Down going Up

Terry, the person I'm hoping to be the last person I will love turns out to be a married man. I can't accept it. I have been so much I can't bare with it. I have to do something to stop all this non sense. I took a long shower and noticed my shampoo. I drank it all up the next thing I knew I was on a bed lying with persons on white uniform attending me. I was on a hospital. They have to remove the shampoo from my body. My mom,sister and friends are all so worried about me. Soon as I recovered, I saw Terry again with his wife on the road chatting happily while walking on the streets. Every second that I witnessed them happy is like every second of me being stabbed in the eye. It was so painful that I must ease that pain. Again I saw my nail polish remover and drank it. Next thing I know I was at the hospital again...

Doctor: You are here again. This happened twice in a month already. We already got rid of the chemicals in your body "again". This is dangerous you know that, you must not do it again.

Arah: Yes doc.

As soon as I got home my sister removed all chemicals from my room. Chemicals that can be drank...

Athena: I have to remove those to prevent another hospitalization. Or else we'll be broke. Mom didn't know abaout this second incident of yours.

Arah: Don't tell her I just feel uneasy that's all.

Athena: You should be. I hope this won't happen again.

Mom did not know anything about the current issue and I don't like her knowing anything so my sisyer and I hid it from her. The next two days we received a call from her foreign boyfriend that she is facing crisis and she needs money so she won't give us any for two to three months. Money is the other thing keeping me alive. If I don't have any money I can't get any boys. With us having a shortage and my sister having problems on budgeting I called Vanadey over for us to have a good time.

Vanadey: What did you call me here for?

Arah: Let's go out. You must treat me.

Vanadey: What?! Hahaha No! This will count as your debt to me.

Arah: Fine! Then let's go drinking!

We head to a bar and called our other friends. We were enjoying the night when I saw a drunk man heading to dream land. I played a bet with Vanadey that I will score for the night. So, I did. I brought the man home. Though nothing sexual happened at least I kissed him. He got home the next morning. I continued going to the bar to seek out other boys just to forget about Terry. I met several other boys and I had several one night stands. Evette and Vanadey lend me money I did not plan to pay it up because I don't have money to pay them up. I continued drinking over and over again. One night when we got out again and hanged at the bar, I was accompanied by Evette, Esrin, Ervonne and three other girls. We met six other guys but there are seven of us. Huh! I must not be the one having no partner. Alas, even though I smelled lovely that time no one came and sit with me. I felt so alone so I thought of making a scene... (Broken glass)

Vanadey: Blood! It's dripping! What the! Arah! What the h*ll!

Arah: -continues hurting wrist-

Ervonne: Quick call someone who has a ride and get him to a hospital quick!

At the hospital...

Doctor: You again! You are a regular here. We fixed everything. This is your third time now.

Arah: Yes, doc I just feel empty thats all.

My friends called my mom. She was so worried. This time she filed for a week leave at her work to come home and visit me. It is my second time to see my mom cry. It is painful to watch. She said that if my dad would be alive he wouldn't let me do this kind of things even though he doesn't want me to be gay. She explained to me that they all love me and that Terry is just an obstacle to be jumped up to. I listened to her word by word. That night I dreamt of my dad saying " Arah or Arthuro, You are still my son. You are someone better than this. Wake up and start over. You may be at the bottom this time but if you stand up and face this challenge they gave you then you might climb up. You are right you have glittered blood then let them see it my son". I woke up in the middle of the night thinking of those words my dad spoke and said...

Arah: I think I'm having hallucinations. Dad, if you truly are a speaking to me then prove it.

(windows began to open slowly)

Arah: Must be coincidence.

(the room becomes cold and the family photo began to move)

Arah: (goosebumps) okay dad! I'm scared now. Please stop!

(windows and picture stopped moving)

I was so afraid that night that I covered myself with a blanket and turned on my earphones for me not to hear anything. In the morning I told my sister and mother what happened last night. They laughed at me...

Mom: Hahaha! Maybe dad is so worried about you so he came and visit you.

Athena: Tell him to visit you everyday you might change. Hahahahaha!

Arah: Don't worry sis if he comes again I will tell him to visit you next. Hahahaha!

Athena: No! Mooooom! He is frightening me!

Arah: Hahahaha!

Mom: It is nice to see you laughing again my dear. It's a good sign don't worry your sister and I will be here for you.

Arah: Thanks, mom I appreciate it so much. Let's eat.

I was half afraid half happy that my dad came and visit me even if it was only a dream. I was also so glad that mom is here with us. I stopped thinking about Terry and soon as I remembered I moved on. I payed back everyone on my debts, of course with the help of my mom.

Soon after I graduated from College with a Bachelor in Science degree. O was so proud of what I achieved and I know I made my family proud also. Now, I am filing for my board examination. Hope to pass the examination. This ends my story. I am Arthuro but I prefer to be called Arah. I might not be the perfect son they always wanted me to be but at least I accomplished some goals in life. I am me and I am proud of what I am now.~

Love thy self first before you love others. Think of all the consequences of your future actions. Never let anyone pull you down if it happens then get up again and start over. Remember we are not given a challenge or an obstacle we cannot face.

_2🐍Snakes🐍 AndA_Scepter 💎_