Chapter 19 In the police headquaters

In the police headquarters

Youngvin is seated in their boss office discussing with the boss. The

boss is sitting relaxed clicking the fountain pen that is in his hand

- Youngvin – The case looks tougher than I expected, I never realized it's

gonna be this hard

- Boss – And that the reason why I put you in charge of this case. I know

you have potentials, so keep on looking

- Youngvin – (sighed, got up to leave) good day Sir, thanks for the advice

and believing.........…

- Boss – (interrupting him) there's no need, it's all about being smart and

knowing your work. (dropped the fountain pen and learned on the table)

feel free to ask your seniors the next step, don't carry it all alone

Youngvin – (nodding) Yeah, I know (going out) thank you Sir

In the underground building

The seven-man gang are seen standing with their leader and his two

special security on a stage talking to other thousand soldiers and workers in


- Leader – It's now remaining three days to the presidential speech and I

hope you all are prepared to make a difference. To rule the United

States together with me

(all except those standing with him on the stage shouted "YES")

- Leader – Everything is now in place, never you try to make a mistake, it

will cost your life to take away your mistakes. Be careful in executing

your duties, so as to enjoy with me in the days of reaping because

we've worked a lot. I think it's time to take what belongs to us, and

we're going to fight with the last drop of our blood. Together we stand,

divided you all fall, cos am not gonna give a shit of any irresponsible

fighter here

(every other thing that happened, all happened inaudibly as music kept on

playing for this scene and the next scene)

(Their leader finished their speech as he went back inside with his two

guards, Tony came forward and began to speak as all started working

towards what he's ordering. Everyone set to work as sparks of flames

continuously came out of the working machine of engineers finishing their
