Vanya Surrounded by Snobbish Flowers

My name is Vanya, I am five feet five inches tall, waist line? Hmmmm? Okay, I have a bit off on that, my waist is in between thirty five to forty, gentle looking, and fair skinned lass. My mom is a grade school teacher and my dad is a fireman. I have two siblings, Veronica our middle child, she is just a year younger than I. Then there's Victor, our youngest, he is four years younger. Growing up, our parents always make sure we are God centered, humble, and respectful to other people. As the eldest child, I make sure to give my parents and my siblings the best offered. By being the eldest, I learned that giving is more worthy than receiving. For example my siblings want some of my things I gave it to them to lessen conflicts. Sometimes, even if I am on its disadvantage I still gave it away. I don't know why but I am happy to see smiles on other people's faces even though it brings me to the edge of the cliff. As a child I was often bullied by having this kind of behavior. One time this certain classmate of mine, slapped me on the face because I can't gave her any of my money…

Classmate: Come on now Vanya give me my money.

Vanya: I don't have any left please leave me alone.

Classmate: I see you have some coins left. Give that to me I am hungry I need to buy snacks!

Vanya: I already gave you half my money a while ago. These coins are my transportation money.


Classmate: I don't care! Go home walking then! Give that to me or else I'll make sure to give your life a living hell every day until we graduate.

Vanya: Okay, here just leave me alone please.

Classmate: Fine. Go home Vanya I don't you here anymore.

I walked home that time. No it's not that far I just walked two kilometers. My sister and brother were enrolled into a different school. I lone choose to study at a public school because I want my parents to be at ease. If I study at a private school too, then not only my parents will suffer but one of my siblings should also give way. I don't want that to happen so I volunteered myself to enroll to a public school. As I got home, my mom was worried about me…

Mom: My dear where have you been? It's already noon. Didn't I gave you transportation money?

Vanya: A? Y-yes mum b-but I lost it?

Mom: Why what happened dear?

Vanya: Nothing mum, I just lost my money that's all.

Mom: Then how come you have flushed cheeks?

Vanya: W-what? Oh? My face? As I was looking for my coins I did not saw the wall in front of me so I bump in to it?

Mom: Are you sure? Are you okay now?

Vanya: Yes mum. I am going to change now.

It was hard to lie from my mom but I must not tell her the truth for I don't want them to worry and I don't want to give them more trouble. The next day, my classmate did not want my money, instead, she often humiliates me. One time during our flag ceremony, she unzipped my skirt luckily I was holding unto it. The second time during lunch, while I was eating alone at my table she threw a banana at me saying I must eat healthy for I am becoming fat, my classmates were laughing at me. The third time, she removed my hair accessories and took my comb and threw it at the trash can, I picked them up later because those things were given to me by my mom and dad. The fourth time, she yanked my bag and I slipped on the floor, once again they were all laughing at me and saying that a hippo like me caused the earth to shaken when I slipped. The fifth time, she put some worms and insects on my bag saying that I am a witch. The sixth time, she put some sharp pins on my chair, my legs bleed and my skirt were torn. Lucky for me my teacher saw it. Suspected that someone is bullying me, I was soon called out at the principal's office. I still remember my classmates' faces as they begun to worry…

Principal: What happened my dear student? Tell me what happened.

Vanya: . . . . . . . . .

Principal: Tell me what happen so that we will punished the one who did this to you

Vanya: . . . . . . . . .

Principal: Do you want me to call your mom?

Vanya: No ma'am, please I don't want them to worry.

Principal: Then tell me what happened.

The moment I opened my mouth and told the principal everything happened she was so furious at my teachers for letting something like this to happen. So in the afternoon, our classes were canceled. Our principal called all the teachers for an emergency meeting…

Principal: I gather you all here today to discuss about a certain student. As you all know, I am strict at this kind of situations. But why did this happen to our school?

Teacher 1: Ma'am bullying is not permitted at our school grounds.

Principal: Then someone tell me why did any one of you saw and stopped this?

Teacher 2: Ma'am I never saw this.

Teacher 3, 4 and 5: We never saw it too

Principal: Did I conduct this meeting to know if every one of you saw this incident?

All: No ma'am

Principal: We must have an action to this matter. This is being unjust this is being cruel!

Homeroom teacher: Ma'am that student of mine is behave whenever I arrive to our classroom.

Teacher 4: We must punish that student

Principal: No, first we must caught her in the act as evidence. Second, we must know her reasons.

Third if her reasons are invalid and her actions speaks vile then we must punish her.

Homeroom teacher: Principal, I humbly observe this matter tomorrow.

Principal: Yes, you must. Now if this happen again and if her actions are against the schools rules what do you all suggest as punishment.

Teacher 6 and 7: She must handle detention.

Teacher 8: No she must be suspended.

Teacher 5: Call her parents to let them punish her then get her suspended.

Homeroom teacher: No according to the schools rule book. If a student causes harm to another student physically and mentally and proven guilty by actions, the student must be expelled from the said school.

Principal: Then first we must prove it. Homeroom teacher I gave this task to you. This meeting is done.

That night, my homeroom teacher called my mom. My mom was so angry, she even scolded me by not telling the truth. My mom insisted to punish that classmate of mine. So our homeroom teacher conducted a plan to catch the classmate in the act. She will put on a camera at her desk and I must sit in front of it to get a better view. The next day, the plan is to be executed. As planned, I sat in front and my classmate came for me…

Classmate: So did the principal punished you for being weird and ugly? (Laughs)

Vanya: . . . . . . .

Classmate: Speak you stupid girl!

Vanya: Why do you need to know?

Classmate: Wow you really dare speak to me that way we'll see.

Vanya: What are you going to do now?

Classmate: Something I should have done long ago.

She opened her bag and took out a big stapler. I was so frightened that time I don't know what to do. It appears to me that she is going to staple my fingers. As she raised her hand to press the staple, I pressed the call button on the cellphone given to me by my homeroom teacher to alert them. As soon as that, they all rushed to our classroom and saw the incident. Moreover the whole thing was recorded on video. The next thing I remembered, her parents were called out on school but since the evidence is strong enough and the student/ my classmate confessed she did everything as according to the rules she must be expelled. I though without having her around anymore would give me hope to gain a friend. That was not the case. After she got expelled, some of my classmates were afraid of me some doesn't want to get close to me. So, until I graduate from elementary I was a loner. Even if I cry every night I won't gain friends.

I am now entering High school, a new chapter in my life. Will I able to meet new friends? Or will I will always be a loner. Check next chapter. God bless you readers. Remember it is good to receive but it is great when you give. Vanya out. :] ;)