Get Out!

Pica was the first one to notice the group of girls so when she turned her head, Mu lan also followed her line of sight. Mulan saw a group of girls looking at her like a pack of hungry wolves, ready to devour her whole.

The ladies look at Mulan's innocent and pretty face as they sneered. The girls started insulting Mulan as that's the only thing they could do.

" I thought you guys said she was a beauty. I don't see anything about her that will make those idiot boys to fall head over heels for her!" The leader said as she looks at Mulan with a wicked smile.

" Exactly! She has nothing but a face. She must have seduced our Prince with her body"

" I wonder if our Prince was under a spell. She must be a witch! Release our Prince you witch"

Mulan looks at them with a calm smile on her face before she said Sarcastically " At least I have the body to seduce him but what about you. Your little airport is so flat that I can land a plane there! And you..." She turns towards the leader whose face was as red as a tomato because of anger. " Even when you have that unnatural ass that looks as pointy as a pencil after all that plastic surgery but still skye didn't give a sh*t about you now did he? And you came here to my class, my seat just to insult me about my looks but in the end the only one skye talks to is... Moi" Mulan said all this with a bright smile on her face. The girls were extremely angry and the worst part is, they can't do anything about it because she is skye's girlfriend. The leader's face turned dark as she lift up her hand ready to slap Mulan. The girls look at her in horror, if she slaps her than they're going to be in serious trouble but Mulan was still wearing her beautiful smile.

The girls tried to stop their leader from getting them into trouble. Some girls were even trying to calm her down but she is not listening So they continued to talk to her. " Stella! Stop it please! You'll get us in serious trouble with the X family! Please stop!" The leader puts her hand down as she turns around and look at her friends.

" I don't care. She insulted me! No one has ever talked yo me this way! Even my parents don't dare to and this little street rat comes out of nowhere and insult me just like that and you want me to leave her alone! No! If I leave her alone then my name is not Stella Smith! " The leader growled in anger as she turned towards Mulan and raised her hand to land a slap on Mulan's face again when she heard a loud sound. When she turns around she saw Skye looking deadly at them. When skye was in the halls he already heard the girls shouting so he quickened his pace and when he entered the class he saw a girl raised her hands as she attempted to slap her. He dropped the books he was holding to get their attention but it startled the girls as they turned their heads fast in fear.

The air around Skye turned into a deadly one is mere seconds as he looks at them like a beast ready to eat their prey.

" Have you all had your fun!" Hearing Skye's terrifying voice, they girls gulped including Mulan. Even when she's a girl from a cultivation world, where killing people was common there, she has never sensed such a terrifying aura.

The girls lowered their heads in fear as they wait for their punishment. The leader felt humiliated to the core. She wanted Skye to at least notice her because ever since he came to this school, she has been putting more effort to look her best in school But now that's all over because of a mere girl. The leader puffed her chest to show off her big boobs as she said to Skye " But skye she-" Before she could even finish, Skye cut her off " Who gave you the permission to call me by my name? Who are you to me?" Skye growled as shivers run down the spines of every one there, some students that were in the halls looking at the show through the window also felt that fear. The leader paled and her friends fell down on their knees as they begged Skye while crying. The leader or Stella was the only one who didn't kneel down and that's because she was frozen like a statue. " Please! We're sorry! Please don't make our families business to go bankrupt! We're really sorry! "

" Get out!" skye said but the girls were too scared to stand up. They thought that if the stand up then they're going to get in trouble or even expelled and not to mention the bankruptcy that they're about to be in, in a few hours.

"Get out! Now!" Skye is usually not this terrifying in front of women but when he's angry, he doesn't care about the gender of the person. The girls stood up one by one as they run for their lives only the leader was left,she was too shocked by skye's attitude towards her earlier. She thought that since her father was in a collaboration with his father's company, he was going to be at least nice to her but that's not the case. She forgot that this is Skye X, the most stubborn one is the family.

Skye walks up to the frozen log and said in a low and dangerous voice.

" Do I have to repeat myself?!". The frozen girl finally snapped out of her trance. She unconsciously shook her head and walked out of the class with slow step as if she's a snail. Pica was already looking at the show in front of her in amazement. She is seeing skye in a new light now. He defended her lady from those pack of wolves so he is definitely in her list of special people. The crowd that has formed in the halls quickly disappeared because of Skye's terrifying aura and because the show was over.