"Oh really?" Lu Bao sneered. Min Jue looked at her with a disapproving look in her eyes. "Just ignore her" A cold voice spoke between them. Lu Bao turned to glare at Meilin. "And why should Miss Min ignore me?" "Because you are being rude and unreasonable" Meilin looked down at Lu Bao. Quite literally, as Meilin was a head taller than the 1.65 Lu Bao. Lu Bao harrumphed. She rolled her eyes and sauntered off, annoyance written all over her face.
As soon as Lu Bao was out of hearing range, Min Jue burst out laughing, " Oh my God Meilin 'Just ignore her'!?", Jue clutched at her stomach, "you really don't like her do you?" "She is an arrogant and spoilt woman who has no manners" Meilin's face was expressionless but Jue could see a glint of something sad in her eyes. A wave of sympathy swept over Min Jue as she spoke softly, all laughter gone within a moment, "What do you really think of her?"
Meilin sighed and was about to answer when a little voice interrupted her. "Mama mama, why was that woman so mean to Auntie Lin?" Min Jians adorable little face looked up from where he was standing. Meilin chuckled and bent down to pick him up.
Min Jue looked at her son who was perching like royalty on her cousin's arm. She turned her head and sighed discreetly. Her husband should have been here tonight but, like always, he had an 'important' meeting overseas. Jue suspected that his absence was because of the recent fight they had. It was about money, as usual. Min Chang was wealthy but could not compare to the wealth of the Min family. Min Chang had tried to make their family a patriarchal one and tried to be the one who paid for everything, including Min Jue's wardrobe and accessories. The problem with this was that Min Jue already made more money than him and obviously spent more than he could afford. Yet they still loved each other but the money put a great strain on their relationship.
Meilin noticed the faraway look in her best friend's eyes and decided to talk to her. Then she realized that Jian was still in her arms. She looked around for someone to keep him occupied for a moment.
Helian Linx was just a few meters away, chatting with some potential investors for their new hotel. Meilin walked up to the group and tapped her mother on the shoulder.
Linx turned around, startled. Then she smiled as she saw her daughter standing behind her. Her smile grew even bigger when she saw her great nephew, her brother's daughter's son, sitting in her arms.