Evasive Manuevers

"Captain Price, there are three other Time Ships incoming. They are demanding we return to the Vanishing Point. What are your orders?" The Pilgrimage asked, a hologram projection of the ship's AI stood before him in a militant position with a hand behind their back and the other on a quarterstaff.

Looking over at the Avatar, he smirked slightly. "Evasive Maneuvers, don't let them follow us back to 2010. And Pilgrimage?"

"As you say Captain." The Avatar smacked the butt of the staff against the ground, simulating the sound itself, as it was a hologram. "Yes, Captain?" They appeared and even sounded overly enthusiastic to be given commands. He could see the childishly excited smile that almost appeared like that of the devil's incarnate.

"Call me Commander," Caden snickered to himself as he would walk towards the back of the ship. He didn't seem bothered by the constant motion. He didn't seem at all bothered by, mentally nor physically.

"Yes, Commander." Pilgrimage partially giggled and spoke with a fake deep voice, emulating that of the narrator from the game XCOM.

He walked straight down the corridors to the armory and as he came to the door, he glared at the pinpad. He waved a hand over it, just like he had done at the Pharmaceuticals Company. The door unlocked and slid to the side, revealing an entire arsenal of weapons from the near future. "Quite the collection."

"I concur," The Pilgrimage responded gleefully as it was paying attention to everything they did, said and wherever they went on board.

"Keep your eyes on the road, Pilgrimage." Caden shook his head as he picked up a molecular disruptor rifle. This type of weapon literally tore people from the inside out, it was a vicious weapon.

After a brief moment of pause, and a slight shake from a near-miss explosion, "Yes, Commander."

Caden closed his eyes slowly as he put the rifle back where it had been displayed. The moment his eyes were completely closed he could see the outside of the ship. He could see the other three ships. He recognized one immediately as the Acheron, the Fleet Flagship, if he destroyed it was likely that Rip Hunter would go after him.

The last thing he needed was an Englishman trying to kill him.

"Kill the engines and drop back behind them!" He ordered and the ship did just that, moving behind the two ships, narrowly scraping the hull of the Acheron as they did so. "Avoid hitting them! Resume propulsion operations!"

"Aye Commander!"

As the two other ships on either side of the Acheron attempted to pull back and intercept the Pilgrimage by flanking them.

In response the Pilgrimage pinballed off of one of them, sending the one timeship out of the timestream temporarily. Doing the same consistently with the other, sending it into a random point in time.

Now it was just the Flagship of the Time Masters and Pilgrimage. "Time Master Eve Baxter, return to the Vanishing Point, I repeat. Return to the Vanishing Point." He stated over the communications through the AI of his ship.

"Who is this? This doesn't sound like the Pilgrim. Where is the Pilgrim?" Eve demanded answers of the man who was telling her to turn around.

"The Pilgrim is dead, she died the moment she boarded her ship." Caden responded in that moment, "She was sent to kill me, so it was only fair to kill her first."

There was a brief pause of the intercommunication between the two vessels. "Who is this, should it not be a ruse of the Pilgrim to escape? And why would the AI help you?"

Caden opened his eyes and walked over to a nearby terminal and pressed a button. "Patch me through to the Acheron's viewscreen."

"Aye Commander!"

Moments later Eve and Caden were face to face on the screens they were both looking at. "You really aren't the Pilgrim..." She said with a frown, she had been half expecting it to be a lie. Her AI had scanned for filters and found none, this appearance was genuine to the T.

"My name is Caden Price. The Pilgrim tried to remove me from the Timeline, so I gained control of her AI and killed her." He informed her without much of batting eye, scratching at the tip of his nose with his knuckle.

Eve stared at the boy who was on the other side of the screen. He couldn't be more than fifteen years old. He didn't even have that much facial hair, it was peach fuzz for the most part. Yet he was talking about killing someone so easily...

"How many people have you killed?" Eve found herself asking the boy herself, she was curious, wanting to know how he could be so cool about it.

Caden's face darkened slightly when he was asked how many. He could lie and say he killed thousands, but that would be far from the truth. "About twenty, since I incited like... Six of the killings."

Eve stared at the screen as she found that a fifteen year old boy had killed twenty or so people, and it seemed like he wasn't sure if that was the correct number.

"Do you know why she would murder the senior Time Masters?" Eve asked curiously, wanting to know what could have possibly brought their greatest asset to murder them all of a sudden.

"From what I heard when she was outside the vessel, she claimed they had been using time travel for personal gain, by helping Vandal Savage to take over the world." Caden vouched for the 'Pilgrim' with a monotone almost automatic and mechanical voice. It was as if he was just reporting this to her, not wanting to repeat it. "It wasn't murder, it was an execution."

Eve Baxter nodded slowly before turning her head as another transmission came in. "The Interim Time Council is recalling the Acheron. They're letting you go for now, Godspeed."

