Chapter 10 In an underground

The seven guys are circled up with their main leader and two other

soldiers. In the middle is a map which shows the road maps, tunnels and

underground maps of the street

Tony – Here we have the map. The president is going to follow St.

Beverly street down to Crown Jonas street (pointing out his saying in

the map) Since St. Beverly is connected to Crown Jonas through the

roundabout here. We stage our RPG man on this roof, he shoots first.

Then the soldiers engage them in a gun battle. Tell the driver to stop in

the tunnel mark. Then we finish the remaining work as they are being


- Leader – I hope the plans is clear to each and every one of you here

- All – Yes Sir

- Leader – Cobra

- Tony – Yes Sir

- Leader – Make sure the chips are implanted on the soldiers

- Tony – Yes sir

.......on The street that leads To The president's special advisers


The president is on his way to the house of his special adviser, cos

they were tight friends right from college. The president got to the house,

there was no space for his car to park inside the compound due to cars

parked there. The adviser came out of his house and signaled the presidents

car to come inside his house and park in his garage. The entourage parked

down the street as the president's car entered the garage.

The president alighted and went into his house before the car entered

the garage. The garage closed when the car entered.