Little Light

With his hand on her head, Nora stared up at Caden. Tears were silently making their way down the sides of her face. Every time she opened her mouth, her breath was audibly shaky. She sniffled as she tried to breath in through her nose, and it looked like at any moment she would start bawling. Yet she remained silent as he had his hand on the top of her head.

Thea sat down on her legs slightly behind and beside her as she draped her arms around the seven year old Nora Darhk. She didn't say it was going to be okay. She wouldn't lie to the child, as she wouldn't like secrets kept from or lies being told to her.

Even if they were just to make them feel better.

Thea blinked several times as she began to notice her boyfriend's hand glowing a light green, almost white. Warmth began to engulf the girl's head and she opened her lips slightly.

She was curious, but she wasn't going to touch his hand nor try to remove it. She doubted he would do anything that would hurt the girl. Caden wasn't a Monster despite the fact that he was mythological being, a Dragon.

A single dot partially surrounded by a crescent slope appeared on Nora's forehead, causing her to sway slightly. The years would steam away, but there was no such heat emanating from her.

Nora's eyes lazily opened and closed, sticking and feeling heavy as she did so. She was fighting to stay awake from what it seemed, she appeared light headed.

The dot and crescent slope began to light up the same color as his hand. There was no pain, only bliss. He poured the element of light into her mind, her body and soul. He was connecting her with source of Light Magic in this reality. Her eyes lit up like the headlights of a car, rays of light also shot out of her mouth, nostrils and ears. All of her bodily orifices were glowing at a blinding rate.

Harrison who was standing directly in front of her, put a hand in front of his face to block the light and chuckled. He had never seen something like this before, let alone a more uses for magic.

As the light died down and eventually faded, the sight of those affected quickly returned, causing Thea and Harrison to rub their eyes as Malcolm had already left with the corpse of Damien Darhk. He was going to deliver it to a certain individual, an individual whom would either reward him for his service.

Once the glowing was gone, the draconic symbol of the sun had vanished from Nora's forehead and she was unconscious; the only thing holding her up was Caden's hand. It was like moving Jello as he moved her head side to side. A rag doll that had been magnetized to his hand.

He glanced over at Thea who had her arms draped around Nora and smiled lightly. Slowly he released his hold on Nora's head and watched as she subconsciously nestled into Thea.

"What did you do?" Thea asked nuzzled the side of her head against Nora's before looking up at Caden, Harrison standing over them as he wanted to know as well.

He smiled down at the girls and then looked over at Harrison. He rested his hands on his knees as he stood up with ease. "I granted her the ability to connect with Light Magic, it'll protect her from demonic possession and immunity to dark magic. The only side effects are amplified positive emotions and her whole body glows faintly in the dark."

Thea and Harrison blinked several times when he said that she was connected to Light Magic. The two of them looked down at Nora and smirked slightly.

"So how come you didn't connect me to a magic?" Thea asked curiously, noting that he had only given her a protection ward. Though when she recalled how it destroyed the bullets before they could even hit her, she began to think that it was a bit more than just a ward.

Caden winked at Thea, as if he could tell what she was thinking. "Protection Magic is connected with that Ward. It is neutral, essentially making you a nigh impenetrable wall against bodily and psychological harm."

Harrison looked over him for a moment as he said this, then looked to Thea. Reaching a hand out, he went to flick her in the side of the head to test a theory.

Just as his finger was about to make connect, a few centimeters from her skin, a smell octagonal shield appeared deflecting twice as much force back at his finger. Harrison just stood there and stared at his finger of his left hand, it was clearly red as if he had punched something with it. He could very well see some blood coming out from beneath his nail. "Well..."

Both Thea and Caden both stared at Harrison who snickered at their expressions that were practically asking if he was serious about what he had just done.

"You can heal it though, right?" Harrison said as he held out his finger towards Caden.

Caden just looked at the finger, then back up to Harrison's face as he stood up and grabbed his finger. "The shield disintegrates bullets, you can only imagine the amount of thermal and kinetic energy needed to do that..." He lulled his head to the side as he let go of the hand, showing that it was fully healed and the nail fully secure. "Imagine if you tried to punch the ward going a trillion miles an hour."

Harrison stood there for a few moments looking at his hand before looking at Caden. "Who in their right mind would..." He paused and glanced at Thea and then back at Caden once more.

"The Speedster..." He uttered and shook his head slightly, only a speedster would go that fast in order to kill someone. "If the Speedster were to attack, he'd be virtually killing himself."

Trying to vibrate their hand through the target, would literally destroy the person's arm due to the ward. So Thawne's typical attacks wouldn't work on Thea, let alone the Dragon. If the two of them walked into STAR Labs right now, he wouldn't even stand a chance. It'd be like punching a twenty foot thick titanium reinforced steel wall.

"Essentially," Caden responded as he knew that Thrawne would either jab the heart, or try to break the neck. The mount of force he'd be asserting would kill him with at least ten fold the amount of lethal force he used on her.

Thea sat there and stared at him as he had said this. "So, I could literally just walk in there, talk shit and he'll try to kill me? Then kill himself in response?" She grinned deviously before closing her eyes slightly in thought. "So I could use this protection against harm in order to fight others?"

"Yup," Caden said with a snicker of his own, only to fold his arms over his chest as he thought a bit more. "Just not jumping off of buildings. You'll have no control of how or where you'll land. Imaging a gerbil or hamster in one of those plastic balls."

He was imagining her rolling down the streets of Star City, the ward protecting her from the kinetic energy, concussive force and shock of falling. While he was curious of how it would look, he surmised that the ward would form a ball around her until she came to a slow stop.

Thea stared up at him as she stood up, pulling Nora up into his arms as he put them out to carry his little god sister.

"I am curious, what would happen if you hadn't put the light magic inside of her, like you did right now?" Thea asked as he watched him gaze down at Nora, she was strangely defenseless, but this defenselessness made all the tension in the air slowly leave everyone's minds.

Caden made a face of complete and utter smugness, "The Demon Lord of Time, Malus, would attempt to invade her mind and eventually have her resurrect Damien Darhk, as well as use her as a vessel to be reborn into this reality from his prison."

"Oh," Thea said with a dull look on her face, as if she had no idea how bad that would be. Though a demon that could control time, let alone be in every time at once, sounded rather dangerous if he went further into describing who this individual was. "And what's stopping him from doing that?"

"I mean, he could always get someone else to do it, but Nora is now protected, very much like you Thea." He responded with a light nod before turning and looking at Harrison. "The building will continue later. It should be finished by the end of today. So we can all head out now," He pointed out before snapping his fingers and making them appear back in his apartment complex, and soon enough snapped his fingers again and they were then in his flat.