"Again, again again," Erica said jumping up like an excited six-year-old.

"Okay, How about Mama by Jonas Blue."

"Erica nodded excitedly."

After three more songs, they fell on the bed into a deep sleep with their mic still in hand. The servants who were also tired from jamming to their songs turned in for the night.

The next day Erica woke up to find her partner in crime gone. She got up and tears started flowing down her eyes before she noticed.

"Zian" she muttered between sobs. (Zian was her son's Chinese name.)


My boy was a bright kid who always knew how to bring a smile to my face, one who could melt away my stress from my detective job without even trying. Why did they have to take him away they had all the fame and fortune why did they have to take away my last resort to a peaceful.

Well, I guess it's in their nature, their nature of leeches I mean. Always sucking the blood of living things till they drop dead dry. Yes, leeches clinging to their prey like small parasites, no matter how hard you try, you find difficulties in getting rid of them.

While you turn your attention to rip one of your feet there's always another sucking your thigh.

Do leeches travel in packs?

How would I know for I'm just a girl who's ignorance brought disaster to her family?

Oh, look a tear! What right do I have to tear up after all this is all my doing. The people who meant good, I abandoned. But leeches I keep close as they slowly drained me of my last hope.

Zian, my boy this foolish mother could have given you the best things life had to offer but she instead cut your life short because of her inexperience.


Erica could feel thorns surround her heart. Pricking as it made it way around her heart.

A stream of tears flowed down her now pale face eyed her eyes became puffy.

These were no ordinary tears but the tears of a mother in pain, sorrowful pain over the loss of her child such tears were indeed heartbreaking to see.

As these tears flowed down it her eyes gradually became devoid of emotion as if her emotion were trapped in the tears she poured out.

"Zian, father, grandmother I will set your, souls, to rest. I will give those leeches a taste of their own medicine." She declared in a weak voice.

Little by little her eyes lost life until the was nothing but a chilling emptiness. It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Well right now her soul seemed like a bottomless void that could never be filled.

With these same eyes, her lips uttered three names ", ....John,... Kate,...Roana"

The with her eyes still devoid of life her dry lips turned crescent with the most sinister smile one could fathom.

Downstairs Katraya sat eating junk food and typing away on her laptop. "Weren't you banned from eating junk food? "

"He can't get mad with what he doesn't know... He won't know..right.....E-RI-CA." Katraya said with an unnaturally wide smile.

Knowing better Erica gave in.

"So... you're going with the revenge scenario right?"


"Here use this company."



I sit in the dark camera room as I observe the three leeches as the device a plot.

Kate: Mom I can't take it anymore they all look at me as if I just crawled out of the sewers. They laugh and make a mockery of me to my face.

Chunhua: Who is this Karma. What did we ever do to deserve this?

Hearing what she said my lips curl in an amused smile.

John: Damn that b*tch escaped. This would have been the perfect opportunity to put her to use.

Chunhua: What did you have in mind.

John: We could give her reconstructive surgery to look like Jessica. Then put the blame all on her saying it was here who had been sleeping with me instead of Jessica and that she just wanted to tarnish her reputation out of jealousy.

Chunhua: But we don't have that much money have you forgotten Keller group is officially bankrupt.

John: Heh don't worry about it. I have a friend who is an underground doctor all we have to do is use her to satisfy his sexual desires as payment and he'll perform the surgery.

Jessica: But what if she exposes us.

John: He is not a valid doctor nor are his drugs. After the blame is passed to her the chemicals will melt her face and she'll die. We'll simply pass it of as she was so ashamed she killed herself.

Chunhua: So all we have to do is find her. She has no friend who will help her get back on her feet. She's probably in the gutters somewhere hanging on for dear life. All we have to do is pretend to be sorry and tell her we will give her a new face and a new life filled with flowers and unicorns that foolish retard will believe it.



The three turned in the direction of the applause.

"Such a beautiful scheme."

The three's eyes widened in unbelievable shock at who the voice belongs to.

"Took my mother's life, My father my grandmother, and my precious son. Now you want to take my life. Such vile creatures you are."

Erica gazed at them with her cold lifeless eyes. They still stayed in shock. "Wondering what happened to the bright clueless Erica? Well, she...grew up."

Chunhua: E E Erica my dear.

Erica: Still going with the loving mother act. Hmph, you must be helpless right? Aah Karma it truly is a bitch, isn't it?

As if realizing John tries hard to form words "Y Y you are K K karma."

"Ding....ding." Erica's voice sounded neither happy nor sad it didn't even have a hint of anguish.

"Taking my son away from me what has he ever done to you. Such a sweet innocent soul....gone. Well, one thing is for sure I did not come here to get nostalgic."

She takes out what looks like a remote with a single red button from her belt buckle. I came here in place of the angel of death. Hopefully being reincarnated will rid you all of your lecherous nature."

Before they could reach the building went up in a huge explosion.

During the explosion, one could see Erica's eyes slightly turn yellow as she gave up the ghost.

'Zian I'm sorry hopefully this would atone for my mistakes father, mother grandmother I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you with all the power I had. Hopefully, in our next lives, we will become a happy family.'

A single tear fell as she breathed her last breath.


A man sat in his chair with pain written all over his face as he held his chest.

"Sir is something wrong." His assistant asked with worry.

"I just feel like I've lost something."

"Sir you said the same thing two months ago. Should I call a doctor what if it's a hole in the heart?"

He received a deadly glare from his boss which made him flinch "Stop Jinxing me," I don't know I feel this painful pang in my heart as if I've lost something or...someone precious to me."