1.9 TakeAways For Beast And Spotty. Please Claim Your Orders.

We finished our brunch at Uncle Bob's when I asked for another 4 more rib-eyed steaks medium rare to go. HaiLoong looked at me with one squinted eye and another with raised eye rows as I ordered another 4 more to go.

"Errr... Did our last little quickie work up a tremendous appetite for you, Mei? I wonder where all those meat went to, you really had a tremendous high metabolism rate. I'm lucky you're not one that eats and it went to your bum and hips. Hahahahaha...!"

I threw a friendly punch on HaiLoong's shoulder and he grimaced as if it hurts the bad. "You fucking asshole, do you think every woman that eats would end up in the hips and bums. Look at me, I'm little miss sassy, you know. I won't get fat no matter how much I eat even if I eat in bed and not move for a week. Hahahahaha...!"

I laughed as I placed my hands in my hips and the sides of my bum and twerked my bum abit and HaiLoong wanted to reach out and give it a slight slap.

"Uh... Huh... Don't you dare so it in public, HaiLoong... Even though there's only the two of us here. By the way, where you heading after this?"

"I'd just chill at your place for a while bit, watch some telly, and make our own X rated movies later on... How about that? I would really wanna check out those curves that I missed..."

I reached out and pressed his nose together, which he doesn't like it one bit and soon he was running on it and it turned red. "You should call yourself Rudolph or Rudy instead with a red nose like yours now. Hahahaha... Why don't you run along to my place first, you know where I kept the spare keys right? I'm going to head over somewhere and have some 'me time' and would be back by dusk.

"Oh, Alright. Mind if I use your kitchen? You'd be back by dinner right? I'm gonna prepare dinner tonight, just you and me. Hmm, how does steamed Hainanese chicken rice sounds to you?"

"Wow... Did you know how to do that? That cuisine alone would take up at least 3 hours to prepare... The steaming of the chicken to get the Essense, the steaming of the rice mixed with herbs and the chicken Essense... Wow... 3 hours boy, no jack-shit about it... All right, I'd give you a ring to check your progress later on."

"Sure babes, I'm off to Chamblee to get the spices and herbs. The 5 spices would be great if they have the stock, it's simply over demand right now once the consumers knew what their benefits are."

"Yup, run along now. And don't go to my office or you gonna get hurt. Just leave those things there and yeah, one more thing, please don't go through my stuff and rearranging for me. I like the way it is right now."

Hailoong chuckled and gave me a peck on my lips. It is going to be a slightly over an hour's ride to Chamblee from Uncle Bob's or my place so I do have a lot of time with my Beasts. Soon I heard the Kawasaki vroomed off towards the highway.

Beast and Spotty were overly excited when they heard I ordered 4 medium rare rib-eye steaks on the go and would be ready in 20-25 minutes for it to properly thaw and grilled to medium-rare perfection, just the way we three liked them.

My next destination would be Bethel Church just before the Two Mile Creek Park. After getting my resupplies of holy water from there, I would head out to the park and let loose the Beasts where they could freely roam and have a dip as well to cool off.

I went outside and lighted a Salem. It had been some hours since I had smoked one and the taste somehow numbs my taste buds a little. However, the smoke made both beasts to cover their sensitive noses with their paws. They both growled, showing their disgust at my bad habit, and after smoking a few puffs I decided to snub it out underfoot.

Only then the beasts released their paws over their nose and stood on their haunches. I sat on one of the wooden benches outside and waited for my orders to be ready. "Hmm... Meat is good. Beast wants more meat and Spotty too."

"Yeah... Yeah... Don't worry guys. I know how I take care of you. Tonight there's gonna be chicken too. I settle my things and we all can go for a swim, OK?" I thought these words that formed in my head and both Beast and Spotty swished their tails at the very thought of swimming later. Both loved to soak in the shallow water to cool off and also to get rid of the smells from weres and other vamps.

This way, they could regain their acute sense of smell and not rely on their sights in which both excel during the night. Guess I'd be doing shape-shifting with them after I get my supplies from Bethel church afterwards.

"Here you go dear, your 4 medium rare rib-eye steaks are ready. Thank you for your kind patronage. By the way, we had sold off our property off and would be retiring pretty soon in the months to come, just for the surveyor to measure the land and change the title deed to the buyer."

"Oh...you're giving up this place already, ma'am? It is such a pity since I am one of your regulars, you know. I wonder where I would be heading if not for this place to get perfectly done medium-rare steaks the way I like them to be."

"Oh, don't you worry about it, the one that would be taking over is also a relative of mine. There'll be some major renovations to this place, a new name a new look and a wider range of menus. They would still carry on with the steaks and stuff plus there would be seafood as well, lobsters, crabs and other shellfish."

"It is going to be a fresh change for the community here and I do hope you would still be one of our regulars here. Me and Uncle Bob going to get ourselves a trailer and would be heading out to other counties and drive along the freeway. Just as what we had a dream to do for the past few years prior to our retirement."

"Ah yes, the open roads, the countryside with all the gold and yellow and green on both sides of the road. I like that, maybe I retire just the same as you are in 20-30 years time."

"Alright dearie, I'd better be heading back in the kitchen. I can't be long outside here as there are customers to feed at this hour. Hehehe. Take care and ride safe, ya?"

Uncle Bob's wife bade me farewell after handing me the 4 packets of medium-rare rib-eye steaks and 2 packets of grilled corn as I made my way to my bike.

I opened up one of the saddlebags and placed the bags inside, after clearing the contents of spare clothes within. No way I'm gonna get grease on my clothes especially barbeque sauces.

I placed my helmet and my goggles over my eyes and strapped in. I straddle the Phantom and kicked its starter and soon I roared off onto the highway as I head towards Bethel church.