First visit to Gringotts ll

Chapter 6

When my father finally looks at me and we lock eyes, and I feel a slight pressure in my head and glare at him. I known he won't be able to get threw, so I don't even blink. "Don't be rude" I say, he just nods and looks at the paper in his hand, and it bursts into flames and he turns to Bogrog, "I'd like to make her an account attached to mine and set up an allowance. Are you able to get adoption papers, I would rather not go back to that muggle orphanage." He looks at me "Do you have anything left at the orphanage?"

"No sir" I reply "Good, we can just buy you everything you need with your school stuff today." *At least it's only 9am, we probably won't be done until just before super.* He turns back to Bogrog, and the goblin says "We can do the adoption here. But Mrs Potter has already set up an account for Ms Snape when she was Ms Evans. But before you can see the account records we must finalize the adoption papers."

I look to my father and he looks at me he looks confused and I try to look surprised, after all I heard the goblins talking about it already *Still I can't believe she set me up an account… Maybe she is trying to make up for abandoning me at a muggle orphanage... I don't know.* He looks to Bogrog and says "Very well, let's go ahead with the adoption papers!" As they are singing the papers, I just can't help but be surprised he's taking custody over me. *Maybe he really doesn't believe the dark lord will come back, or maybe Dumbledore convinced him to take me in? Unlikely because I would be a liability, something they could use against my father as a spy, and dumbledore can just use the knowledge of me to guilt my father...*

After everything was signed Bogrog says "Ok Mr Snape you now have full custody of Ms Snape. Here in the account information." He slides a folder our way and I glance over my father's shoulder much like he did to me but with more difficulty. I'm shorter…

Selina L. Snape

Savings Account of 0.5% interest, until Hogwarts age then converts into spending account. Opened August 10th 1976. Deposited 493,000 Pound Sterling, converted into 100,000 Gallions. Today holding: 105,639 Gallions, 9 Sickles, 25 Knuts. Also contains 1 small box.

The only thing I can think is *What? Why so much? And How?...* but all I really want to know is... "What does the L in my name stand for?" My father asks. "Let's see, her full name is Selina Liliana Snape!" Bogrog says looking at a paper. "Liliana… After her favorite grandmother, the one she was named for… What I want to known is how at 16 years old she came up with this kind of money?"

Bogrog shuffled some papers around, "Well a few days after Ms Snapes birth Mrs Potter inherited some money from her muggle aunt, Helen Scott I believe her name was. She then came here and opened an account for Ms Snape and deposited all of the money from her aunt into the account. She also left this box for your eyes only Ms. Snape." he hands me a box and I take it and open it.

It's filled with letters and the box is deeper than it looks. Most of the letters seem to be opened and upon closer inspection the letters are from my father to my mother… But the letter on top is sealed and addressed to me. *Must be from her to me… I don't really want to deal with this right now.* I put the box back as it was and close it. I notice my father was paying attention to what was in the box with a frown.

He then goes back to talking with Bogrog "Let's leave that as a saving account and make a separate spending account with 600 Gallions and I'd like to set up an allowance of 150 Gallions a month unless I say otherwise. Starting next month. Let lock the savings until she is 17 years old then she was full access to all of it." As Bogrog nods and starts the paperwork, my father turns to me "I want you to work hard in school if I feel like you are slacking off I will put a freeze on your spending account, until i feel as though you caught up. Understood Selly?"

I'm in a kind of shocked state at the moment *That's a lot of money… Wow he thought this out, how much does he make to be able to give me 150 Gallions a month!!! That's 1,800 a year which converts to 8,874 pounds a year OR in USA dollars 11,952$!!! I wonder if I can convince him to invest some* "Umm y-yeah I understand… Could I invest some of the money in the savings account into some businesses?" *Wait! He called me Selly!* He looks at me for a long minute "Which businesses?"

"Apple, Samsung, the Apothecary, Flourish and Blotts, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Ollivanders wands… The first two are muggle businesses… I was thinking 2,000 gallons split between them?" He stares at me for a long minute I then explain to him what I can about the businesses and what I know about the muggle world and how it makes sense they don't have magic they need other things to make their lives better. After my long speech he is still staring at me and then turns to Bogrog. "What do you known of these businesses? Are they good investments choices?"

Bogrog nods "What Ms Snape explained is more detailed info on what I know." My father nods "Very well 2,000 gallions towards those investments." He looks back to me "Why don't you pull out some money to buy yourself some personal items to decorate your room, don't go crazy though, but I will be buying you all your school supplies and knew clothing and furniture for your room!" *Wow someone spending so much on me… not even in my old lift…* I nod and say "Ok umm I would like 300 gallions please, and would you happen to have a money pouch?" The goblin nods and summons a bag from one of the cabinets near the door "It's free of charge after all the business we've done today." he use his goblin magic on the bag. "It's connected to your valt now and can convert to muggle money."

"Wow, thank you." after that my father signed a bunch of stuff we left. I follow him to Madam Malkin's and when we get inside she come up to us having just finished with the last person "Hello Professor!" she looks at me "Hogwarts dear?" I nod, and my father says "Let's also get her a full wardrobe including some muggle clothing and 2 winter clocks. The best material you have with all the same enchantments as my usual"

We get lunch after an hour looking at clothes which will be sent to spinner's end when their done. After lunch he lets me go to the muggle side of the pub and get myself bathroom and beauty supplies while he gets the furnisher for my room. After that we get my school trunk next and he gets me a 4 compartment trunk! One for clothes, one for potion supplies, a library, and one for miscellaneous items that is bottomless. Along with all my school supplies I got extra books and lots of potion supplies (with the promise to to mess with them until he can work with me) and my wand.