Lu Bao was unaware of what Min Jue was thinking. She was rejoicing inside, thinking that she had successfully turned Min Jue into one of her minions. Sadly she was unaware of the relationship between Meilin and Min Jue. Lu Bao was completely oblivious to the smirk spreading over Min Jues face. " Miss Lu?" "Oh? Yes sorry" Min Jue smiled at Lu Bao. "You mentioned that you had a boyfriend and I was wondering if he would be proposing anytime soon..." "What? Why?" "Well we have a new wedding collection and we were wondering if you wanted to be a spokesperson for it?"
"Ummm.. Err well you see we are not exactly official" Lu Baos face drooped and her eyes, that had started shining when Min Jue had mentioned 'new wedding collection', darkened. She absolutely had to be spokesperson for the new collection.
Lu Baos face lit up again as an idea entered her head. "When will the collection be released?" Min Jue was caught off guard.
"It will be within the next year" Min Jue soghed in relief and turned to face her cousin. "What are you doing here?" Lu Bao looked at Meilin in disgust. "I'm here for the position of spokesperson for Jue's new collection", Meilin smiled at Lu Bao, "and who, may I ask, are you?" Lu Bao glared and proudly puffed out her chest "I am Lu Bao, sister of Lu Feng and heir to the Lu Corporates!" She had a challenging look in her eyes.
Meilin nodded, "Well, I am Helian Meilin and I-" "I know who you are" "Then you also know that Min Jue is my cousin!?" "WHAT!?" Lu Bao shouted in surprise.
A few people turned their heads with a frown on their face.
Lu Bao ducked her head, embarrassed. Min Jue clucked her tongue, "So unprofessional" Lu Bao reddened and started to apologise profusely, "I am so sorry. I was simply shocked by your Relationship with Miss Helian" "Oh really?" Min Jue raised an eyebrow sarcastically. Lu Bao wrung her hands awkwardly. "I really didn't mean to offend you" Her eyes reddened and she hunched her shoulders, projecting an image of a bullied, innocent woman. A slow clapping sounded next to her ear. "What wonderful acting" Lu Bao rolled her eyes and straightened her back. She glared at Meilin with hostility in her eyes. Meilin smirked right back. "Now girls, please stop fighting. You both have an equal chance at becoming spokesperson for the new collection."