Chapter 6 In an unknown building underground.

The underground is a big corporation running in it as more than twenty

different vehicles where packed in it, and thousands of secret soldiers

walking around and doing their work, the seven guys that went for the killing

of Mr. Terry Jackson are in the office with their leader and his two personal


- Leader – This is a mission gone wrong, for you to leave your glove

behind is deadly

- Hamburg – Am sorry Sir, when you told us about the strength of the

man, I never expected it to be at this level

- Leader – And I have told you never to underestimate any man (he

shouted while standing up from his seat)

- Hamburg – (knelt down) am sorry Sir, it won't repeat itself again

- Leader – Let's hope they don't find you. (went back to his seat) You all

can go

(the seven of them went away, leaving their leader with his


In Mr. Templeton's house

Mr. Templeton is with his son Vincent, as Vincent came straight

to his father's house when he heard news. Both are seated in their garden

with many files on the table and then holding bottles of lite beers in their


- Youngvin – (spoke first as he took a sip from his beer) So you are trying

to tell me that Tony was never found again

- Templeton – Yes (he took a sip) here (he dropped a CD on the table) is

the footage gotten when they were leaving their house twenty years

ago, which confirmed that Tony was in the car with them, but after the

accident, Tony was nowhere to be seen

- Youngvin – (sighed) and the same incident took place six other places

- Templeton – Yes (took a sip and waited for some minutes) six other

children within the range of six down to four years disappeared also

same time Tony got missing

- Youngvin – (smiled) wow, that's a cool work they had there

- Templeton – The picture we have here, is his picture when he was four

years, which was your age then

(after a while, so that Youngvin is not responding as before)

- Templeton – (dropped his glass and held youngvin) what's the problem


- Youngvin – (looked at Templeton and looked away slowly) you never

told me anything about mom, does it mean she never existed

- Templeton – (looked down) I think is a fate gone right

(there was a black out)