The Traveling Merchant

"Ahhh! Ghost!"

Pak! Pak! Pak!

"Oh my god...stop! Not...the face!!"

Michael quickly put his war hammer away when he realized that the creature before him wasn't a ghost, especially when he saw the floating characters above the creature's head.

[Traveling Merchant]

Michael might not be afraid of many things, but a ghost is certainly one of them.

The creature slowly stood up from the ground and dusted himself off, and the creature's appearance who is standing before Michael is somewhat similar to a Goblin who stood just around Michael's waist.

The difference is that his skin is somewhat greyish blue, unlike a Goblin whose skin is green, like leafy green.

"Tsk! I've never seen an adventurer who is afraid of a ghost!"

The creature clicked his tongue as he fixed the monster skull on his head.