

It's been a month since I've faked to be this loving couple's daughter. Surprisingly, I had a fun time with them for a month but now I plan on telling them that I am not their daughter. I was coming home after buying apples from the market, this mom was going to make that fluffy sweet and delicious apple pancakes. She is good at cooking but I have to admit apple pancakes are her speciality. My mouth watered thinking about the pancakes. But that was when I noticed something so horrendous I wished was a hallucination…

I saw a tag.

The little girl next door who had been very friendly and sweet had a tag above her head. I rubbed my eyes twice but the thing didn't disappeared. Suddenly I heard the retainer's voice "THE TAG HAS APPEARED. YOU NEED TO KILL THE PERSON WITH THE TAG WITHIN 24 HOURS OR ELSE YOU WILL HAVE TO FACE DEATH YOURSELF."

"But why?" I didn't heard the retainer's Voice again.

Kill? Or Die? why? WHY?

I want to survive. But that thing just said that I'd die if I won't kill?! I have suffered enough because of my step-mom and now that I can see something beyond that- freedom! Life! suddenly this retainer had to come and ruin everything.

I want to live.

I want to live.

I want to live.

I want to LIVE


I would rather pass judgement on others than to let someone do that to me. I think I will kill the little girl.

It was a strange afternoon while my fake mom served me pancakes while I was thinking about how to kill the girl.

It's not hard I thought, it's fine. It's not my first time killing a person afterall…

When I was twelve I was kidnapped for the first time. I was so scared but the emotion that ruled over me was disgust, how could someone do that to me, I don't deserve that and the moment the kidnapper was untying my hands to eat I took the concealed glass that was in my hand and lodged it into his throat. Lucky, I thought, there wasn't another accomplice. Later, my dad handled the case making me look like a victim who stabbed him in self defense. But that was not true. It was just utterly disgusting, that person I killed was trash and I did the right thing eliminating him.

Whatever. I thought "pull yourself together" again and again.

It was 5 pm. And I was ready. I am going to kill the child next door. I asked her to take a walk with me. I had my bag ready it had the big kitchen knife and tape. We crossed the bridge and went into the forest. We loitered there for sometime and when the girl wasn't looking I took the tape out of my bag. I was just going to tape her mouth but just then she showed me such a cheerful smile, my heart ached.

I didn't know what to do. Not many hours are left I have to kill her in order to survive, I thought. But before I knew we were getting out of the forest without me having a chance to stab her.

We were over the bridge now. I don't want to die. Because of this little girl I would die, I looked at her. And maybe because I was cornered it came to me suddenly.

She looks disgusting..

Because of her I will die?


Not fair

it's not fair.

And before I knew it I did it.