Fate Online: Shadow

Games519 Chapters6.0M Views
Author: ApocalypseX
Table of Contents

Tags: Power Couple, Action, Adventure, Romance, R-18, Virtual Reality, Comedy, Secret Identity, Overpowered MC, Male Protagonist and Female Lead.

The most feared Assassin in the world died because of vengeance.

What he didn't expect was instead of being sent to the nether world, he instead woke up on his younger self all before the time he became an Assassin.

Instead of going back to the life of living in the shadows. He instead decided to lead a new normal life this time and play the newly released Virtual Game, Fate Online!

Let's watch as he change the things that isn't supposed to happen while changing his fate along with it and watch him, on the road to becoming a top professional player.

Note: The Female Lead would have its own narration along in the story.

[Artwork: ptitvinc]

Release Update: 7 Chapters /week

Want to add an addition to the story? Then check out my Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/apocalypseII

P.S - If you're gonna leave a low end review. Make sure its a constructive criticism, because I would certainly get it deleted, if it doesn't help me in improving my story.

I don't except hate reviews just to lower its rating because the story is premium.

Discord - https://discord.gg/XPeAkE

299 Reviews
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Hey guys! ApocX here! If you didn't start reading this novel, I suggest you start right now. It is definitely something you will enjoy, especially for those VRMMO and Romance novel fans! ;) Don't mind the shameless 5 Star Rating. Update Schedule - Daily. I still have my main novel Stronghold In The Apocalypse to write so I can't write more. Enjoy reading! :) P.S If you leave a bad review for the story, then make sure it's something that would help in the improvement of the story, because I sure as hell would delete it.

5 years ago

Wow this author is really shameless, 3 times of deleted review already cause it was getting likes from the readers since they can relate to what I said that it was full of inconsistency and we,with the author, even argued about it but dude just said "go make your own novel and make one thats better than harry potter lmao. So here I am again to make a review to counter your shamelessness of deleting low rating reviews. ** Im gonna make one again if you delete this again so yah

5 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

Needs a tonne of work, props to the author and I wish him/her the best of luck. I must say, the first chapter was imho, freaking terrible. It was all over the place, nonsensical mish mash of all the best stuff someone could think of for a modern day mc slapped together into an abomination called Michael. I seriously could not bring myself to read another chapter, I dont say this to discourage the author, it's hard to write! I understand that it isn't easy. This book needs some serious editing and the author needs to just sit and relax a bit, your mc never has to be the everything guy! The best things about characters in novels arent their perfections but their imperfections! All their flaws make them come alive and make your readers empathise with them through their journey! The best thing you can do for your audience is to make them always think about the qualities of our creations that resonate with them! Connecting with them makes your story stand out from the rest of the monotonous garbage that litters this app. You should (If you haven't already but suggesting by the hazardous writing that feels like its come straight from your head to being published) brain storm ideas, the direction you want to go, important antagonists and/or ideas for ones to come! Major turning points in your story that will affect your mc in major ways! These sort of plot points are needed so you can have some sort of direction to love in otherwise it becomes a mess, something that becomes harder to fix the longer you go. Never start the fillings before you've conquered your outline and outlook of where you want your story to go! You may not read this but I seriously hope this helps if you do kind regards

5 years ago

Asking for stones for this is an insult to all authors.You should try to write the plot on a piece of paper then see if what you write next actually fits with what is already there

5 years ago

It feels very fake and the quality is below average. Sorry, no offence. I read the first few chapters and it was very basic and the articulation was not smooth at all. Even the smallest of details and cause dislike and irritation to the reader. The plot was also not too in depth, it went into the story line so quick that it just doesn't feel right.

