Chapter 11 Inside the Special adviser's house

inside The adviser's house

The president's special adviser name is "John Bruce", while the

presidents name is "Bruce Carter". So they became tight friends right from

their college days. They both sat down in John's living room discussing with

the wine on the table, as both are wearing casual clothes and the guards are

standing both inside and outside the house

- John – Its really gonna meet up with the requirement

- Carter – Only if they would stick to the first plan and maintain the

average requirement of the first term budget

- John – Yeah, that reminds me. The economy remains stable with that

- Carter – 70% of the budget has been invested on the security sector of

the country, due to attacks on the country

- John – And the 30%?

- Carter – The 30% (sipped his drink) it's gonna be divided on the

education sector and others

- John – (sipped his drink and poured another one for himself) it's really


- Carter – What's that (looking at him inquisitively)

- John – (sighed) the delay in caring out of the year budget and the

terrorizing of the house members

- Carter – That reminds me, how is the investigation of Mr. Terry going

- John – Hmmm, I don't really know but I think that needs to be looked

into. For now, you have to be preparing for the upcoming speech

- Carter – Yeah, I think so. Hmm, I have to be going, let me go and

prepare for other things

- John – Yeah, let me see you off (as both took the last drop in their

glass and stood up, they started walking to the exit door)

- Carter – I will see you when you come to the office, and I think I will be

needing you there (looked at his wrist watch for some seconds) not

less than forty-five minutes from now