Built to Last

The Dragon glared at the building that stood there, covered in rust. It was clearly in need of repair and renovation. He wanted to destroy the entire thing and build something new, but if he were do that he'd have to wait a while before he could even show it to the public. He looked around at the area surrounding the lot. He could build walls and purchase the adjoining lots to expand.

He turned his head towards Thea who was looking over the building as well.

Harrison himself was looking at the old place and imagining what could be put here. Much like Caden's own parents, Harrison seemed to have been a fan of the fluid neo-futurism architecture due to the design of his STAR labs to begin with.

Caden smiled as he looked over at Harrison who was nodding to himself. He hadn't seen the boy's construction plans, but he could only imagine what would be put here.

That's when the boy snapped his fingers and things began to change. First humanoid individuals wearing construction gear and gasmasked with blacked out visors came out of the doors with material.

Within a matter of moments they had all begun to assemble scaffolding walls around the lot's parameter, covered in tarps to keep peeping to a minimal. Even though he was using magic to create the illusions and to move the items around, it still took several hours for them to build the walls to block individuals from seeing inside.

While this had started happening Thea, Harrison and Caden made their way inside the main entrance of the central building. The first thing that began to change was the material that was under their feet. It began to slowly transmute into a different smoother material.

Soon enough the pathed ground was replaced with flat cool white duraplast slabs, while the bare dirt and stone was covered in a species of short blue grass.

The workers were beginning to take apart the larger structure, with their hands and various tools. Though since they were illusions, they were simply enacting the realistic movements to aid in the ghostly telekinetic scene.

Whilst they were doing this, Harrison was surfing the internet on Thea's phone.

He was indeed in 2010, it was early September and there was indeed someone who looked just like him in a building of his design. He began to tear up, but wiped his eyes quickly. He brought up images of his late wife.

It was depressing just to look at things like this, but he had no other option. He needed to keep reminding himself what he had lost and what he could still get back.

He had envisioned a world, he had envisioned a science, that was separate from the government and military. Something that Eobard Thawne perverted as he had worked with the military and experimented on animals such as Grodd.

If he was to halt these experiments, if he was to change everything, then the world he believed would be a better place. He wasn't necessarily wrong either, as the entire timeline would change to its original path. Eddie Thawne wouldn't have to commit suicide, though he'd still be in the way of Barry Allen getting with Iris West unless things were again put on the right track.

Harrison continued to look into this Eobard Thawne's accomplishments so far. There were plenty of scientific breakthroughs, but they were all so fast.

A speedster whom was impatient, arrogant, egotistical and a megalomaniac. All it seemed Eobard wanted was power for himself, but it was clear he had built sentiments. He appeared close to his teammates, attached to his work, he had brilliant connections.

Yet Harrison saw this man as too perfect, as if he was using knowledge from the future simply to make it look like he was creating new things. His milestones, it felt as if everything was stolen.

He wanted to get everything back.

Caden who was making sure the construction would continue while Thea rested on the clean duraplast ground leading to the building. Her eyes were closed and he could hear her soft heartbeat.

He adored her so, if anything happened to her, he'd go mad. While his protection ward was nigh omnipotent in the sense that the individual whom wanted to killer her would have to be more powerful than him, it wasn't impossible to break.

Anything can break with enough pressure. It doesn't just have to be one hit, but several thousand, million or even zillions. He looked off in the direction of the street. People were looking at the walls which had been erected, but no one could see what kind of security was on the other side so no one dared enter.

There was an ambient sound of construction, it wasn't safe to enter either. There was the constant sound of the jackhammer, electric saws and welding equipment.

Caden snapped his fingers and the entire first and second floor of the main building collapse; leaving the basement intact. The materials from the collapse were all sorted and put into piles within moments of the event.

Harrison had looked up while Thea on the other hand just opened her eyes and looked at the light polluted night sky. She liked the fact that when she was home, she could see the stars. Here, she could barely see any of it.

Caden too looked at the sky after seeing her awake. He remained quiet as he could see the stars as opposed to her as she was entirely human. He could see through the light pollution and he could see the universe as it was.

There were so many planets out there, and as he knew the universe, there was much life and death too. The struggle for survival was quite real, from what he could see.

Caden closed his eyes as he transmuted the material into a synthetic white polymer panels, blocks, thick plexi windows and insulation. A small bead of sweat began to trail down the side of his face, but he kept his breathing calm and steady. His composure almost seemed unbreakable, but if his constitution were to fail everything incomplete would surely fall.

The idea for the main retro architectural design was modular, blacked out windows with a circular donut frame. It was to be three stories tall at most with high ceilings, allowing overhanging floors to make a single story two levels.

The design would make it not only stand out, but be called Eco-Friendly due to the material supposedly used in its construction.

The only thing that would look awkward was the fact that it literally cost him nothing to build it. Even if he waited for a month to finally show the finished product, he had no paperwork documenting where the materials came from and who put it together.

To him however it didn't really matter, it wasn't necessary. As long as it passed the inspections of the city, it was fine to have.

