1.8 Sig P320, Benelli M1014, Stubby M416. My Weapons Of Choice...

I've decided to learn some martial arts to properly defend myself. What if someone was wearing a cup over their balls? The impact would be lessened but I wondered if the pain would be tremendous as the cup would definitely be hit and absorb the impact.

After my work the next following evening, I was walking around the town where I worked and saw several gyms and some martial arts studio and I entered. Aikido, one of the Japanese arts of defending oneself. I inquired with their instructor but I was merely asking, since dressing up in black overflowing skirt-like pants and white long sleeve gi was not an appeal for me.

I need something with explosive power for both defending myself and injuring or possibly maiming my opponents. The instructor told me that Aikido is meant for grappling and using ones softness. Ewwww... If I am faced with more than one opponent I can't be grappling one and be exposed to attacks from the other.

I thanked the instructor and moved to the other one. Jujitsu was nearly the same as Aikido which uses the opponent's energy for blocking, pins, locks and grappling. No thanks, Super Mario.

As I walked down the streets, I grabbed a half dozen hotdogs from a stand and a gallon of coke and sat down on one of the stone benches, overlooking a man-made pond with several swans waddling in it.

"Don't they have any more of the violent martial arts like Bruce Lee, Jet Li or Jackie Chan here? God... I really need to buck up and learn somethings if I were to be confronted with those wolves again." I sighed inwardly sd I take a bite of the hotdog with a spread of sauerkraut with ketchup and wonderful pickles in them.

I was half imagining that Beast and Spotty would be pawing these puny hotdogs and wondering if these foods were for real or just going to be stuck within their teeth. I chuckled and promised to get a better dinner soon. "Just bear with it guys, it's better than nothing to eat." I thought aloud and saw that Beast and Spotty had their heads in their crossed paws and staring at me from below. I chuckled again at their choosiness of food intake nowadays.

After I had stuffed half a dozen of hotdogs, and downed half of the gallon of coke, I began to search the area again, looking posters of their advertisement on martial arts to maintain focus, discipline bla bla bla... Oh my God...! So much bullshit around that it needs a snowplough to get rid of it from the sidewalks.

Suddenly, a small red door that belonged to a warehouse had a small banner on it. SHITORYU KARATE. I laughed at it. If I break it down it would sound like "Shit Or You..." Hahahaha. Definitely, there's too much shit around this place that needs to be cleaned up.

I hesitated for a while, and my instincts told me that there's some serious shit going on in there. I slowly opened the door and it creaked open and a lighted void leads to a flight of stair downwards.

"Whoa... This is definitely not what I thought it would be. A basement training ground? This should be a first. Hmm... Shit Or You...you'd better not shitting me, Jose...!" I thought aloud as I took the short flight of stairs where it leads to another door again.

I opened it up a creak and saw many students, from children to adult, boys and girls, men and ladies all dressed in their white gi sitting around on the left and right while their instructor was briefing them.

Not bad... I thought. There must at least be more than 40 students here. I opened up the door large enough and I entered. I don't know what to do since I was a visitor here and the first thing I saw was the properly-liked shoes before the protective mat and I removed mine and lined them up as well.

"Hi, are you looking for someone or we may be of any assistance you require, Miss?" one of the instructor /students approaches me and asked.

"I need some information on this Shit Or You Karate... Err... Did I get the pronunciation right? Because it really sounds like Shit Or You... Hehehe." I giggled as I had spoken my mind aloud and luckily for me, the instructor/student didn't mind a bit.

"Hahahaha... A lot of people doesn't know how to pronounce Japanese well, for example, it's called Shito-Ryu... Broken up into two syllabi. Shito translates into String while Ryu translates into style."

"Oh... I'm interested to learn this karate martial art, would you be so kind as to give me any information that I need?"

"Sure, right this way. You may head to our board of directors' office and ask anything you need to know. I'd be off to where I was then after I let you in, ok?"

The instructor /student don't look more than 18 years old with his pockmarked face and wild tussle of hair. I was lead to the board of directors' room and he knocked on the door and let me in after I heard the word 'Enter'.

I inquired to the lady in charge of the board that I wished to know more about this Shitoryu Karate and gestured me to sit. I was offered a brochure and the types of classes they held and the duration and dates available for the class.

There were slots available according to my after-work schedule and since I had nothing much to do, I signed up for a twice-weekly programme the covers almost everything from unarmed combat using the hands and knees.

I paid for a three-month subscription and soon I was a member of the Shitoryu Karate club. The weeks that followed were intensive as it focuses on strength and a burst of power. I had rather a non-athletic body but when I was on the training mat, my Beasts took over and I became an undisputed student at that moment.

Even as a white beginners belt, I am able to take on several belts martial artist beyond me. I was able to sense the direction where the other students would land their kicks and punches and able to evade and counter-attack. The instructor even made me involve with triangular sparring where 2 opponents would take on me.

I was seen with high potential but I was there for a single reason. How to kick and punch effectively and take down enemies besides giving them a balls kicking technique only. Not only it was brutal but I think their sack of balls would have imploded and would become instant eunuchs.

After a 3 months intensive grilling of kicks and punches, I decided to move on to another martial arts before the grading to another belt. I felt its totally unnecessary as I felt confident with the little training I had been instilled with would suffice to meet with the thugs if ever I chance upon them again.

So I quit Shitoryu Karate and moved on to Ninjutsu instead which was several streets away. This time, I was learning how to wield short swords, throwing knives, hidden weapons, shurikens and smoke bombs. The latter I find it amusing because not only it masks one's 'disappearing' act, but in an urban place like this, I don't think it fits having smoke bombs around with me.

In the months to come, I went to the Blackwater Training Facility to take up practical shooting and target practices using several Heckler and Koch, Smith and Wesson, as well as Sig Sauer pistols and Armalite and Colt semi-automatic rifles and a Benelli shotgun.

There was a weapons store where we could purchase and licensed our own firearms and I fell in love with the stopping power of the .40 since it does not create an exit wound but Wham...! Bam...! Boom...! It is a ladies personal choice pistol.

I settled for a Sig Sauer P320 with a 15+1 magazine for the Carry model. I had 2 more additional magazines that compliment with the nice tactical holster it got as well. This P320 that I choose is the same model as HaiLoong carries which would be able to interchange its barrel, slide and magazine to fit a 13+1 9mm silver top hollow point.

The hollow point is preferred because if I were to use FMJ types, it would penetrate several houses if I were to shoot around indoors. These full metal jackets would only be used by small rifles such as the Stubby M416. I love these CQB rifles that were built for a small-sized frame girl like me. Hehe. These M416 could even be fitted with a 100 rounds drum magazine and it's power, UNSTOPPABLE...!!!

I ended up with a Benelli 12 gauge 7+1 (don't ask me how I got the military version), a Sig Sauer P320 15+1 x3 magazines and a Stubby M416 with 2x30+1 and 1x100 rounds drum magazines.

When I was about to pay for these, I was inquired by the owner and was advised about the charges if I were to carry automatic rifles to perform heinous crimes. I laughed and told them I wouldn't be doing much except hunting for wolves. After filling up the necessary forms, I am the proud owners of these hot weapons.