It's so hot, my body feels like it burning. Do I have a fever? No! It's far too hot to be a fever. My eyelids are so heavy. I can't breathe. I can't move. I'm scared. Is this death. I can't even cry. This is really painful. This is what they call hell. Wait... my fingers, they are moving let me try opening my eyes.

My eyes fly open only to be assaulted by the sunlight coming from the window. I lazily trudge to the window and close the curtain- wait this compound... it is the compound of the girl's dorm in Lord university. How is this possible I graduated a few years ago?

"You finally remembered your part of the living. Sleeping all day like an Egyptian mummy. Not to leave out the fact that you look like one."

My eyes widen at the sight of the person I see. Tears automatically roll my eyes like a busted tank. Forgetting my tired self I launch at the owner of the voice. "JU LI."

She seems surprised for some time before she gives one of her usual sarcastic comments. "So should I book a flight to Egypt? Hopefully, we'll find your brain in one of those jars."

"I love you." I just blurted those words without thinking. Ju li, my best friend.

"Aren't going to save that for John."

"John? since when did I get involved with loosed*cks like him?"

"Are you really Erica? My Erica? No! Let's get on the earliest flight to Egypt."

"What's wrong? I just had an eye-opener." (Through actual experience.)

"This is a miracle. Are you sure the sky is not going to fall."

Ju Li, my friend in college who I also abandoned. After Jessica(Meilin) drugged me she decided to add Chun to the list and made her sleep with John making her look like the girl who was after her friend's boyfriend.

At that time, I didn't think of the pain and humiliation of her losing her first time like that. I just tossed her aside but still she like Katraya tried to warn me, instead of believing I looked at her like a vixen, a thorn in my flesh that needed to be removed.

Ju Li denounced her family name in order to prove her sincerity and the fact that she wasn't her father's spy. She begged me on bent knees. I still didn't give in, instead, I listened to Jessica's coaxing to stay away from her.

Finally, dad took pity on her and took her abroad. When asked why he did so he said Jessica planned to kill Ju Li I didn't talk to dad for a whole month because of this and later received the news of his and granny's death.


Looking at things from now Erica realized what a dedicated friend Ju Like was, sorrowful tears flowed down her already pale cheeks. A deep regret overcame her as she grabbed Ju Li into a tight hug.

"Is your morning sickness giving you hallucinations"

"Morning sickness?"

Like a cue, she feels a strong sense of nausea making her rush to the bathroom to remove all of… whatever she thinks she had last night.

She looked at her haggard reflection in the mirror. A strong sense of deja vu overcame her causing a splitting headache which leads her to fall with a loud crashing sound.

"Is everything alright?" Ju Li asked from the room.

Erica managed to get up and looked in the mirror 'This scene it's so familiar but I can't just put my hand on it.'

Chun peered through the door with a worried face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah don't worry. I just, need some time to sort my thoughts."

"If you say so."

Erica's eyes widen as if realizing something. "This…This is the day that I realize that I was pregnant." As if programmed to do so she touched her belly. Tears of Joy once again formed a line down my face. "Zian." She muttered. "This time mommy will protect you."


The wait was I reborn? I see. A second chance. I looked at my belly with a loving smile sure my mind isn't supposed to process this but after what I've been through if they told me I am really a Martian I will not be fazed. Now that I have gotten this chance I will give my all to protect those close to me as for the thorns on our path I will do well to pluck them from their roots. With this chance, all I will see are the smiles on the faces of my loved ones.

Kate, John, Roana I couldn't make you learn a good lesson the last time. You even doubled your schemes, now I Erica Keller will wipe away the word evil from your vocabularies, by hook or by crook.