Sick of home

Helian Linx' gaze traveled back to her daughter's face and met a strange stare. "Mother?", Meilin asked in a questioning tone," would it be possible if you take Jian for a second. I need to talk to Min Jue." Linx replied in a sympathetic and hushed voice, so as not to alert the little boy :"Is this about her husband?" Meilin nodded silently. A grave expression filled her face.

Min Jue and her husband had been a happy couple before money had come into play. Min Jue started earning more and started providing for the family. Then, someone kidnapped her husband and demanded a huge ransom. This event changed Min Qian so much that he decided to be the provider for his family. Unfortunately, Min Jue was a headstrong woman and put him back in his place. It had strained their relationship too much.

Meilin left Jian with her mother and went to look for her cousin.

Min Jue was standing next to the bar doing shots. By the time Meilin arrived, she was already dead drunk. "Meilin, hics, shweet Meilin, uhhh- why- why are you so pretty. WHY? Qian is probably already in love with you" Meilin sighed, " Come on Jue you've drunk too much" Min Jue looked at her pitifully, then her eyes filled with hate, "You! You took him away! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!... Waaaaah why am I not as pretty and smart as yoohooo!" Meilin shook her head in despair. Her cousin always went absolutely crazy when she had alcohol. Luckily, Meilin thought, I am not allowed to drink yet, otherwise I would already have caused a drunk scene.

Meilin took Min Jue by the arm and started leading her up the stairs. About half way, Jue pulled out of her grip and started singing at the top of her lungs. "Aaaand IIIII will always loove YOU hoo hoo hooo!"

The guests turned around and gawked at Jue. Had she lost her mind? The paparazzi in the room pulled out their cameras and video recorders, thinking of the headline there would be tomorrow: CEO of 'Sisters' goes crazy at Helian Christmas Party.

When the security saw the cameras and video recorders point towards Min Jue, they unobtrusively moved into action. They walk through the rows of gawkers, confiscating every recording device.

Sounds of indignation and outrage rose from the crowd as cameras and phones were taken away forcefully.

The head of the security raised his head and made eye contact with Meilin. He held up a camera and made a questioning gesture. Then he made a gesture of throwing it away.

Meilin nodded.

The guard made a circling gesture with his finger in the air and the security grabbed the last of the devices and threw them in a large bag brought in by one of the servants.

Meilin turned her attention back to her cousin, who was leaning against the wall, sobbing hysterically. Meilin pulled Jue to her feet and started awkwardly patting back.