1.10 Payday Time.

It took me less than 15 minutes ride from Uncle Bob's to reach my destination at Bethel Church. I simply tore up the roads leading there at more than 80km/h, and this excites Spotty as she too loved high speeds.

If she could materialise, she would be sitting on top of my gas tank as I sped away on the Phantom. I preferred a chopper kind of bike, rather than a sports one since I don't find it comfortable hugging the tank than being able to sit back and relax.


Bethel Church. A front for a cover where my boss of the Associations dwelled. Since he was a 'Night Walker', I could only see him after dusk and if its day time, I would be able to meet him behind thick, black curtains that block out the sun from the outside.

Hmm, maybe Drakulas were extinct in some places like California where the sand and the sun dominates all and Drakulas forgot to pack their UV protection sunblock... Hahahahah. It is a joke whenever I meet new members of the Drakulas clan and spoke about their deathly pale faces. Get some sun, Draks... Add a tan to your pale faces. Hahahahaha.

I soon reached the Bethel Church and went straight behind the altars where a secret door was placed. I pinched a few keys on the number pad and the door slid open and I went down the lighted stairways that lead to the basement headquarters of the Association where I worked for.

As soon as I reach the foot of the stairs, another door greeted me and I punched on a different set of codes before the door slid open and displays a magnificent walkway with hanging crystal chandeliers and carpeted hallways to dampen the sound of heels that may click and echoed through the empty hallway.

A heavily armed security guard, also a Vamp, stopped me before entering the main hallway where my Boss resides. "I am here to meet Leonard, to collect my dues. You've read the news on last night's raid, right? Those weres had been taken care of me."

"Sorry, Miss Mae, I'm gonna frisk you for concealed weapons as he held his handheld Sentry and flipped it on and scanned my front and back to make sure I do not bring anything that might harm their Boss. I held out my Tiffany silver chain and pendant and showed it to him, which he took a step back at the glittering 925 silver that I was wearing.

He gave me a once over look and opened the main door and let me in. If he had scanned my head, he would have discovered two little silver spikes that I used to wound my hair into a bun. These could be used as throwing darts, a skill which I had picked up while learning Ninjutsu before.

Never have to carefree you know, even he is YOUR Boss, a Vamp is still a Vamp. He's not gonna materialise as Val Kilmer any time soon.

My medium-cut cowboy's boots had hidden blades underneath its front soles which had failed to be searched by the darn big ass security guard earlier. Earlier as he was scanning me with his Sentry, I can sense from his eyes that he wished to whisk and fondle me instead.

An incident where an earlier security guard simply did that and he had his balls crushed by me with several vicious kicks to his groin even after he had gone down. I don't care if he's a Vamp or a Were or even a human, no one gets easy with me, especially when Ms Balls-Kicking Mae is in town, hell yeah...!

I enter the soft carpeted office of Leonard Van Gallistone, which I prefer to call him Leo instead ad of adding any honorific to it. He's Vamp after all, and things that need to be executed, he would then hire me especially if his source of blood is tainted by the Weres.

"How are you today, Ms Mae. Any hiccups on last night's incident? Did you find out who the main culprit is?" Leo inhaled me deeply as I entered and he must have smelled HaiLoong's scent at the soft mind between my legs.

"Stop doing that, you freaking overgrown 300-year-old twerp..." I thought to myself and seated myself at his massive leathery armchair and swung my legs underneath. "I've taken care of them without leaving any trace at all. Yeah, they were the ones running the underground blood club and yeah, the blood they sold to those vamps and other weres were all trained with cocaine and other stuff depending on their customers' requirements."

"Damn those weres, have you noticed how they managed to sneak those drugs into the synthetic blood supply?"

"Not really, Leo. They can be opening their doors and inviting me to see they worked on that stuff the moment I barged in from their exit doors. I daren't enter more than a few meters inside, no siree... Not without my hot weapons. There's too much of a risk and you should know that I worked one with no partners except for Beast and Spotty."

Only Leonard knows I had these beings with me and he also knew I am a Shapeshifter or a Skin Walker, as known by them.

"Yup, gotta take care of your skin right? By the way, you did take out part of their operations last night too, right?"

"Yup managed to throw in 3 frags before I get the hella out of there. I guessed I hit a gas tank or something because those 3 frags won't actually rip part of their operations last night. It is supposed to be a warning right?"

"Yup, a warning alright. Not only to the 'weres' but to the 'Night Crawlers' too. Here, take this and there are a few hundred extras to take care of your beasts. It's for a job well done last night. I will be in contact with you in the next couple of days, keep your mobile free and we'd be in touch."

Leonard pushes a thick light brown envelope and I gladly took it and slipped it into the back pocket of my jeans, while I smoothed my flannel shirt over it. It's good dealing with a Vamp like Leonard, everything is paid in cash right after I had completed my job the night before.

I guess they can't use the bank facilities in the day and they would end up as dust the moment they stepped out from their safe zone. Hahahaha.

"I'd be staying back at the Two Mile Creek for a while bit and let my Beasts roam free. Since it's daytime, I don't think there'd be any peeping Vamp in that place, right? I'd better get going then... See ya later, Vamp!"

Actually, I never used the last sentence, it's supposed to be 'see you later, alligator' but calling a Boss as Vamp even though he is, might hurt his feelings he would jolly well stab his own heart with a steak, not a stake. Hahahahaha.

I exited the main swinging door, waves goodbye to the security guard that happens to be afraid of my cute little Tiffany and heads out. Exiting is easy as there's a button to quick release those doors and once I'm cleared out of the church, I sighed a huge sense of relief.

Frankly, I can't help but get out of those musty 'cellars' where they would lay comatose on their own coffins until dusk and began their activities. They must have drunk copious cups of coffee to stay awake. Heh, does Drakulas drink coffee? Only they themselves knew about it.

I reached over for my bike, checked that no one has tampered with my bags of medium-rare rib-eye steaks as I had placed a silver rosary on those bags inside and of a Vamp were to touch it, POOF....! There would be a suspicious pile of dust near my saddlebags. Hahahahaha.

We cannot be too carefree, my dear readers. Momok everywhere, we must take extra precaution, you know. Soon I was heading towards Two Mile Creek where I find a secluded place, removed all my clothes except for my undergarments, laid a blanket on the ground and laid 2 bags of rib-eye each for Beast and Spotty on the ground.

After checking the place is clear from peering eyes, I crouched on the ground and began to summon Beast first as I felt my bones cracking up, stretching and slowly grew a tail behind my butt. Hahahaha. Simply put, I transformed into your friendly, neighbourhood Mountain Lion...!

Beasts took the packet before her and leapt up a tree and sat down on the branches above as it tore open the bags with her mouth and began to bite into the wholesome goodness of medium rate steaks prepared by Uncle Bob's.