Pick up

Michael continued gaming till past midnight as he continued his journey inside the game.

So when he woke up the next day, it was already quite late in the morning and his phone continued ringing which irritated him as he wondered who was calling him like crazy.

"Dammit, who the f*ck is it?" Michael cursed as he picked up his phone from the small drawer beside him.

But when he saw the name of the person calling, his anger was quickly doused and he immediately answered the call, "It's Michael, do you have any good news for me, Antoine?"

Antoine: [Hahaha! Of course! The thing you asked for, it's done!]

Hearing the good news, Michael suddenly felt that today is going to be a great and he couldn't help but put a smile and said, "That's good, it seems I wasn't wrong that I approached your help for this"

Antoine: [Of course, but…]

"But what?" Michael said when he heard the hesitation on the man's voice.