Chapter 12 Outside the adviser's house

The cars outside have cleared a little bit, so the president car pulled

out of the garage and came to the stair where the president is standing. The

security opened the door for him as he entered the car. The security cars

waited for him outside as the president's car came out and joined the

entourage. They drove up the street until they were out of sight

inside youngvin's hoMe office

Youngvin is seated on his seat in his home office. The pictures of Mr.

Terry Jackson are lying on his table as he is studying it. He is keen on his

work as he brought up the cup of coffee on his side and sipped a little bit and

went back to his work, after some minutes, he dropped the pictures and laid

his head back on the head rest of his chair and closed his eyes for some

seconds. Opened his eyes and looked up for a while, took up his phone and

dialed a number.

- Youngvin – Hello, its detective Youngvin (after a while) prepare a

sample of the fingerprint found on the glove of Mr. Terry's killer, and

also get me a warrant into the house of Mr. Terry (after a while) yeah,

get it ready, I will be picking it up tomorrow morning. Thanks

(He dropped the phone and dropped back his head back on the head rest

once again, after some seconds, he stood up and took the coffee cup and

gulped down everything at a go, took his car key and left)