Queen Industries Inc.,

Thea, Harrison and Caden appeared in an alleyway across the street from the Queen Consolidated Headquarters within the Starling City's Core.

Harrison's eyes were wide open, he wanted to pour out his thoughts on the subject pertaining to teleportation. The last thing he knew he was in the woods, the next thing he found was he was now in the city. In his mind this was highly unlikely probability, but it was true. He looked around with fascination and even touched the wall of a building to make sure this wasn't some sort of elaborate illusion.

"Magic is real..." He uttered to himself as he looked over at Caden, his eyes taking the boy in. He looked so ordinary other than for his eyes. Was he even human? How were these feats done? What kind of power did he have to hold in order to do all of this? "And that's how I am here."

Harrison made a genuine smile before looking up towards the large skyscraper belonging to Thea Queen's family business. "Why are we here?"

Thea also gazed at Caden, expecting some form of answer from him, be it roundabout or straightforward. "Hmm..."

"We can't just jump in guns blazing, we need a place to plan, and a place to build." He stated as he pointed towards the upper floors of the skyscraper. "I made an appointment with Walter today."

Thea raised a brow, she rather liked Walter in contrast to her own mother. Though she couldn't seem to accept him as her father as much as she did Robert Queen. "So we're both chips on the board?" Thea asked as she squinted at him with a curious once over, then glanced over to Harrison nodded in agreement.

Harrison was a man of reason, a man of science. He knew that he wouldn't be able to go against this Thawne character without having ammunition.

The trio lead by Caden himself made their way across the street. He was holding Thea's hand still, while Harrison walked behind them, taking in the various vehicles. Technology had changed in such little time. He felt as if he had been left behind even though it had only been a decade.

The moment they walked in through the front door of the Queen Consolidated building, they found themselves standing in front of Walter Steele who was waiting for them.

"Good to see you Thea, Caden..." Walter's eyes rested on the Scientist who was standing behind the familiar children. "Harrison Wells?" A brow raised on his duchenne smiling face. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He held out a hand for the two to shake.

Harrison Wells appeared to smile at the man and stepped forward, grasping the man's hand firmly as any good businessman and shook. "Likewise," he said in response, a sad smile across his own lips.

He couldn't ask where Robert Queen was, he didn't have all the details pertaining to what had happened while he was gone. However it was clear that this man was in charge, Robert's best friend.

"Lets go up to my office, and we'll discuss what you're planning with the unused Queen Industries Inc,. lot." Walter Steele said as he folded his hands behind his back and lead the group to the nearby elevator.

They all piled in casually, Walter pressing a button for them to go to the level his office was on.

Caden closed his eyes on the way up. It felt strange that he was gaining altitude without doing so himself as a Dragon. He stood straight nonetheless and opened his eyes when they reached the top.

Once they stepped off the elevator, they made their way through some corridors and passed many glass panel walled rooms. Once they entered Walter's office, they sat down in leather arm chairs in front of his desk as he made his way around and sat down behind it.

"So..." With his hands clasped and placed on his desk, he looked over the three people seated before him. His eyes watching as his stepdaughter scooted her chair closer to that of her boyfriend's with her average five foot five frame. "You want to purchase the deed to the former Steel Factory owned by our subsidiary?"

Caden nodded with a coy smile across his lips. With the money left behind by his parents, he could easily afford it which was ironic. The only problem was is that it was a family asset to the Queens and something that Robert Queen once owned.

"What is it you want to do with the Factory?" Walter wanted to know what the boy would use it for. From what he understood, he was dry compared to the other people that Thea befriended. Though he was also curious of why Harrison was along with them, shouldn't he be in STAR Labs?

"I'd like to open a club," Caden said with a small smile across his lips now, "As a way to give people in the Glades jobs and a place to have fun at night." He said with a light chuckle, though he was just fifteen years old he had a general idea how he wanted it to be.

In a sense he was going to make a clone of Verdant, but at the same time he was going to completely remodel the building. The lot wasn't being used, and since Queen Consolidated weren't using it, the lot was just loss to revenue.

