Chapter 18 Back in Presidential Drivers house

back in The presidenT driver's house

He is facing up while lying down as his head is resting on the

sofa hand, tears are dropping from his eyes

in Mr. Terry Jackson's house

Youngvin arrived the house of Mr. Terry, he went up to the gate

and showed his detective ID and police warrant to the security on the

gate. The security took it from him as he made a call. Youngvin turned and

started looking around the environment, after a while the security got

back at him as he handed all the IDs to Youngvin and opened the gate for

him and he entered.

When he got inside Mr. Terry's house, he stood at the door and

looked around the house, he moved in and began to study the house and

the scene of the attack as stated in the investigation they gave him cos

he didn't witness the scene when it happened. He looked around to know

if he can find any other evidence but non came forth. He brought out the

picture and began to study it, as he looked at the body of Mr. Terry lying

on the floor when he was shot. He studied how everything in picture was

and kept on looking at the ground in the process. He looked at the

pictures again and saw what looked like the tail of a shoe in the blood, he

looked at the slip given to him but nothing about shoe was mentioned. He

picked up his phone and dialed the headquarters

- Youngvin – Hello, good day

- HQ – Good day detective, how can we help you

- Youngvin – Am calling from the house of Mr. Terry Jackson. The

investigation slip I was given does not read that a shoe trail was found,

I want you to check whether it was omitted in the report or it's not

there, cos the picture am having carries a shoe trail

- HQ – Ok, just a few seconds Sir, let me check through the file

(after a while)

- HQ – Am sending the remaining of it on your mobile, we're sorry for

omitting it

- Youngvin – Ok, thank you

(the message came through as Youngvin opened the message and

browsed through it on his phone. After checking it, he went back to his


(after a while)

His phone rang again, he picked it up and it is Lacy calling

- Youngvin – Hello dear

- Lacy – Done yet?

- Youngvin – Looks like

- Lacy – Ok, see you in the urban café downtown

- Youngvin – I will be there in an hour

- Lacy – Don't keep me waiting

- Youngvin – Am not gonna do that (smiled)

(Puts back his phone in his pocket as he cuts the call and went back to

his investigation)