Intentions made clear pt.2

No one was around. Meilin creased her brow in thought. Who had killed the woman and why? Then she frowned. Obviously the woman had tried to tell her who her master was, therefore another servant must have killed that woman to protect their master's identity. Knowing that she was right, Meilin took one last look at the woman on the ground and made her way home.

~Li Residence ~

"What!?" A man shivered under the disgusted gaze of his master. "I apologize my lord, but she was about to tell future madam who her master was" Li Huang was very very upset. He kept on sending people to bring his self-proclaimed future wife home but everyone had either been tricked or killed by her. His eyes shone with a crafty light "We will find the man who is helping her and kill him. Then she will surely run to me"

~Helian Residence~

Helian Linx was busy training when her phone rang. Still full of adrenaline, she answered her phone. "Hello this is Helian Linx. Please state your business 'cause I'm busy training" Meilin chuckled when she heard her mother. "Hi mum, who offended you this time?" Linx looked over her shoulder at the men on the ground, who she had been torturing before her daughter called "No one in particular" "Seriously!?" Meilin rolled her eyes and smiled. She knew that anyone who offended the family would have to deal with her mother, by means, that no one would have expected from her. "Well, what is it?" Helian Linx was getting impatient. The maimed men didn't have long to live and she still needed to teach them a lesson. "Calm down, I was just attacked" "So?" Linx knew that her daughter's fighting ability was the best so she knew that her daughter was safe. "I think that Li Huang sent them." "What a coincidence!" Helian Linx was surprised. The men she had been torturing were also sent by Li Huang. "Okay come home right now" "Sure mum, love you" "I love you too sweetheart" Helian Linx put the phone away and slowly turned around to look at the men. Her eyes narrowed as her mind tried to order the information"Would someone like to tell me, why Li Huang wants my daughter." No answer "Well then-" A bleak voice interrupted her "Master Li Huang wants to marry miss Helian Meilin" Helian Linx chuckled "Well then I will let you off easy this time"

Screams and shouts filled the room deep inside the manor.