Too XS

Nora West-Allen trailed her way into the Flash Museum, there was an optimum amount of people present. Her eyes grazed almost every face she came to pass. After she had made the assumption that the person who was stealing chemicals was a Speedster, she would have gone here as well.

Her eyes locked on the Hall of Villains, the enemies of the Flash. Was he in there? Her eyes looked side to side yet she didn't see him anywhere. Just where could he had gone to? And how did he vanish like he did before?

She had seen him fly, or float. Now she had seen him completely vanish after offering to go back in time? She knew she wanted to meet her dad, but how would he know? He was from the past.

Was there another reason why he offered to bring her back in time? Why he wanted to meet at the Flash Museum. As she entered the hall of villains, she came to a pause. There was no one in here except for a man looking over the Zoom's selection.

At this time she didn't know who it was.

"Caden?" Nora called out to see if he would reveal himself, but there was no one there.

August Heart who was standing at the display raised a brow and glanced over his shoulder. His eyes narrowing on the CSI scientist who had been at the crime scene, his scene. He made a cheeky grin before looking back towards the display.

Nora definitely heard his little chuckle that accompanied the cheeky grin. She gazed over at August for a few moments before walking over to the Cicada display. The newspaper of the one who got away.

"That one's easy," Caden's voice erupted from beside her. The young man had made it seem that he just materialized beside her. In truth, Caden had been merely following her since she entered the building. He didn't pull any tricks, no he just acted the way he always did. In his previous life, he appeared to have a low sense of presence towards other people. He could easily enter, walk around and then exit a room without being noticed. It was even easier as he had blended in with the people.

Caden was wearing a Scarlet Speedster's cap with a pair of yellowed out sunglasses, a red Flash Shirt, dark blue jeans and a pair of black converse sneakers.

"Shway, you blend in pretty good for an early twenty first century kid," Nora snickered as she looked up at him with a brow raised.

Though what he had said had taken more than just Nora's attention, it had gotten August listening, only for him to hear her refer to him as an early twenty first century kid. The thought of the boy being a time traveler made him a bit jumpy. Maybe this person knew who he was.

"So who is Cicada?" She asked as she looked up at him, she was death defyingly curious. If she knew the answer to this question, then it was definitely clear the world would change for better or for worse.

"David Hersch, a terrorist. Currently his dagger which can nullify metahuman powers, is being used to imprison the Reverse Flash... If that gets removed... The flash disappears in 2019, rather than 2024." Caden stated as he was warning her before she even knew what she actually was. He was giving her the consequences to time travel should things be changed. He turned to face her completely, he could see August Heart leaving the room.

He pointed at her, as they were alone in the room. "Nora West-Allen, also known as XS, because she did everything in excess. It is a pleasure to meet you, daughter of the Flash." Caden only spoke this when he was completely sure no one else could hear.

The moment he gave her this information, it looked as if her mind was about to explode. "No shway... My dad's the Flash...?" She was confused, but excited, she was visibly fighting to keep herself from squealing in a public place.

If people knew this fact, she'd be in danger.

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain, as if something had just been ripped out from beneath her skin. She stood there for a few milliseconds as she felt a sudden jolt of energy course through her. It didn't feel unnatural, it felt like it always supposed to be there. "What did you do?" She looked at her hands as she could feel the build up of Speed Force Energy, having been negated by the dampener for so long.

As soon as she went to turn towards him, she spun several times, and the first step she took; she rammed a wall. Landing on her back groaning, she looked up at him as he stood over her with a grin across his lips.

"Purple and Yellow lightning... You have both of their streaks." Caden sarcastically though truthfully commended the fact that she had both colors of lightning, though he already knew prior to all of this.

"What was that?" She pointed at the item which was stuck to his finger, as if he had called it to himself with telekinesis or a super magnet of some kind.

"It's a meta-gene dampener, it temporarily suppressed your powers until I removed it. It was made by S.T.A.R. Labs, likely in an attempt to protect you from Eobard Thawne." Caden took a deep breath and sighed, looking over towards the archway which lead out of the hall.

