Crown me please!

College life for me, I think is very easy. Haha! My mom gives me money, I have a boyfriend, lots of friends and I always have a good time, you know my sisters alcohol and cigarette. Alcohol is the reason why I met Zeke. I actually met Zeke from the bar near the school. I saw him alone at a corner so I approached him slowly so maybe I can score right? Then we had a conversation...

Arthuro: Hi, are you from around here? I go to A. University how about you?

Zeke: Yes, I'm a criminology student there.

Arthuro: Ha! We are fated to meet I'm Arah

Zeke: Names Zeke. Nice to meet you.


Arthuro: Author! Author! I demand an edit on my name. I already told you! My name is Arah, From now on don't type "arthuro" it's like soo manly. I wish to be called Arah please.

2snakesN a Scepter: Sure! Just let our viewers know that so that they will not be confused.

Arthuro: After my certain wish to 2snakesNaScepter, she agreed to change my name wish granted! Now please refer me as Arah okay? thanks!


Novel continuation...

Arah: Let me treat your drinks for tonight, it's on me.

Zeke: Thanks it means a lot to me

Arah: Pleasure's all mine

(whispering) and pleasure will also be ours tonight.

Zeke: huh? What ya say?

Arah: Nothing, I said you're welcome.

Zeke, he is not perfect nor handsome but he is a man. Cheer's to that ladies! So I ordered lots and lots of alcohol to get him drunk. I succeeded, thus I returned home with a man. I explored his insides and he got hard, so I sucked that thing dry. The next morning he was surprised to see me naked next to him. He was so shock of delight he can't speak nor eat for days. I convinced him to have a relationship with me and it works! We sleep together for almost three weeks. Everything was shattered when I saw Zeke with some other woman. He just laughed at me when I confronted him. Netheless to say we split up. Who needs him huh! Yes I did fall inlove with him but that's like hours ago guuurl there are looooooots of guys out there waiting to grab me. This ocean has a lot of sea cucumbers for one sea horse. Is that phrase right? I don't care you got my point right. I transferred to Ginaraw College because A. University has a high standard when it comes to grade. I didn't say that I'm bright from the start so you may guessed it right.

Greed also ate my mind. My mom went abroad to provide us with financial support. Turns out, she found her new lover there you guess it right. Her new lover is a foreign guy. This foreign guy also gave me money because he considered me as one of his "children". I love the way I receive money from the bank. I also looove online shopping as if I was addicted to it. I buy anything I want and buy anything I don't even need. My sister Athena informed my mom about my "unstoppable madness" over online shopping. My mom grounded me by not giving any money for a month. Imagine that!? A month?! When my monthly allowance went low I slowly joined town gay pageants.

Esrin(from Ep. 1) Freya (one of the main characters), Vanadey (incoming story), Ervonne (incoming story) and Evette (incoming story) are some of my friends and classmates I met at Ginaraw College. They were laughing at my pageant photos the whole day. They said I look like a mix of Lady Gaga and broke Jay-Z. Real classy guys. At least I qualified and you just wait for me being the queen...

Esrin: BWAHAHAHA! Aaaaarah ... You look like a wet ball sack hanging from the 18th floor. You really think you could win!? Haha

Evette: Ofcourse he'll win.

Arah: Thanks Evette at least you comforted me.

Evette: I mean, look at his picture you guys. The judges will be get tired of looking at him they'll just declare him winner so that they can go home early. 😂 hahahahahaha.

Arah: Whuuuut? Huh! I'm one of the best poses on that pictorial.

Evette: Yah, but you're not the prettiest. And there are lots of contestant. But the prize money oh wow.

Ervonne: Don't worry about them my friend, will be there to support you. We will support you backstage when you cried after you lost. Hahahaha

Arah: Don't be like that I'll guarantee you I will enter top three.

Vanadey and Freya: Be sure to have your brain with you when you enter the stage.

They all laughed at me. Huh! I'll show them. The pageant was held in the evening at this certain public gymnasium. All of friends are there to support me. Alas, I didn't even entered top ten. Why don't the judges see the beauty in me. Like I'm the most suitable beauty to wear the crown and I need the money for my everyday necessities. I joined every other pageants here left and right but not a bit of touch, not a bit of glimpse did I see that pageant crown. I always end up being the last place or the no place beauty. Am I a shame to the gay community? I don't have any money, no crown, no boys and no pageant sash. Only pageant pictures of me on swimsuit with a bulging belly and evening gown. I did not give up but the crown is always running away from my grasp until I really run out of money.

Broke and disappointed I turned to my bestfriend beer. I borrowed money from Vanadey and I spent it all night. I even gave out my f*cking phone just to score one guy. I was so broke that I even left my flipflops and walked barefoot. I asked a random girl outside if I could call a friend. I ended up calling Esrin for help. I was crying the whole afternoon. Esrin brought me home and tried to comfort me. Nothing worked...

What will happen to Arah after her breakdown?

A. Nothing she will be okay

B. Esrin will cheer her up

C. Danger is just lurking behind

D. Sleep is the solution

Read next episode to know more.