Overall with there being three stories, there would be a total of six levels. The first three levels would be accessible by regular people while the next three above that were for VIP. The basement itself was to be used for storage until further notice.

The windows were large and wide, each story had one large stripe wrapping all the way around. When it came to the size of each floor, it followed the opposite idea as the pagodas towers from China. Each floor was smaller than the one below, making each module larger the higher they went up.

Come morning, while everyone was sleeping on the ground, the entire frame was completely set up as it was supposed to be. By now Caden was laying on the ground with his eyes closed, Thea was resting her head on his stomach and Harrison was sleeping on a stack of polymer tiles.

The construction had entirely stopped for the time being, but the immense structure was looming overhead. The third story was supported by beams made of the same material as the frame.

It's entire structure was made of reinforced polymer, using almost absolutely no metal or environmental contaminants in its construction. If one couldn't see the area outside of the temporary walls, it was clear that this spot didn't belong. It was like an oasis in the center of a desert. It was sure to catch anyone's eyes as they were going by, simply because of the use of minimal color, the species of blue grass that inhabited the ground.

The trio ended up waking up around three in the afternoon. Thea's phone was going off, it was Walter.

She picked up her phone and sat up, yawning slightly and wiping her mouth of drool. She had left a small puddle on Caden's chest, not that he really minded.

Putting the phone to her ear, she hit the answer button. "Supppp Walt?" She yawned in the middle of her greeting him on the phone.

"Thea... You haven't been home in two days, you're not sixteen yet, let alone eighteen." Walter said over the phone as he seemed concerned that she hadn't been home since the meeting. "When are you coming home?"

Thea stared into space for a few moments before looking down at Caden. "Can I move in with Caden? It seems mom wants her space, and he seems..." He reached over and wiggled the tip of her finger against the outer ring of his nostril, causing him to sneeze harmless lukewarm flames. "Responsible."

It was clear that she wasn't bad mouthing Walter like she did her mother. He didn't try to be something he wasn't, but he also did want to be her family. She graciously accepted that fact.

Walter seemed to be quite for quite a while before letting out a sigh. She was sixteen and still in high school. She could technically move out, but the mansion would be her primary address on paper. Personally he didn't like the idea, he doubted Moira would like it either even though the only time it seemed they interacted was when they screamed at one another. It wasn't healthy for Thea and it appeared that Caden was a good influence, since he had no idea about his inciting of violence.

"Come pick up your stuff this week, okay? You don't want to wear the same outfit for too long," Walter warned as he knew that she was not only popular on social media, but she was still considered an icon of the Queens.

"Yeah, yeah Mister Steele," Thea teased and sucked her teeth loudly before pausing and saying, "Thanks." She then proceeded to hang up the phone and tuck it into her pocket, just in time to see a hooded Malcolm Merlyn come hopping down from one of the scaffold walls from the back of the commercial lot.

"This is quite... The project," Malcolm looked around as he came walking towards the crew. The illusions were gone as the boy was now partially asleep, but awake at the same time. "This wasn't here yesterday, was it?" As he stood over the trio, he stared at Caden who Thea laid her head back on top of as she surfed her phone.

His eyes guided over the architectural layout of the frame. Compared to the other old buildings of the Glades, this was definitely some next level and expensive appeal. It would definitely raise the value of the surrounding real estate.

That's when he rested his eyes on the blue grass and lulled his body to the side awkwardly with his arms crossed over his chest. "That's definitely not Californian grass," Malcolm joked before looking towards Harrison and raising a brow. "Aren't you supposed to be in Central City?"

Harrison glanced up from where he was laying and looked at the hooded man. "...Possibly?" He partially closed one eye lid before looking to Caden who was now sitting up; causing Thea's head to fall into his lap.

"Hey, how goes it?" Caden asked as he looked at Merlyn as he was dressed in his League of Assassins gear which was essentially the Dark Archer.

Malcolm nodded confidently as he looked over at Caden, "Oh you're awake. I decided to accept your terms, since there are no real... Downsides on my part," he was telling the truth. Other than being a vigilante and cleaning up the Glades, there was nothing bad about working for the kid. Other than the fact that he would be working for a kid.

He paused however when he saw Caden sneeze again, causing greenish blue flames to exit his nose and mouth all at once. "You going to... start singing Feuer Frei now?" Malcolm asked with a snarky tone.

Both Caden and Thea even giggled at this.

Harrison was completely out of this joke, not entirely understanding it since he was just resurrected barely even a complete day ago considering Ramstein's song Feuer Frei didn't come out until a year after his death.

"Your Target... Is Brick," Caden suddenly announced the moniker of the man who had killed his wife, the same man who was on the List, that Malcolm had recruited for the Undertaking. The boy had taken Malcolm's word for it, and tossed him the vial he had shown him the day before.

Malcolm narrowed his eyes on the boy when he had said the name, his eyes darkening and a frown readily apparent. The expression on his face was clear as day and he felt stupid.