
San Mo looked at her expectantly. "I think I may be able to complete them in time but I need inspiration", Meilin spoke and mentally ticked off the requirements for her designs. " What inspiration do you need?" Ling Seko was feeling left out as his friend spoke about a subject completely foreign to him. Meilin shrugged. "It really depends on what theme I will use. For example armour; I would need to choose a type of armour... and then who would wear it... and where would it come from." Ling Seko's head was spinning. How could designers think of all of this!? He decided, that, from now on, he would pay great respect to every designer he met. Meilin and San Mo looked at Ling Seko with amusement written all over their faces. They unknowingly both decided to never talk about fashion in front of Ling Seko.


Lu Bao saw Li Huang staring glumly at the floor. She wanted to approach him but held back, in fear of being rejected and shouted at again. She scanned the room quickly, in search of someone who she could talk with.

Her face lit up when she someone. Lu Bao started walking in the opposite direction of Li Huang and Helian Meilin.


Min Jue was scolding her son for eating one to mant cupcakes, when she nothing someone walking toward her. She stood up from her crouched position and put on her ever-present business smile. It faltered for a moment when she saw who was walking toward her. "Oh, Miss Lu. What a lovely surprise. I wasn't aware of how close you were with the Helian family." Lu Bao frowned. "My BOYFRIEND took me with him. You see I had intended to grace your studio with my presence to buy a dress but...", Lu Bao shook her head regretfully, "it seems like I'm... not welcome there." Min Jue raised her eyes to the heavens. This woman was just to shameless. She sighed inwardly and faced Lu Bao with a wicked glint in her eye. "Miss Lu, would you like me to punish my employees for... treating you so rudely?" Lu Bao was startled. She hadn't expected Min Jue to want to punish her employees just because she hadn't been treated the way she wanted.

Min Jue could see the gears turning in Lu Baos head. She smirked. Lu Bao had walked into her studio weeks ago acting like she owned the place. And she had made an enemy of her cousin. Min Jue's brows furrowed. She shouldn't even be talking to Lu Bao due to the fact that Meilin didn't like her.