1.11 Feast For Beast and Spotty.

It was close to dusk when I returned back to my own form and had to pick up the pieces of my undergarment this had torn due to the transformation. Is sure is gonna be a laughing stock if someone were to see Beast or Spotty clad in a bra and panties. Hahahahaha.

Well, there goes another pair of good undergarments by Triumph. There are disposable panties that are sold in a convenience store but I have yet to see those disposable bras. Tearing up my bras and panties during unplanned shape-shifting activities would one day rip a huge hole in my savings.

Talk about savings, and with no intention to move, so I would rather get a simple freezer and get the desired cuts for myself and for the two Beasts within me to enjoy once in a while.

If HaiLoong is not around, I could just shapeshift within my ground floor unit and let them put through the windows and back in again. Haisshh... I really liked to be alone but at the same time, I need to be wanted and ravaged by HaiLoong.

Hahahaha... Stop being fickle-minded Angelica Mae. You can't have the best if two worlds though. I had worn my spare undergarments that u had brought along in my saddlebags, and wore back the clothes that I had worn in the day and called HaiLoong while straddling my Phantom.

"Hey, handsome. Are you done cooking yet? I'd be back in a short while. Please make some cucumber slices, please... With the authentic chilli with lots of garlic and ginger in them and the thick oyster sauce too..."

He chuckled on the end of the line and said he would wait for the steamed chicken inside the bowl of ice water before cutting it in half and deep fry for a few seconds after being coated with a layer of honey. He didn't forget the salad dressings with cucumber slices too.

I hung up after hearing that and kick-started my Phantom and soon I was heading out from Two Mile Creek and right towards Coal Mountain that would be a 15 minutes ride. I decided to pop in and get a bottle of red wine, my favourite being the Ruby Red Port and Tawny Port. Each bottle cost slightly under $20 and its the best you can get from a Portugal late bottled vintage or LBV.

I rode over to the wine stockist named 'The Wine Cellar' and asked for these two bottles and I had them in paper bags and paid up. It was just within my neighbourhood and I carefully place it in my saddlebags and headed back home.

Just as I swerved into the parking lot of my 2 storey apartment, (I lived on the lower floor and there are 5 houses on the bottom and the top. You've watched Dexter, right? That's his house above mine... Hahaha) I happen to see jumping shadowy figures at the sides at the house.

Beast's sensitive nose picked up the smell of weres and her vision noted that there are more than 5 of them lurking around the edge of the apartments. I put my bike into neutral and opened its throttle while beeping at my horn furiously while shouting, "HaiLoong...!!! We've got a trail of weres over here...!!! HaiLoong, come out...!!! Urgent...!!! Hurry up...!!!"

I was simply shouting on top of my voice as I opened up my throttle in order to wake the neighbourhood up and used the HID headlamp of my Phantom to shine a the shadowy figures.

Some of the neighbours were peering through their curtains while HaiLoong came out with his sidearm and was crouching and moving onwards the area that I had shone with my huge headlamps. (my bike's not from my chest, mind you...!)

I put my bike into gear when HaiLoong was nearby and shouted at him to hop on. When we both meet these God Damn 'Skin Walkers' especially weres, one thing would go through our mind, 'These creatures are up to no good...!!'

Beast and Spotty were growling and were trying to paw and these weres and both were spitting with rage. "Hop on...!" I shouted to HaiLoong and he deftly slid behind me and loaded a round in his chamber.

I manoeuvred the bike on the ground and was sliding around the gravel as I tried to control both my Phantom and my Beasts as we chased them across the open fields.

"What the fuck do they want, at this time especially this time? You didn't invite these for the dinner right?"

"Hahahaha...no way, Jose...! These fucking pukes might have smelled my cooking for miles away... Hahahaha. Closer, babes. I'm going to pop a few of them."

I opened up my throttle and it fed more gas, more power on my Phantom as I raced on a wild arc encircling them on their flanks and when I had reached the first one, it had somehow shapeshifted on his legs to give him the power to outrun us.

I slid the bike sideways in a drifting motion (hey, only Phantom chopper bikes can do that, no? Try it on a sports bike and you can 'buang' your bike and eat asphalt later on) and shouted "Hang on, I'm going to close their gaps" and closed my throttle and idle the bike.

I heard HaiLoong popped a few rounds from his Glock and saw a few of them dropped to the ground and slides a few meters while writhing in pain and was trying to get up. 5 shots, 10 more rounds to go. I eased the bike into gear and started to chase another 3 of them that had run in the other grounds and was heading across the roads and into another neighbourhood.

No way I'm going o end this chase and let them escape...! "Roar....!" my Phantom and I roared simultaneously as I throttled and gave chase from the rear. "Rawrrrrr....." I roared as HaiLoong held my waist as I manically rode through the playgrounds and made a beeline for the weres.

"Bam... Bam...!!" two shots rang out and the last weres who was running fell as two 9mm rounds found it mark, one in the buttocks and one on the thighs. HaiLoong was laughing gleefully as he watched the were slide face down and ended up near a fire hydrant.

Two more upfront... I gunned my throttle and Phantom lurched forward. I saw the two running off had shapeshifted and changed their arms and legs as they used them to run across and Leap over low fences and clothesline and I carefully guided my Phantom to encircle to the sides of them.

"Fuck these weres...!! Hoiii....! Hold up and let HaiLoong gun you down, you dumb fucks...!! Where you think you running to eh...?! Rawwwrrrrr...!!"

My Phantom was virtually running over tubs of water, empty laundry baskets, strewn clothes from the broken clothesline and I was getting nearer to them as I made an encircling flank movement.

"Bam! Bam! Bam!" three quick successions from the Glock and "Bam...! Bam...!!" another two more were squeezed. All of the weres were simply tumbling down after being shot by HaiLoong and not one missed its target.

Luckily he managed not to miss his targets or else bystanders would be shot as well. "Fuck...! Where do these weres come from? What do they want especially in this quiet little neighbourhood?" I stopped my bike near the last weres that had been shot down and HaiLoong, still in his apron whipped out his mobile phone and called the cleanup team.

This cleanup team were part of DEASTF and they would quickly remove all these weres whether dead or alive and placed them under custody and dumped it in the back of the squeaky white vans. I had a piece of rope somewhere in my saddlebags and told HaiLoong to hogtie them and held him a small dagger as well.

I went over after I side parked the bike and kicked the crotch with the front of my cowboy boots. (oh yeah... That boots really had a steel toe built-in and would do a smashing ball kicking effect) The moment it landed on the weres, it made a crunching sound like as if I had broken a walnut with a steel pincer.

"Awwwwooooo....." the first weres were screaming on top of his lungs. "Awoo you head, motherfucker...!" and went to the other two and delivered the same balls crushing effect from my Balls Kicking Technique.

All three of them had their balls kicked perfectly and I believe my steel toes low heel cowboy boots did that trick perfectly... Yeehaw...!!!

"Ouch, my dear...These weres sure had their balls driven up to their throats by now." HaiLoong cringed up his face at me as he hogties them together, still in his kitchen flowery apron and a dagger in his hand and a Glock on the other. Hahahaha. He looked toon fierce and menacing to be a cook...!

"Come on, 2 more weres and we're back to our house. The cleanup team had been called and they would be here soon."

I went over and straddled my Phantom while he perched behind me on the pillion side as we searched for the first two that HaiLoong had shot their butts and thighs, immobilising them from running away.

We soon reached there and I repeated the process of Balls Crunching Kicking Time. "Awwwwooooo....! AAAWWWOOOOO....!!" screams of agony at being defeated by my steel-toed cowboy boots made the two Beasts inside me to be overjoyed as well.