Meditate quietly , Meeting Hagrid

After having my dinner with the rest of the Hogwarts students and teachers I came to my room . As I entered my room Jax jumped from my shoulder and jumped into his nest and stretching his legs. he laid comfortably on his nest on all fours * Good night sister ,sleep tight * As I stretch my arms and was going to sleep, I realized there still time till in sleep time , So I sat on my bed to relax and then I looked towards sleeping Jax and a thought came to my mind of something which I have forgotten about the animagus

On the day of my rebirth the god had said that I will get my animagus on eighth birthday . For me to transform into my animagus . I have

to meditate quietly in solitude. After changing into my night dress. I sat on my bed to meditate in lotus pose and closed my eyes . After sitting in meditation for sometimes , I

feel the magic in the air which was around me and passed through my body continuesly .

Unknowingly I don't know how much time passed .

" Kroaar"

When suddenly there was aloud noise of roar

in my inner mind .There I saw there was a black smoke in mind which was growing up .

Suddenly among the smoke two cat like eyes opened like two torches yellow in colour and it inner colour was green. And then the smoke started changing shape in a black panther . The panther started to run in the mind in circles round and round, round and round and suddenly it jumped out of my body and started running around the room sometime and then returned in the inner mind and then it turn into panther shaped symbol in my inner mind.

After waking up from meditation , I open my eyes and started to examine my body in mirror and can see that due my animagus there has been some changes in my physical features, For example my black hair has a purple shine to it and there is hint of purple in green eyes and body muscle mass looks more solid and toned. And I feel strength in my body. After examining my body, I looked the clock and see that it is already 5:30 . So I stretch my arms and legs in room and then changed into my exercise clothes which was black leggings and gray shoulder less t-shirt and then tied my loss hair in pony tail with a rubber band.

After wearing my shoes , I started jogging out of slytherin group hall. Everyone was sleeping and so I jog out of the castle in a slow phase.

After getting out of the Hogwarts castle , I started running towards Hogwarts big ground and arriving at the ground I started doing my daily exercise which is 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, and etc.

" wha't ar do'ing he're ? "

As I was doing my exercise a very low pich loud voice were heard in from behind me.

I turned around and looked towards the owner of the voice and saw that it was the fat man who was 3 times my height. Dressed in brown long coat and have long brown hair and bread

I looked towards him carefully and saw that it was hagrid .

" what are you doing here ?"

I replied him with a question of my own. he looked towards me with curiosity and then answered .

" I have to work on the ground and you ."

After saying that he looked towards me and picked up a bag laying next to his legs.

" I was doing my exercise in here "

" Why...."

he replied and, I looked towards him carefully and try to think the meaning of his words.

" I don't know , I do it for remaining healthy and fit and looking beautiful. "

I replied to him in casual manner. While doing my push ups .

" You can get all that with magic , can't you ? "

" Yes, I can "

" then..."

He said while looking towards me waiting for the answer, I stand up on my legs and replied to him.

" In my life, I learned one thing that is that any thing can happen in this world .So, you should be ready for it 100%. and you should not solely depend on one thing in life or else you will regret it."

" Pretty smart, ain't you ? "

he said to while looking towards me with a smile and standing straight and l replied bringing my right hand to the front .

" Hi...., I am Selly"

" Oh...,I am hagrid "

" I Know "

" I saw you on station while you were leading the first year. "

I said while looking towards him with a faint smiling face .which he answered with a smiling face and replied.

" Arr..., Right "

" Hagrid do you come regularly to this place "

" Why...."

He asked looking towards me curiously.

" you're a fun friend to talk to when I want to"

he looked at me and asked

" So, we're friends. "

" you bet we are "

" Ok..."

he said looking at me silently and then I looked towards him carefully and saw he thinking something .

" You don't want to be my friend."

" I was thinking about your full name , I don't remember it ."

" Oh , I am Selly.... ,Selly Snape "

" So, you are daughter of Professor Snape."

" That's me."

I said looking towards him silently with faint smile on my face. After which I continues to talk about to him on various topics related to Hogwarts castle and what in Hogwarts.While seating next to him.

" You got your mother's looks except for your black hair ."

I look towards him silently and saw glint of sadness in his eyes, I can also see guilt and shame on his face . Even after knowing everything, I look towards him and said

" Do you know my mother "

" of course , I knew her ."

" We were friends ."

" how is she ?, do you know where is she? "

I said while knowing the answer to my own question.

" Of course I knew about her whereabouts . your mother Lily passed away seven years ago."

He said while looking emotional unstable and silent.