Her answer!

The kiss started sweet and innocent. At first Mulan was shocked but when she felt his soft lips that she was craving for, for the past five years, she closed her eyes to enjoy the kiss. At first she was just standing there frozen but after remembering what her perverted friend lisa thought her and how to French kiss, she started kissing him back.

Skye was surprised when he saw her kissing him back, he himself was an amateur in kissing but because of a certain playboy... He picked up one or two things about kissing even though he didn't want to. He never actually tried kissing someone as an experiment but now that Mulan is kissing him back, he loves the feeling.

The kiss turned into a passionate kiss as it deepened slowly. The guards reached them but when they saw them kissing, they blushed, they turn away and left the floor(Ran for their lives because of the dog food they're being served)

Mulan and skye didn't even notice the guards, they were too busy battle for dominance with their tongues. After a while they pulled back from each other to catch their breaths.

Skye avoid looking at her flushed face as he muttered softly "Sorry" she was able to hear him even though he talked like a mouse. She looks at him surprised, Why is he saying sorry? He did it to protect her so why apologies?

Mulan shakes her head, her red face deepened as she said"No.. It's not your fault and I... Quite like it! "

Skye turned bright red like an over ripped tomato, he looks down and saw her barefooted, he looks at her and said" Where are your shoes?"

Mulan looks down, she forgot it" I left it on that hall so that they could search there instead " Mulan pointed towards the hall that's facing his room. She wanted to go and get it but he stopped her," I'll get it"

She nod at him and he walks away. When there's no sign of him, she inhale a deep breath before exhaling. She blushed as she thought about their sweet kiss. How can someone looks so freaking sexy and cute at the same time!

She touched her lips, she wanted more of his lips, it was so sweet, like candy and she was a sweet tooth... Liking sweet things is her thing.

Skye on the other was blushing nonstop, his neck and ears were so red that he started feeling hot. He didn't want to stop the kiss at all. He wanted to kiss her forever! Her lips were so soft and sweet that he couldn't help but crave for them.

He shook his head as he take deep breaths to calm his palpitating heart down. He removed his jacket and stayed in his long sleeve shirt, he was feeling hot evne though the hall was cold.

He held his jacket on his arm. He found her black high heels on the floor, he picked them up and suddenly wondered to himself. How do girls wear these shoes? This should have been called ladder instead of heels! Don't they break their ancles when walking in these things?

He came back with her shoes on his hand, before Mulan could say anything, he crouched down and raised her foot gently and slipped the heels on, he did the same with the other foot. After he was done he stood up and met Mulan's face "Let's go!"

Mulan nodded her head as she followed behind him with her face blushing. He is killing her today!

The valet brought him his car as he walked out of the hotel, the guards saw Mulan earlier on the stairs but they would rather be fired than capture her when she's with a scary man like Skye.

Skye opened the door for Mulan like a gentleman. Mulan was surprised. This man is too perfect!! She entered the car as she thanked him, Skye nod his head and entered the car,he turned on the engine and drove away from the hotel.

The car was deadly quite and Mulan was feeling awkward. She didn't like she silence so she said " Don't I need to get my things first?"

"If you want to..I can take you to the hotel so that you can pack your things!"

"How did you know I'm staying at a hotel?"


"Um..is it true that you're looking for a wife?"

Skye suddenly stopped the car, the tires screeched before stopping, "No..who told you that?"

Mulan was surprised when he suddenly stopped, after calming down,she said "Kylie told me that you wanted me to be..um milo's mom!" She said as she looks out of the window, she couldn't say wife, she would blush hard if she said wife.

Skye looks at her innocently and said "Do you?"

Mulan turn towards him and asked puzzled "What?"

"Do you want to be my wife?!"

Mulan's eyes widen.. Her mouth was wide open, she doesn't know what to say... She was so shocked by his question.

She cleared her throat, wanting to find the words to say when Skye spoke up " You don't have to if you don't want to! "

Mulan looks at him as she smiled, "I would love to!"

Now it's skye's time to be shocked, she just accepted it so easily. A small smile appeared on his lips as he made a 'Mmn' sound. He didn't even now that he was smiling. He continued driving without knowing that the person beside him is about to burst from happiness.

Mulan's day got a million times better as a beautiful smile lingered on her face, she kept looking at his face and suddenly squealed. She saw him smiling.

Skye looks at her and when he heard her squealed softly, he let out a small laugh that showed his deep and cute dimples. She was really adorable.

Skye asked her to bring what she need today, tomorrow he will call someone to pack her remaining things. they will also go to the civil affairs tomorrow and get their marriage certificate!