Pure Morning

It had been a near full day of accelerated training, Lia being present half way through when she never reported back to the precinct. Caden had ended up inviting her down to the Speed Lab beneath the Flash Museum after she arrived initially in search of her.

He poured many lessons into the training she had been putting on, many of which Thawne and her father would have showed her. Thawne held back information to suit the moment and to keep control.

Caden instead taught her the feeling of vibrating at the frequency of air, to appear invisible. He taught her how to phase through solid objects, and to phase other people, mainly Lia, through other objects with herself.

He was generally preparing her for the future, in the past, for a future.

She quickly became adept at the abilities given before her, as they lacked extreme stress. Without that stress factor, other than the time limit to catch the Murderous speedster Godspeed, she appeared to move much faster.

Whilst s he ran, Lia and Nora multitasked, making assumptions of where the Godspeed character would strike next. There were very few places where he could go to get what he wanted. Let alone very few things he needed in order to complete his perfected version of the speed force placebo known as Velocity 9.

"Wouldn't that make it V10?" Caden asked as he sipped an iced black tea with lemon in a bottle from Wawa. His eyes seemed to be dull, he hadn't slept since his arrival.

"I can't believe you're a Speedster! It's so Shway!" Caden could hear Lia fangirling over her best friend. Both of them were almost jumping up and down and squealing. Personally he thought it was adorable, but he found it to be typical human behavior.

They also seemed to have ignored his question, though it wasn't as if they could answer the question. It was Godspeed who was creating it and he didn't know how much of the formula for the serum he was changing. Despite his grandiose powers, he was no scientist, he didn't quite understand this and he was only fifteen years old despite how genuinely smart he was.

Lia was excited because now instead of hoping to have met Jessie Quick, she instead got to have a Speedster of her own, who was no doubt her best friend.

Caden watched the two as they conversed in the center of the lab. He didn't seem to care about this part of the gig. As he began to walk out of the lab, he paused as he heard them talk about the next spot that Godspeed was going to attack. He turned his head and looked at them, hearing about the warehouse.

They had caught on quicker than they had before, and this time she had the power to stop him. The question was, were they going to make the same mistake as last time?

"Shouldn't' we tell Detective Curtis?" Lia asked as she stood there with Nora, she was excited about this, but she also seemed to feel like they should trust the police.

Frowning slightly when the two agreed to go with one another, he stood in front of them in the archway out of the room and into the corridor.

"Why are you getting in our way?" Nora was confused when they were about to speed out of the room. She could definitely tell he could physically stop them should the two try to force their way past.

"Lia will be with you, but not physically. He took out two earphones and held it out for both of them to take. "She will be in your ear. If she is in the field with you," he looked to Lia with a frown then back to Nora, "It's likely your best friend will die. I however will be joining you, as your backup. Will that be a problem XS?"

Lia blinked a few times hearing her nickname, or in this case, Moniker. "Isn't that the name your mother calls you?"

Nora rolled her eyes and snorted, "Yup."

"Why does she call you that anyways?" Lia laughed a little as her friend crossed her arms and smiled.

"Because when I was little I did everything in excess, and I still do so. Shall we get the show on the road?" She did a little arm dance, her fists like little paws as she rolled them in separate intervals beside one another.

Caden blinked a few times seeing her do this, stared at her hands then raised his eyes slightly to look at her face. Stepping to the side, he gestured for them to follow.

The trio entered the command center which the Flash once used in to fight crime. It had been cordoned off, but it didn't stop them. As he put his hand out in front of him, the entire command room was suddenly rebuilding and even fixing itself from years of neglect.

Within moments the monitors came on, they connected to the satellites above.

However that was not the only repairs being done. The entire subterranean level of the STARs Lab facility was being redone. The floors were scrubbed, the walls renewed. The other rooms, neglected, were now looking more lively and even lived in as they had in 2013 to 2019.

"Shway..." Lia and Nora said as everything changed around them. They could see what looked like little sparkles moving around the room and an unknown gas-like tendrils. It was like magic, no... It was magic, it was his magic.

"What are you?" Nora turned her head to look up at him as she stood to the right of him as she had been walking towards the main console in front of the door.

"If you go back to 2013 and find me, I'll tell you, but until then... Stay on task, be rational yet excessive." Caden winked at her with a snicker as she lulled her head to the side with an 'are you serious' expression written all over her face.

Nora grinned as he said that he'd tell her what he was should she find him in twenty thirteen. From what she could tell, there were a few things that he could be. However, a dragon was not on her list of 'impossible' things.

Within a few minutes Lia had been set up to watch the screens for Tachyon emissions which were given out by speedsters so they could track Godspeed where ever he went.

