I See Banks

It had been a few hours since they had gotten back to his home. The Dragon, Caden, didn't seem all that phased by the fact that Nora was dizzy after waking up. This was her first time being connected to magic. He could only assume that it would be overwhelming in a way, similar to being attached to a massive battery.

Caden stood at the large window near the dining table, and stared down to the streets below. The flashing lights were making him relatively angry.

There were three cruisers and a swat car situated outside of the building. They weren't facing the apartment complex however. In this case they were facing the bank across the street. He let out a light sigh and shook his head. He was relatively annoyed with this.

It seemed a group of bank robbers had decided to take on the bank across the street from his home.

Who in the right mind would attack a bank across the street from his establishment? A large amount of people had already been killed by him in the past. Yet here this is going on.

Staring down there, he would watch as the negotiations for the hostages were going on. Hearing a couple gunshots, he didn't smell blood from where he was. Yet he could tell that they were some pretty high caliber weapons. It was clear these guys weren't the run of the mill robbers.

He could tell there was at least six of them. Three of them were trying to get into the main vault, while the other three guarded the hostages.

It appeared their first attempt to get into the vault was what set off the alarm, rather than someone pressing the red button. He found it rather ironic that they hadn't killed anyone yet though. Did they not want to have the murder charge should they get caught? Or did these guys have some form of moral code of operations?

His black and gold Dragon Archer suit appeared on his body before he vanished without a word.

Thea who was sitting on the couch watching television with Nora, glanced over towards where he was just moments ago. "Did he just disappear...?" She asked without really wanting an answer, as Harrison just nodded.

Harrison was resting on the couch with his arm of his face. He wanted to get his life back, but he also wanted his wife. He was a scientist, and a really good one at that. He wouldn't put it past himself should he make a clone, but what would be the point of that? It would just be an obsession at that point. He sighed morbidly as he would raise his forearm off his eyes and look at Thea's phone which he again had in his hand.

Since the year 2000, mankind had made leaps and bounds in technological prowess and advancements. These innovations were somethings that had only been once a pipe dream for him.

However there was many more disappointments that there was assurances and satisfaction. The global economy was horrible, especially the exchange rate. Middle Class families or even those of the worker class had a hard time getting by with just one job. Many people who wanted a house needed at least two or three jobs before they could even afford to move into an apartment. He hated the idea of living for work. Even though his work was literally be all that was left of his pleasure, as his love was now gone from this world.

He looked over at Thea who had gurgled as she leaned her head back into the cushion of the couch. "You okay?"

Thea shrugged slightly and pursed her lips, "Ever since we got back a few hours ago, all he's done is stare out that window. I can't really tell what he's thinking," She said as she flopped to the side, her head resting in Nora's lap.

Nora glanced down at her for a few moments, kneading her hair for a moment before turning her attention back to the chick flick which was now dominating the digital flat screen.

Harrison sat up hearing this and turned side to side in order to crack his back slightly. He knew he shouldn't lay on couches, as while they were comfortable, they weren't necessarily healthy.

"Well, he just put two different protection wards on both of you," he stared at Nora for a few seconds before looking at Thea. Harrison tightened his lips together in thought, making his pinkish lips hardly visible. "He just built at facility about as wide as this one... I can imagine his mind is on a lot of things if the action of magic is fueled by his thoughts."

Thea blinked and nodded as she thought to herself in turn, after hearing him say that his thoughts were what controlled his magic. "So it's like concentration, will and the capacity to execute." Her thoughts weren't that far off, even as she said them out loud. "Though it doesn't look like he needs to concentrate all that much."

Harrison shrugged at that, not knowing much about how a Dragon Lord's brain let along thought process worked. He did surmise however that it was likely magic for the Dragon known as Caden, is that magic acted more like a muscle for him. He had the imagination, he had the will, constitution and he had the capacity to execute it.

Caden suddenly reappeared again, this time however standing in front of the television. While he was still in costume, he looked over the inhabitants which were all looking at him.

"Bro, I can't see through your hide." Nora blurted as she shooed him to the side.

Caden just looked at her with a brow raised and a cookie grin. He didn't quite expect her to talk to him like that, let alone tell him to move out of the way. It wasn't that he minded though, it felt as if it was a normal interaction. "Yeah, yeah." He said without much care as he pulled the hood down and walked over sitting on the cushion between Thea's feet and Harrison's.

"So what'd you go off and do?" Thea asked as she sat up, moved her feet over and flopped her head onto his lap. Looking up at him with her big glistening eyes. Whether or not she wanted to actually know, it was clear that the amount of pressure she was putting on his lap, she didn't want him to go anywhere.

He looked down at her with a larger grin that before as he would gently caress her forehead with his fingers. "I beat down a few bank robbers across the street. While I didn't kill them, they'll be permanently disabled from the waist down. They won't be going anywhere anytime soon." Caden then yawned as he looked over towards Harrison who was shaking his head and snickering to himself.

The dragon appeared to have held themselve's back this time and didn't kill anyone. It was likely he gave them either a chance to shoot him, or to fight back. If they did shoot him, their luck is that the bullet came right back at them.

However he did say he beat them down, so maybe he destroyed the bullets? Or did he attack them by surprise without them even seeing him? There were many abilities that they may not have seen. Harrison wanted to know everything he could do, because he knew that anyone with power could most definitely use it for wrong if given the right reasons.