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

So I know the author is extremely sensitive in hearing negative reviews, but I have to be honest. As much as the premise does to serve the fans with things they (including myself) would like (such as VRMMO concepts, Romance, Strong powers etc.) It has a very important issue of execution. From the first chapter, I can quote what others have been saying which boils down to it "being all over the place". It tells us what is going on rather than showing, but in a very loose method. It does not keep a focus and ultimately, becomes uncomfortable to read. Each chapter should have a purpose. The *flow* and *transitioning* of each sentence and paragraph should be strong and easy to follow through. What I would advise is for the author to look at *how* other authors write their books. Yes, I say "how" becasue I feel that the writing style needs to change. It can get exhausting, especially if a lot of chapters have been completed. Let's say you learned a lot from other books and finally came up with a better style – it'd take a long time to fix all of it. I understand. However, if that's the case I would get an editor to help you out. There's plenty of authors who would do that in the discord for Webnovel/RoyalRoad. For other works, I'd analyze how Sword Art Online, Rising of the Shield Hero or Library of Heaven's Path wrote their chapters and their style of conveying their messages to their audience. Plot wise, make sure when writing a scene to imagine how the readers will feel about that scene when comparing it to the *previous chapters*. For example, if the main cast fought and won against a guild of people but then suffers against several weaker hunters later on, there should be a reason *why* they are struggling in the very least, or else it will leave them confused. Overall, great job with nearly 3 million views and good luck with the rest! 👍🏻

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

The grammar is so atrocious but I like it so far but the grammar is definitely something that would make me want to drop this completely but other than that I'm enjoying it so far

5 years ago

Just reading the synopsis - 7 chapters a week (webnovel says 3). Guy die-revives decides to play a game. (OK. Why? Makes no sence.) Has a female lead tag, says a female character gonna appear later.. What? When? A single sentence would be enough. Or is is gonna reveal all the deepness? You gotta give more credit to the guy actually made your cover not just put his name in between a bunch of plain text, almost got it missed. Somewhat put a patreon link in there, with "addition to the story"? Not even going to comment on this. Worst of all - gonna delete undesired reviews because it is a "premium" novel. Whatever that means. If it is the webnovel's definition about "premium" it is nothing to be proud of.. Something else.. Then wow. I've seen people doing this "non constructive comments removal". It's just the worst possible function on here. Not all five star novels are good. Got this featured on log page. Might read/might not. If the novel's quality is the same as its description, better not. Best of constructive I could. 😘

4 years ago

this story had a lot of potential but it seems the author is writing it wrong. the author seems to not have planned out the story and just keeps adding whatever he wants even though it ruins the story he set at the start. *SPOILER* for example, he first describes the female MC as a helpless person but later says how she would have been able to defend herself. its really inconsistent and ruins the flow of the story. as for how to fix it, it seems the only way is to start the story again.

4 years ago

Read through the first 56 chapters, the story was nice & definitely had potential, but the lack of editing (especially in the early chaps) makes it somewhat difficult to get really absorbed into the novel itself. There were also some minor inconsistencies with in game data related things, but I'll put that down to grammar and editing too. Just somewhat sad I didn't really feel hooked enough on the story to want to continue reading after chapter 56 when the paywall hit. Thanks for a decent attempt author ❤ but honestly, please go back through the previous chapters and just run it through Microsoft Word or something just so it's a smoother read for us.

4 years ago

the thing that rlly bothers me about this novel is the inconsistency in the story and how everyone and their mothers are so gung-ho about pk-ing that its just a major turn off from the story. Like how you would skip the parts about the mc dungeoning and the spend 4-7 chapters about him getting pk-ed or mc pk-ing. the plot inconsistency is rlly bugging me out, like how you plotted out the story beforehand and then when u go to write it its nothing like the story you plotted out already, and more of just sitting down and improvising the whole thing. there was something i was rlly looking forward to later in the novel but all of a sudden getting that event pulled out from under my nose made me deduct major points from this novel. and idk about anyone else but when i read a novel about a game i like seeing the numbers, equip stats, player stats, dmg numbers and stuff like that. but having it all suddenly disappear for like 70 chapters only to have it reappear for like 2-3 chapters rlly grinds my gears(200 something chapters as of this review) most annying part is when u read the story it skips around and back like u forgot to mention something and just decided that all of a sudden it becomes canon. u cant be like "wow he just soloed a boss thats higher level than him" to all of a sudden "o hes not strong enough to take this boss on yet" inconsistency is the key if that was fixed id totally be onboard to continue reading but for now its a no for me. (** if this doesnt count as contructive criticism and gets deleted will be posting it multiple times till it doesnt)

4 years ago