Nora and Caden sped out on their own to the warehouse. They were there within less than a minute, standing in front of the very conister that the man known as August Heart would be targeting.

Nora stood a few inches in front of him, while Caden seemed to be casually leaning against the side of the shelf.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he looked over at her back, taking in his surroundings. He could smell the other speedster coming, before Lia could even report it. "He'll be here in 3...2...1..." As he finished his little countdown, the white speedster appeared standing in the center of the aisle.

"Oh?" Godspeed raised a brow seeing the girl there in purple and light grey. He leaned his body to the side seeing the unmasked boy. A child? "Who dares challenge a God!?" He proclaimed himself a God as his moniker was living up to its name.

"August Heart! Surrender!" Nora pointed at him with a large frown on her lips, "Your days of speed-killing is over!" Though he had just killed people with Tachyons in experiments as of right now.

Godspeed laughed as he had his true name called out. "Hohoho!" The man charged forward, white lightning tagging along behind him.

Nora consented and did the same. The two clashed like two flying disks, bouncing off one another before charging again. They zipped through the aisles, empty boxes and loose papers flying every which way.

Caden picked his nose as he watched them parry each others blows, one by one. It was clear Nora was now just a green thumb, as was her dear new nemesis. "You got him?"

"I got him, Cade! Got got this! Stay back!" Nora snorted as the two speedsters ran along a shelf as if it were a wall.

Watching as she leapt off the shelf towards Godspeed, Caden held the shelf in place as for it not to be pulled from its bolted base in the ground and fall on its own. He then flicked a bugger in Godspeed's general direction, landing on the visor of his mask.

"Eh? What the fuck?!" Godspeed went to wipe his eye only for Nora's foot to connect with the back of his head. He went down speedily, crashing into the cement floor with a fleshy thud.

Nora landed beside him just as he was about to get back up. She stomped down on his back once, bringing him flat to the ground once again. "Stay down, Godspeed!" She commanded as she knelt down, bending his arms behind his back as she was putting power dampening handcuffs on him.

Nora quickly stood August up, yet he seemed to be chuckling. "You think this will hold me?"

August was about to sneakily take a vial of Velocity 9 to inject himself from the stache hidden on his person, yet when he attempted to do so, he grabbed an unknown substance. Unable to see what it was, he injected it into himself as he was assuming it was V9.

Caden grinned openly as he let out a yelp of pain from the serum he injected himself with. He had used magic to switch the prepared vial with the neurotoxin of a pufferfish.

Godspeed fell forward as he collapsed, paralyzed and foaming from the mouth. If his eyes were at all apparent, they were full of fear and pain. He was going to die here and he could do nothing to stop it. His eyes darted to Caden as his nerve endings felt as if they were on fire and all his muscles were tightening up. He couldn't even speak, he couldn't point. He could just tell that this boy, he had done something to the serum.

Caden just tilted his head as Nora was panicking, keeping his sights on the man on the ground. "It seems August Heart killed himself rather than to be captured. It seems he truly believes himself to be a god." Caden couldn't help but remain grinning down at him, "Pity."

Within seconds Godspeed was dead from the neurotoxin and Nora was standing there over the body. She looked over to Caden with wide eyes.

"It wasn't your fault," He said as he looked up at her. Lia was relaying the same message to her friend. "I will be looking forward to seeing you again in the... Future of the Past. Whatever you want to call it." Caden waved dismissively as he began to walk towards the exit of the warehouse.

"You're... Going back?" Nora asked as she took a step forward away from the body and towards Caden as he was trying to leave. "You're going to leave me with his body? Seriously?"

Caden halted and looked over his shoulder towards the girl who was clearly distraught with being left behind with a deceased speedster's corpse. "The body is no longer your concern, you can just leave him."

Nora blinked several times as he seemed to lack compassion for the now dead villain who lay on the cold cement floor.

"I leave it to your clean hands," He stated as he walked outside and toward a clear parking lot nearby. He looked around, there was barely anyone about. It was something he appeared to notice about her timeline, it was relatively empty unless they were at some form of attraction. It made him rather curious of what kind of life was here for her.

Reaching a hand forward, a magic circle appearing before his hand followed by a vortex in the center of this vortex. It was much more graphic than before as the large ship was recalled to this dimension, only for it to suddenly appear several meters away from him in the very middle of the lot.

As this happened, Nora was speeding out of the Warehouse and popped up behind him just before he was about to embark. "You..." She let out a huff, "You didn't tell me how to travel back in time...!"

Looking over at her, Nora seemed mentally exhausted as compared to her renewed physical prowess. "It's just a matter of speed, dear Nora West-Allen." Was all he could say before walking up the ramp of his ship, it began to close as he was halfway up only for her to she speed away as the police began to arrive.