The moment she wished him luck with that choice of words, something clicked in the back of his head. Nora West-Allen being erased from the timeline, due to the fact that she was unable to be under the tutelage of Eobard Thawne, and was likely killed by Godspeed or never learned how to travel back in time.

As soon as the transmission was cut, Caden spoke once more. "New Plan Pilgrimage. Set course for the year 2049, the same day that Godspeed steals chemicals from a truck." After a few minutes he could hear the AI computing as if thinking out loud.

"Destination found and set Commander!" The pilgrimage chimed childishly as it made a backflip and headed towards their another time period.

Several moments had gone by and the ship suddenly rocketed out into the skies above the Central City of 2049. Rather than cloaking however, the ship shrunk as Caden stepped out of it. The man would be flying in the air, no visible wings sight as he was that of an eastern dragon.

He placed the vessel in his hands and closed his eyes. An orb of purple energy took the vessel and vanished into thin air. Caden had used magic to seal the vessel inside his own personal transdimensional storage.

Quickly and quietly, the dragon boy landed upon the top of the building overlooking the crime scene. His eyes immediately locked on the soft milk chocolate tone skin of a late Forensic Scientist with straightened wavy hair. He tilted his head slightly to the side as he could hear her apologizing over and over again and couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"You guys having a good time down there?" He shouted down to the officers and the lot who were around the truck. Caden could take in the scene easily, every detail. He knew everything that Nora West-Allen was going to say.

"What are you doing up there!?" The woman in charge of the scene asked aloud in annoyance seeing someone looking in on the scene from a vantage point. "Get down from there!"

"Alright!" Caden laughed slightly as Nora looked out of the truck towards him, blinking a few times at the racket which was going on.

As it were, Caden literally tossed himself off the edge of the building. It looked like he was going to kill himself from the height, yet two meters from the ground, he stopped and floated effortlessly through the air.

He then landed on his feet in the center of the crime scene, though made sure not to touch anything at all. With his hands folded in front of him, he grinned deviously.

Everyone was staring at the boy who had just done an impossible feat, only something a meta-human or nonhuman could do otherwise.

"Who are you?" Nora West-Allen suddenly barged out of the vehicle and worked right towards the kid. Though she was clearly much smaller than he was, her head was at his chest. So with her hands at her hips, she stood a few inches away looking up at him. Though she didn't wear a stern expression, nor did she seem angry of his sudden appearance. Instead she was more curious than anything. A riveting smile, hidden sadness, feeling of loss, but hope for a bright future filling the void.

Caden now wore a cool expression, with a blank smile that meant little to nothing. "Just the person I was looking for, Nora West-Allen, daughter of Iris West-Allen and Barry Allen." His smile began to hold meaning as he reached forward poked his finger onto the spot the power dampener was located in.

"My name is Caden Price, how would you like to travel back in time with me?"

Nora stood there with a frozen expression which was slowly loosening up from her killer smile. "Is that some sort of pickup line?" She asked as this seemed completely out of the blue.

"You know the person who stole the chemicals is a speedster right?" As he said this, as he had spoken when of what she was going to suggest to her superiors, she blinked several times up at him. "He calls himself Godspeed and is using Velocity 9 to access the Speedforce."

Detective Curtis walked towards the two of them after overhearing him speak, "Where did you get this information?" She crossed her arms as she was waiting to get something from the boy who voluntarily gave the Crime Scene Investigator details no one else was privy to.

"His name is August Heart, he is an artificial Speedster. I can trap him, or I could kill him." He stated before looking over at Nora who was scanning his face with the machine gauntlet on her wrist.

Suddenly a screen appeared with a face, name and social security number as well as status. However the picture which was there was of his old self with brown eyes, dead in January of the year 2010, age 15.

"How is that even possible..." She uttered as she stared at the screen, then looked over at him who had the arctic blue eyes. "Unless..."

"I'm dead? Yeah, I am dead." He nodded slightly, "Or died for the better term of it, and came back." He took one last snippet of the information, memorizing it.

Curtis stared at the image of the boy, then back to the one in front of them. "Are you a Meta?"

"Do Metas come back to life after they're dead?" Caden Price asked curiously, though he was pretty sure there had been quite a few cases where people had indeed been risen from the dead as Metas.

Curtis grimaced slightly as she didn't have the time to rack her brain.

"Let's catch ourselves a Godspeed." Caden grinned over at Nora, placing a hand on the top of her head and ruffling up her hair. She easily swatted his hand away, though she wasn't expecting his arm to be so dense.

Nora shook her hand side to side slightly before looking over him, "Shway..."

"Shway yourself," Caden smirked at her for a moment before turning away and walking towards the edge of the crime scene. "I'll meet you at the Flash Museum," he'd wave over his shoulder before vanishing into thin air.