It has been two years since Lavender and I meet face to face. I longed for her ever since. I can't wait much longer, I missed her kisses, hugs and the way we have sex. When will I experience all of it again. I contacted her and told her to come home even for just a week, I was hoping for a "okay I'll book a flight" reply but instead I got " I can't I hope you understand". I got a conclusion that she now loves her job more than me. This resulted to an unending quarrels and unending "why's". If she didn't went abroad we should have been married long ago but she choose her career than me. I know it is hard but we no longer touch each other, that is kinda hard for me and imagine it has been like that for two years. The fight escalated to her threatening to split up with me. Our sweet messages turned bitter, exchanging foul words all the time. This continued till I can remember. I got bored and tired of it but I can't let her go yet.
Until one day a tall, slightly chubby, fair skinned girl walked into my computer shop. She was beautiful, I was so stunned. I want to woo her. She belong to a girl group wherein she must follow her leader or else she will be kicked out of it. I got that information as an opportunity. Since their leader is also single, I planned to let meet my cousin( you know my cousin who revealed I had two girlfriends back in Episode 15 of you missed it read it again) in return I will convince the leader to let me date her. I am a genius, aren't I? Hahaha.
So it went just like that. My cousin who is eager to clean himself to that mistake, agreed and soon succeeded to court their leader. Then in exchange I got a date from *her. We went on a date several times, her name is Sapphire. It went on and on until I manage to get her home. We had sex every now and then. I collected and stored condoms on my drawer just in case. We also had sex in our car, my room, her room, on a hotel, was self redeeming. I felt like a man again. I had this funny story where we had sex in our car, and she was on her period so she stained our blue cover...
Mom: Hey Ashton! You used this car last night why is it bloody?
Freya( who is now a High Schooler): Maybe it's period blood ma.
Mom: Yes it might. Who the h*ll rode my car and stained it with period blood?!
Freya: Maybe he has a new girlfriend ma
Mom: Oh is it that Sapphire girl! I am telling you Ashton I don't like her at all! She is rude, has no manners, has no respect! I only want Lavender!
Ashton: Maybe it's Freya's period blood.
Freya: Hahahaha! My period was over for two weeks now so it wasn't me. Maybe brother got hemorroids 😂. Yuck!
Mom: You better listen to me Ashton. I will not attend any wedding if your bride isn't Lavender! Do you understand!
I did not listen to my mom. Soon after Lavender knew I was dating someone else so she broke up with me. My mother was furious. She wants Lavender more than anyone. So everytime Sapphire went to visit me at our house my mom glared at me. She even nags and Sapphire would listen. Until one time she said that she would go home to her province and if I follow her then I must marry her, it is like their tradition. Again my mother doesn't like the idea of me marrying other girls so this time she cried in front of me. That time I was packing my stuffs and clothes up. My mom still cries saying...
Mom: Dear, if you marry her you don't have a bright future. Do you want to live in a farm your whole life? Listen to me son, that feeling you are in right now is not love. That feeling is lust. You will get over it. Just listen to me this is for your own good son.
Ashton: Ma stop crying please.
That moment I unpacked my stuff and broke things up with Sapphire. I realized something, my mom was right. This feeling isn't love it is lust. I still love Lavender, why did I do this to her? Why did I end up sleeping with some other woman? I was stupid, stupid, stupid. I begun to woo Lavender again but she always turn me down so I had to formulate another plan to get her to reply to my messages. I told my sister to message her and it worked...
Freya: Lavender said she will be coming home for the next two months.
Ashton: Really? Then tell sweet things about me. Like I was expecting her to arrive like that.
Freya types.... My asshole brother told me to tell you he is sweet.
Lavender types.... He'll never change
Freya: Hey brother she said she is still willing to meet you face to face.
Ashton: Good good then I must prepare myself for the next two months.
It has been three years since I saw Lavender and I am going to meet her again now. It is like a dream I had been excited and joyful for the next two months. Until one day, she message Freya to meet her up at a certain mall. I dressed up, put on my perfume, fixed my hair and brushed my teeth really hard. I excitedly drove the car to the mall. With me is the freaked out Freya who never saw me like this before. Her face is so funny she looked like a frightened toad. I brought a bouquet of flowers and a bunch of chocolates. Then I saw Lavender, in a great shape. Why is it my eyes are teary? Why did it all got to this? Why? Where did I go wrong?
What will happen to Ashton? Why is he shocked? Tune in next chapter ;)
🐍2 Snakes🐍and_A Scepter💎