Chapter 7 In Youngvin's house

Youngvin is seen in his house contemplating on what his father

told him earlier today. He sat down on his dinning with a bottle of beer in his


- Youngvin – (thinking) don't really understand a fate gone right, which

means am supposed to be with Tony right now had it been the

operation went well


Back to earlier conversation with his father today

- Templeton – (looked down) I think yours is a fate gone right

- Youngvin – (looked at him) what do you mean

- Templeton – Same attack happened to you (as he looked straight at

youngvin) when you were coming back from the mall with your mother,

that when it all happened

 FLASHBACK (20 years back)

Youngvin and his mother came out from the mall and into the street,

when they wanted to board a taxi cab home, a friend of their father came

around, who is also a police officer and they entered his car. On their way

home, a fuel tanker exploded some distance away from their car. As all

stopped immediately, some came out of their car while Youngvin and his

mother stayed in. After a while, car began to explode from their back and

everybody started running helter skelter. The fathers friend who was

standing in front of the car watching the former explosion ran back and

picked up youngvin, ran a few miles before their car exploded. Youngvin's

mother couldn't make it out cos her door was jammed. After a while, gun

shots rented the air, many sustained injuries while Templeton's friend got

shot on the leg. When the two guys that came for the mission were about to

take Youngvin away, Templeton's friend gave one a headshot and the other

turned immediately as both fired together, the bullet hit the criminal on the

head while his hit Templeton's friend on the heart. The last man fell with

youngvin in his hand unconscious.

The fire service and police came some minutes later, before they got to

the hospital, Templeton's friend died, while Youngvin survived it.

 FLASHBACK (to the meeting with his father)

- Templeton – So that was how everything went, but I got the call telling

me that my brother is gone before they informed me about yours.

- Youngvin – But, you said they were seven

- Templeton – Yes, that was after the unsuccessful mission of yours that

another later occurred in the night making them seven

- Youngvin – (brought down his face in tears) rest in peace mom

- Templeton – (stood up and drew youngvin up as he cuddled him to his
