
The teacher looks at Skye and then to Mulan with his eyes showing his fears while the rest of the students look at them in shock. Mulan was the first one to come back from her shock so she lowered her head and asked softly

" Wh.. Why did you say that?"

" I'll tell you later" Skye answered her in the same way Mulan did. " Sir I think we should begin our class now" When skye said this, everyone in the room seemed to have come back to earth. The teacher nods his head at they begin their class.

After class.

The teacher and some students left the school to go to the cafeteria to eat their food before they start their next class and if the person doesn't have a class in the moment or through out the day. He/she can go back home and come back when their next class is about to begin or the can choose to stay in school.

When the students left the class it was only Skye and Mulan left. Mulan's head falls on the table with a loud thud as she said in a brittle voice. " This English is really hard to understand. It's like it's an alien language"

When skye heard her, he almost chocked. English, an alien language. What about Korean. Its ten times harder than English.

" You'll get it someday" He said softly so as to console her.

" Right! Why did you say that I'm your girlfriend!" Mulan swiftly sat up straight as she heard Skye's voice, remembering what he said earlier.

" I said that to help you. You don't want to curse your parents by lying that you're an orphan, right? And also you can be free from the cat fights that happen in this school" Mu Feng said in his usual aloof voice but some pain flashed in his eyes that disappeared as soon as it came.

'I can't believe I lied! I feel like my heart is bleeding! Why did I help her? Why didn't I just ignored everything that is happening around me like usual? I won't ever lie again, No matter the consequences but why did I do it now?' Alot of questions began popping up in Skye's mind. He has never lied his entire life, so why now all of a sudden?!

" You... You know that I'm not from this world!"

" Yes. My panther told me! Thanks you for saving him, without you, he would've stayed in his size forever and He would've been like all animals all his life So thank you"

"It's fine really! You helped me So I wanted to repay you" Mulan said shyly. She wasn't used to people thanking her like this.

"Wait here, I'll be back" Skye said as he stood up and went out of the class.

"Pica is this all for today! I feel like my head is about to explode! I hate this school, why can't I just stay in the hotel and never go to school, ever!" Mulan asked pica through their mind connection with each other

[ You have two more classes to go, Master. Hehe~] pica was actually having a time of her life in school. She is busy taking a peek at the students things because no one can see her and sometimes she will hop on top of a student's head and scratch his cheeks softly and the person will end up scratching his face think that it was an itch. She is now sitting on her paws on the frame of the window as she watch a guy trying to smack a girls butt but he only got beaten by five girls at the same time.


" How much for all these books"

" $550 sir"

Skye brought out his credit card and hands it over to the cashier that was look professional in her blue blazer.


Mulan was busy looking out the window watch the people outside and she waited obediently for Skye to come back but if she knew what he was going to give her, she would've run away by at lightning speed by now. She heard footsteps she So she turns her head and saw a group of ladies ready to eat her like hungry wolves