At this certain mall at Lotus City, Lavender and I met face to face again after three years. As the saying goes "You reap what you sow", karma definetly have eyes on me. Lavender is now visibly pregnant. My eyes were teary the moment she turned around to greet me. While Freya and Lavender are talking I can't help to keep these emotions. All those regrets hit me like a ton. I'm happy for her and to the man who got her pregnant. What am I going to do now? I only want her and only her.
We got home safely but the moment I remembered Lavender I proceeded to my room and cried out loud. I don't care if others may hear me, I don't care what they have to say, I don't care what they think. Why does it has to be this way? Why me? Why did this happen the moment I regreted everything? My parents are concerned about this and mom told my dad to comfort me and to ease it down. They had to break my door down because I locked it. My dad adviced me to keep on pursuing her and her family if I really do love her and I must surrender and move on if she already has a new boyfriend. We talked long into the night until I calmed down into my senses. I finally thought of my first move, I contacted one of her sisters to ask her situation...
Types. . . . . .
Ashton: Sis, it's me Ashton, this may be sudden but may I ask Lavender's situation?
Liliana(Lavender's sister): Oh Ash, we missed you here. Why don't you visit us tomorrow?
Ashton: But how about Lavender? She doesn't seem too happy to see me again.
Liliana: No, it's okay we got this. Just come tomorrow.
Ashton: How about my question about her situation?
Liliana: It's okay she can tell you about it.
Ashton: I see, okay tomorrow it is.
I don't know if I am excited or nervous. What will happen to me tomorrow, I pray for the best. The next morning at breakfast I asked my dad what to do and on how to sway her family. My dad said to sway first her parents then her siblings then lastly Lavender. I bought simple jewelries and chocolates for her siblings, I bought leather wallet and belt for her father and new dresses for her mother. I got Lavender new perfumes and some flat sandals because I know she likes them. They warmly welcomed me on their house as if nothing bad happened between us. All of them welcomed me except for her. I pursued her family successfully that time. They all told her to talk to me so that my efforts won't go to waste. Until night fell, after how many hours Lavender agreed to go out with me. We drove down to the restaurant when we first dated. As I was driving, I happily shared her my stories, my jokes but I got no response in return. She just bitterly smiled all the way as if I was talking to thin air. When we arrived at the restaurant we ordered our dinner. To not feel awkward while having starring at the table, I asked her how she's been this past few years, then she began to open her mouth while her tears began to fall...
Lavender: You know this was the first time you asked how I've been. (continues to cry softly)
Ashton: I'm sorry if I were a jerk before I won't be like that anymore because I realized something I--
Lavender: That you wanted to sew things up with me why now why not before?
Ashton: I realized that I can't afford to loose you --- anymore.
That moment I saw her wipe her tears and smiled. I don't know what that means but I know I progressed a little. After eating we proceeded to the park and then she began to speak to me...
Lavender: Ash, I may have some stupid decisions these past few years you know that right? Then tell me of I were to share to you how my life has been this past years will you still love me the way you still do now?
Ashton: Of course why will I be here if I am not ready to hear what you have about to say.
Lavender: Okay 😣 here goes nothing. This past few years I can't go home here because I need to earn money for my father, he is diagnosed with a new disease and lately he was hospitalized because he suffered mild stroke. You know I am the only one capable to give them money to buy medicine and necessities.
Ashton: I'm sorry, I did not know that. I really am.
Lavender: I was about to go home that time. I already had my ticket I was excited that time because I was about to surprise you. That evening I messaged you in social media but a girl named Sapphire replied to me instead. I couldn't forget about what she said. She said she was your girlfriend and that you regularly had sex with her and regularly took her to a date. Things you never did to me. So I tore my ticket and told myself to never love you again.
Ashton: I know I am wrong. I am so sorry I will do everything for you. Everything.
Lavender: This child, I am five months pregnant now. I met it's father at work. The moment I knew you are with some other woman I also tried dating other man. It then developed into this child I thought he will be happy once he'll know I am pregnant with his child. But I was wrong, he told me he can't support me or this child so we split up and never spoke to each other ever. As a nurse I can't risk my health or the baby's so I had to go home and raise it here. I resigned to my work and came home the moment my belly showed. Then your sister began to message me then here we are now having heart to heart talk and not sure if you were to continue this madness or not.
Ashton: I will not ask who that guy is but I surely ask you this, Do you still love him?
Lavender: No, I may like him before but I can't make myself to love him. . . . Because I still love you.
Ashton: I can't express how I am happy to hear that right now. Why didn't you tell me before. Why do you keep on shutting me down?
Lavender: I was afraid, afraid of you running because I am pregnant with someone's else's child. I am embarass to face you because this child isn't yours. I am ha---
Ashton: Lavender, I am ready to take your child as mine. I am ready to take him or her in and let him or her use my surname. Let me enter into your life once more. Can we start our story all over again?
Lavender: Yes, yes I am happy to hear that. I am willing to be happy with you again.
That night ended beautifully. I slept soundly, as if I were laying in a bed full of petals. Now my life is in satisfaction. The child was soon born he takes up my surname after a year comes another kid then after another three years comes another. They were all boys, it's okay I love them all fairly. Now my wife, Lavender and I are in pretty good terms. We do quarrel sometimes but we always make sure to nake up at the end of the day. We now raise our sons together and we are now happy and contented of what we have now. This ends my story. A little rough, a lot of drama, a bit of surprises. I am Ashton. This is my, I mean the story of how I got my own family.~
Regrets are always in the end of every bad decision. Admit it or not we all go through regrets. Just fix it in no time, do not sulk anything in. You know to yourself the best decision however it is not wrong to try to listen to others. You may listen or you may not, but the decision is up to you. In the end you, yourself will build your own path and walk through it.
Next chapter: Are you single? Are you conservative? Are you shy, weird, but nice to everyone? Well, this story MIGHT OR MAY relate to you. Tune in next episode.