But the he had seen her at the party. In her flowing red dress and long black hair she had looked as beautiful as ever. All the shared memories came flooding back. Memories of going to the movies with friends, hanging out after school, helping each other with their homework.Getting to know one another. He sighed. They had had so many plans for the future but they never happened due to his selfishness and his desire, to be better than others. His extreme competitiveness had cost him dearly.
As Lu Huang was sadly reminiscing over past memories, Meilin and Seko were approached by a familiar person.
"Hello Mr San", Meilin was surprised to see San Mo at the party. She had entered her designs weeks ago but had never recieved a call or message confirming her participant status. Mr San nodded toward them, "We from the judge board were very impressed with your designs. Unfortunately we did not have your contact details so we could not inform you that you moved on to the next round. I am terribly sorry to inconvenience you but the next designs need to be submitted in two weeks" San Mo looked at Meilin with an apologetic expression on his face. "Oh", Meilin was startled. She hadn't expected to make it into the second round. Sure, she designed a massive fashion label but that didn't mean that she was one of the best designers.
Meilin frowned," Are you sure that I am good enough?" San Mo shrugged. "Apparently you are" "I'm sorry, what the hell are you talking about?" , Ling Seko looked confused. "Nothing darling nothing" Meilin patted Ling Seko's shoulder sympathetically, "It's fashion" "Fashion!?" Seko gasped, then he laughed. Meilin rolled her eyes at him and turned to face San Mo.
"So will you be able to submit 5 designs within the next two weeks?" Meilin pursed her lips. "What category would they have to be?" San Mo jumped and started fumbling around in his pockets. He muttered under his breath, " It must be here somewhere... Ah, there it is!" San Mo pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket. "The list" Meilin took the piece of paper and scanned it quickly. "Hmmm... yes.. okaay... That seems legit" She nodded as she spoke. The list had six words on it.
Business Attire
"Hmmm, interesting combination" Meilin thoughtfully tapped the paper against her chin.