"So why do you want to purchase the lot? You could always lease it through Queen Consolidated." Walter Steele stated as he rolled his fingers on the desk hearing him say what he wanted the place for.

If he leased the place, it would be cheaper than owning it yes, but at the same time it would also limit what could be done with the property. A lease for a commercial property came with a contract, something he didn't want to be bound to.

"Should someone else take the seat of CEO in the early future, or the board no longer want us to use the lot, they'd be able to terminate our tenancy via the lease contract that would allow them to do so at any time." Caden responded as he crossed one leg over the other.

Walter leaned back as he nodded, he understood what the boy was talking about. It was beginning to become even clearer he was familiar with business affairs as their conversations went on.

"Do you have all the paperwork ready?" He asked as he looked at the boy who was almost sixteen within a week. He could own a property, but he was a minor, but with the signature of his legal guardian he could own a commercial business.

Caden appeared to pull the papers out from his sleeve, which to all those around him, looked like another magic trick. The stack was clearly too large to hide easily without notice, but they still came out either way.

He placed them on the desk in front of them so Walter could take them.

Walter looked over the papers Walter had given him about a month ago. He stared at the information and processed it through his mind. Everything as in order, everything was legal.

It was a private company in which the club would be affiliated with the complex he currently resides in. The name of the club being L'Auvent, the word literally meaning Canopy in French.

While the Club wouldn't necessarily be french, the name was a symbol for those who knew the meaning. A Canopy was meant to shelter, to shield or to cover things and or people. The club was to be a safe haven for people to go, rather than to be out on the street at night and in danger of getting mugged or hurt, or fall victim to drugs.

Walter looked over the flyers and pamphlets which were in the stack of papers that he had been given. They were artistically done, followed many rules a college student would learn in the first few years of development. Then he came across the new floor plans and even a draft for the establishments website.

"You really went all out," Walter chuckled, wiping his lower lip with the underside of his thumb. "You do know I didn't need all of this, right?" He looked at the boy who shrugged, it appeared he just wanted to share his work with the man.

Walter looked towards Thea, a genuine smile across his lips as it appeared that she had chosen a lad with a good head on his shoulders. When he started his relationship with her mother, he was rather worried about her. She was in constant danger of overdosing, date rape and so on due to her partying and reckless tendencies.

Harrison and Caden could recognize the fatherly gaze and could only smile at this.

Thea could see how proud he seemed to be and smiled back in return, as if she could have pride in herself that she was able to put herself on top. That she could fill the void with something meaningful, even though the thing that mainly lifted her spirits was the fact that her brother was alive.

Walter would go ahead and put the papers in a folder after approving them with a stamp. "It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mister Price." He glanced over at Harrison, gave a nod, then looked to Felicity Smoak who was standing in the corner of the Office waiting patiently.

Caden nodded his head in response, "Of course," He too then looked over towards Felicity and raised a brow slightly.

With that the three of them got up from their seats, after they were given the deed, and shook Walter's hand individually, thanked him and left. They were able to get down to the lobby on their own and exited the building. By now it was early afternoon.

Thea who grabbed hold of Caden's hands and entangled her fingers with his, grinned at him as she stood before him. "So why didn't you tell me you were planning this beforehand?" He was literally giving her a place to party in a sense.

"Surprise?" He pursed his lips slightly before snickering a bit, "That and I wanted the basement for other activities," he slyly looked to the side as she raised a brow at this.

Harrison shook his head as he heard the boy talk and placed his hands in his pocket, looking at him as if he was a delinquent. "Just what are you planning, Kiddo?" He teased warmly, before following Caden with Thea toward the direction of the Steel Factory in the Glades of Starling City.


It didn't take them long until they arrived at the site.

Thea was still holding his hand and Harrison was keeping close to the kids. They had many people stalking them with their eyes. It was strange to see three people considerably well known from the media all in one place. Even if it was California, this wasn't a beach or even Hollywood.

When they entered the lot, they looked over the defunct Steel Factory. There seemed to be a lot of work needed, but it was still workable. The entire lot was now theirs though, which made it so that they could use it to the fullest extent.