were about to pass by Orlborg Mountain. Michael suddenly told Amanda and Viper to proceed with the original plan as he would part ways with them from there, telling them that he wanted to explore Everwinter.