First CRUSH!

First day of classes, I saw smiling and beautiful faces. My classmates are all beautiful, with big boobs and bottoms. I did not know anybody yet, until "she", approached me. "She" is small, chubby, short wavy hair, wide shoulders, sweet face, and dresses like a tomboy. I think I know her? ...

"She": Hello, Vanya do you remember me? From High school?

Vanya: huh? I'm sorry I can't recall anything.

"She": It's me Lilura, I was your classmate in first year? In High School?

Vanya: Oh! Yes! I am so glad I know someone here, are you my classmate at this course too?

Lilura: Yes, I'm with Maren

Vanya: Oh I see

Lilura: Join us, have a seat here besides us.

Vanya: Thank you that's so kind of you.

Maren: Vanya, Hi! Remember me?

Vanya: Hello, Of course I still remember both of you. I think? Hehehe

I forgot to mention them last chapter. We really are not that close really. Lilura (incoming story) and Maren (incoming story) have different peers. They were separated from me in High school (read last chapter) when we were shuffled by the principal. Maren by the way has a girlfriend/boyfriend, I really don't know if she is a tomboy or a girl what I do know is she has a girl as her boyfriend. She looks girly, with long straight hair, tall, fair and smart. They were both smart, both Lilura and Maren are always on top five unlike yours truly hehehe. I did not waste any time, so I invited them to have lunch and they agreed.

The following week, we saw three ladies in front of the school building. We approached them, turns out that they were our classmates. One named Dinah (incoming story) the other Otsana (incoming story) and the third one is Freya (main character). I won't describe them anymore to add mystery. Our great one, 2Snakes and a Scepter will do it for you, just keep reading. Back to my story, there we met three other ladies. They were all friendly and pretty. We became solid friends. Now I can say that I have real friends. We do everything together, I am so blessed to have them.

I sometimes feel insecure, the girls all got crushes and boyfriends, while yours truly doesn't have any. Sometimes I wonder am I human? HAHAHA kidding. You all been wondering what on earth I do every day. Well, in the morning I wake up, brush my teeth, take a bath, brush my hair, get dressed, go to school, learn, go home, do assignments then sleep. Of course I eat in between. When I feel lonely at my dorm I just buy junk foods at a local grocery store and binge watch Korean telenovelas and anime. I don't know but I feel contented when I do these things. Sometimes I dress myself up and put on lipstick and makeup in front of the mirror I pretend to be a beauty queen or a celebrity. I know I am childish, immature and fat but when I am alone and do these kind of things I feel free, no one judges me and I can't hear any mean comments about what I look like.

One day, when I manage to get home I saw a random guy on his bicycle, he is chubby, fair skinned, tall kind of guy. I can't get my eyes off of him. Why do I feel like this? I just shrug it off. Then the following morning I wake up seeing him inside our house!! I was so shy that I ran back into my room and looked myself in the mirror, brushed my hair and spray a small amount of perfume. Upon leaving my room. Then I remembered "What am I doing?! Why did I fixed myself?!" He was sitting on our couch, I pass by them and into the kitchen I go for breakfast. My heart races when I saw his face. Turns out that he was my cousin's best friend and get this my mother and his mother are friends. He looks so cute I can't even, I think I am melting.

I shared my feelings with Lilura, then she spread the "news" to our squad. My friends came to me like tsunami. Intriguing me with every question that pops up on their brain. I feel like a star asked by a couple of paparazzi's…

Otsana: Who is this lucky guy?

Vanya: He's not my boyfriend Otsana.

Freya: "Yet"

Maren: Describe him. Come on come on.

Vanya: He is chubby, fair skinned, tall kind of guy and he is so cute!


Vanya: Huh?!

Otsana and Dinah: You have a CRUSH on that guy! HAHAHAHA

Maren: Look at you! You're blushing!

Vanya: >/////< I do not! Cut that out! You all making my hands shake!

Freya: Do you have any photos of him?

Vanya: No, we are not that close I feel shy whenever he's around. I want to hide my eyes if he smiles.

Lilura: HAHAHA Look at you blushing and giggling when you talk about him, come oooon, you gotta show us his photo.

Vanya: How? Snap a pic of him?

Lilura: Yeah, that's right. Stolen pic.

Vanya: I'll try hihihihihi

So, my giddy heart did what I was longing for, so I packed y things up in the weekend and go home. I snap a picture of him while he was riding his bicycle. I was so excited that I snap a lot. It was my first time doing this and I feel good. It's like I have a reason to study more, to tidy myself more. I save the photos and every night I browse my gallery just to see his cute face. When I arrived at my dorm, I grab my phone quickly and I run towards Lilura's apartment. She said she knew the guy and his name is Paul. Lilura and Paul are also High School friends she also told me that he is a playboy and does not take any relationship seriously. I said "It's okay, it's not like he'll court me or pay attention to me, he doesn't even know I exist", Lilura just laughed at me. From the time being, I forgot about him, I need to focus on my studies. Then one day, I received a chat via social media. It's him. My heart jumped all around the computer shop, I can't stop giggling and covering my face. Some students there with me were looking at me with weird faces, I don't care, hihihihi....


Paul: I think I know you? You're Shawn's cousin right? I often bike around the neighborhood and visit your mom.

Vanya: Yes, I really don't know you that much. (Pretends to be normal but is giggling and blushing)

Paul: Can I get your number? In case you know I happen to be around there....

What will Vanya respond? Will she give her phone? Or just ignore him for the rest of her life? What will her friends say about her decision about this Paul? Tune in next chapter.