"If you're from 2010, how do you know so much about the Flash, my Dad?" She hardly believed what she was saying, that the Flash was indeed her dad. Though she was still relatively disappointed with the fact that her mother had taken the choice from her, the choice to choose how to run her life.

"Right... He was made in 2013 by the particle accelerator, which was sadly..." He gestured towards the yellow suit of the reverse flash. "Sabotaged by him, masquerading in the meat suit of H.R. Wells."

"Wait, you said if the Cicada's dagger is destroyed, then Barry Allen vanishes before I'm even close to being born... Then that means..." Her jaw almost dropped at the realization that she'd be erased from the timeline.

"You are also the only known speedster to change the timeline 56 times," Caden stated with a short burst of laughter, shaking his head considering how many times she had changed time.

Nora just stared at him as if he was a spoiler for a movie.

Caden shrugged seeing her expression and just smirked at her. "You want to gain access to the Speed Lab in the basement? I'm sure its low on maintenance since no one has used it in over twenty years, but it should be helpful." He gestured for her to follow him to the elevator on the other side of the lobby outside of the hall.

Nora followed after him after standing up and slowly getting used to the whole speedster physiology. It was hard to make a small movement without making a big one, which generally turned her into a ragdoll.

By the time the two exited the room, she partially had that down to the point that she was holding his hand. She quickly found that he was able to not only anchor her, but the speed had no effect on him.

"Just how dense are you?" Nora asked as she looked him up and down before they reached the elevator. Her eyes gazed over the one hand which swiped itself over the lock pad.

Moments later the elevator opened and the two of them stepped inside. Within a few minutes the elevator hit the basement.

Nora and Caden stepped onto the tiled ground and began walking down the hallway. They passed the main command room which had been where the team flash would coordinate with one another.

"Shway~" Nora couldn't help but gaze over at everything that was here. Though she allowed him to tug her along since she didn't know this part of the build. That and she didn't want to damage anything.

"First we need to get you a uniform," He stated as he ran his hand along the wall. At one point snagging something and the wall opened to reveal the time vault. He reached over and grabbed the uniform he knew would be best, handing her the purple and grey.

Hanging it over his shoulder he would lead her out of the room and let go of her hand. The moment he did, she literally went pinballing off the walls in the general direction of the speed lab.

"I mean that's one way to get there... Your arms are definitely going to be sore." Caden said with his brows raised as he casually followed after her. He arrived just in time to see her patting off the flames on her clothes that had been generated by her speed alone. He held out her suit and snickered to himself.

He watched as she used her speed to get changed. Yet to him, he could see everything as if he was happening in normal speed. She stripped herself down to the underwear, and pulled the uniform on quickly.

Nora, after she finished getting dressed, she looked over at him and raised a brow as he was just standing there. "I have something on my face, Cade?" She shortened his name purposefully.

"Hm..." He looked to the side for a moment, snickering to himself. "Unless you vibrated at the same frequency of air, to the point that you're invisible, speed won't hide you." Caden's face turned a slight red as he said this. Though this wasn't his first time seeing her body, in a sense he had seen her in other movies from his previous life.

He definitely found her attractive, but she was over twenty five years old at this point and he was fifteen. The math there didn't compute. Though should she manage to get back in time in 2019, he'd be twenty three.

His mind instantly went back towards Thea however, completely ignoring his surroundings at this point. HIs eyes closed as he visualized himself with her in that alleyway before time itself had been changed, where the Time Masters had tried to restore history to the way it was before his appearance.

What if felt to be with Thea in that one moment, made him feel warm. But when he opened his eyes he remembered her reaction to the ring's power. The contract was the price of power given to her, that it would make her his subordinate, which merely made her open to or even compliant with his suggestions.

It had been no better than what Malcolm had done in the original timeline, which forced Thea to kill Sara Lance. He didn't want to be hated by her, but this also meant he had to change the contract of the ring.

When his mind came back to the present, he quickly noticed that Nora was going in circles within the speed lab. She was practicing, learning, she was going incredibly fast. A small grin formed over his lips. He had all the time in the world here, or at least until time tries to cement itself due to his absence.

"This shouldn't take too long..." Caden uttered under his breath, leaning on a dusty rust ridden table.