First Day ||

Chapter 12

Everyone was looking towards her as she was floating in air for time and then landed back on the ground

"Alright, get started"

She said looking towards us , anticipation and excitement can be seen in everyone

eyes as they started to pull the broom between their legs and then started jumping

up and down on the ground trying to take off in the air including me .

As I was going to jump up in the air on broom when my eyes come across two boys who were jumping very close to each other . As one of them was in the front and other in the back , the boy in the front used all his strength to jump up in sky when the back of his broom hit the other head and causing him to fall down on the first boy's broom to lose it balance and fall on each . When everyone saw this they started laughing and pointing towards the two boys who were fall on each other.

" Silence, Everyone "

" Don't do what this two dunderheads did "

" Maintain your balance and keep watch on your surroundings , so there won't be any accidents."

" Understood "

" Yes, Professor Lich "

While everyone was back to their brooms ,

I put force on both legs which were next to each other and jumped up . When the force of the jump released and I thought , I was going to fall down on the ground .It didn't happen insisted I was floating in the sky five meter above the ground. Seeing that I was floating above the ground , I used my hand's muscles to pull myself to lean forward and then I started floating up and was go ahead. When I looked down everyone was up towards me the ground. I floating around in the sky and when I looked ahead, I can see various things such as rivers , forest and mountains, I can also see what is happening in the second floor of the building .In one of the window of school building which looks like old castle of ancient England I can see my father was doing his work by himself , In front of their was various herbs and was scattered and in the middle there was a black cauldron in which I don't know what was cooking.

Feeling that someone was looking on him from outside. he turned around and seeing me their in air floating he was surprised. Immediately he came running towards the window

" Selly.... "

" What are you doing ? "

" You will fall "

" No, I am alright ."

I replied to him and then looked down at the ground where the students was looking towards me and Professor Lich was yelling at me to land on ground . At looking at them, I realized that I am to high in air for first time. As I realized this, I leaned backwards and let broom slowly float down. When I landed on the ground the Professor came running towards me and stopped at my five hand distance.

" Mr Snape "

" What kind of irresponsible behavior is this "

" Sorry ,Professor "

" I didn't realize that, I was to high ."

I replied looking towards her and , then turned to around to look towards my father who looking out the window facing me in the distance. After seeing that , I was alright he turned around and got back to his work in his laboratory.

After all lecturers for the day was over, I thought of seeing my father who , I thought was still working at his laboratory. When I got there a senior student told me that he had to go to somethings important .

After not being able to meet my father , I thought going to tour to see all of the Hogwarts castle . After passing through ever changing stairs where various living photo heroic figures of the four groups and long passages. I arrive at the ground garden of castle , it filled with greenery and life . It was filled with lashful trees and grass where students of all houses were spending time together, some kids were playing while some kids were reading books and some were other kind of activities.

After idoling around the garden of Hogwarts for half an hour I arrived at the slytherin group house where various students of slytherin group doing various activities.

After moving around for sometime in group house, I found a place to sit peacefully .

As soon as sat there, I saw black bolt coming towards me at rapid speed and stop at my legs .On clearly viewing it , I saw it was jax who jump upon my legs and sat down on them silently. Whenever I looked at him , I got entranced by his beautiful and soft fur .

As I was sat alone patting Jax . I heard faint footsteps coming towards me when I looked up and saw Liz Tuttle was approaching me caring two books in her arms .See me towards her

" So how was your first day in Hogwarts ? "

" I can't answer because the day is not over. "

" Oooh , Alright"

Then she started staring at Jax as he is some kind of treasure and then opening her books started to check pages one by one for like 5 - 10 minutes .Feeling annoyed , I asked

" What are you doing ? "

" I am trying to find what kind of creature it he ? "

" Soo... "

" So... "

" Did you find out ? "

" No "

" I told you it's a Nu'wan "

" What's that ? "

Feeling annoyed of her enthusiasm , I looked towards her and said " if I tell you what a nu'wan is will you promise me not to tell anyone " Looking in her and she nodded.

" Ok, then "

" it's mix breed of Nundu and Wampus cat. "

" Reaally.... , Oh my god "

Due to excitement she didn't notice her loud noise , I immediately glared at her and she immediately closed her mouth with both of hands. Then she sat beside me asking about Jax and things he can do. This continue for like an hour and not knowing what to do.I looked towards my watch and it was dinner time .

Then I look around the hall and saw that many people were going out so getting up . I headed towards the dinning hall followed by Liz Tuttle.