1.12 Hainanese Chicken Rice In Coal Mountain, Georgia.

I can imagine my two Beasts jumping around and clamouring on top of one another as they witnessed how my moves ended their manhood.

"Kaching... Kaching..." I could imagine those eyes showed scores of perfect 100 points for every kick to the balls. Hahahaha. After HaiLoong had finished hogtied them, I straddled Phantom and the former rode pillion and we headed back to my apartment and parked in the parking lot.

"Haishhh... I don't know, Mei... Its either the weres were after me, you or the both of us. Better be careful now, I sense a backlash on what you might be doing but as for me, I'd take extra care too. I have to make a short report and pass it to the cleanup team."

"Damn...! How I hate making reports once I draw my service pistol. Sheesh... I think I'm gonna write as attempted break-in while you were away and had caught sight of these perpetrators and raised the alarm. I ran out with my apron and my service pistol and rode with you and stopped these assholes when I realised they were skinwalkers. Alright?"

"Deal... I wanna eat. I'm hungry..." that was my reply to HaiLoong as I walked over with the paper bag that held the two bottles of red Porto wine, while he was still talking about his boring report. Unlike me, there's no need to write reports just because I drew my weapon in public and how about yesterday after I threw 3 primed and stacked MK3A2 grenades. Yup, I've got my hands on the military arsenal as well... Don't play play hor with this little innocent girl, ya?

HaiLoong looked at me and laughed while he finally took off his apron and went inside the house and folded it and placed it in the kitchen top. The took half of the chicken that had been sitting in a bowl of ice water. He dabbed it with some paper towel, smeared some honey on it and dipped it into a wok of cooking oil for a short while and served it on an oval dish plate.

*Ding* *Ding* HaiLoong pressed twice on the bell that I had bought from the dollar store and announced that dinner had been finally served. Beast and Spotty raised up and sat on their haunches as they would anticipate the meal for a job well done. Hahahaha

I finally get to sit down at the folding table at the kitchenette after it seems a long time the last time I had a proper sit-in dinner prepared by me or HaiLoong. Otherwise, it would merely 'junk' food that I would consume to satiate the fillings for both the beasts within me. At last, some rice... Something that I had not gotten over it.

HaiLoong had the rice cooker over on the countertop. He deftly chops the steamed chicken and then the roasted honey glazed one and served the two half's on each dish plate that been lined with layers of salad leaves.

I can see the slight blood that oozes from the bones of the steamed and roasted ones. Ahhhh... Just right... Simply cooked just right as I inhaled the scent of these two halves. There were lots of cucumber and tomato slices adorning the perimeter of the oval dish plates and the chopped meats were just nice sitting right in the middle of it.

I smelled adobo boiled eggs and also steamed gizzards, livers and their halved hearts. It was about 1 kilogram of them and were placed neatly on two other dish plates. The fried ones were marinated with a bit of curry powder, chilli and salt. The dishes in front of me made me salivate more and I can wallop the whole bird and internal organs.

Finally, the chicken soup for the soul. It was partly made from the Essense, a dash of sesame oil, some chives and spring onions garnishing and I saw a few chicken's feet at the bottom.

The rice in the cooker was flipped open and I can see cinnamon sticks, and the other 4 spices and screw pine leaves. The steamed rice was of yellowish colour and it was steamed with pure chicken Essense and the smell that wafted through, made Beast and Spotty on their feet as they never had smelled such fragrant rice before.

"You want to eat in a bowl with chopsticks or with a plate, with a fork and spoon?" HaiLoong asked me. Hahahaha. If we are in Thailand we would be sitting on the floor and consumed the feast with our fingers. But I think most Americans would view it as uncultured.

Hey come one, we hold our Colonels drums and wings with our fingers, right? And its sooooooo finger lickin good. So what's wrong with using our fingers to eat? As long as you wash them before holding any food would be alright. Even you eat pizzas with your fingers and hands. Hahahahaha.

"Anything will do... Don't talk. Eat first...Hahahaha..." I took a chopstick and took a slice of chicken and stuffed it down my throat. Then I continued to attack the gizzards, the chicken liver and when rice was served in a bowl, I held in my cupped hands and literally shoved everything down the chute.

Hahahahaha. If a Chinese family happen to peek through the curtains they might have seen a "Yao Kwee" or "Hungry Ghost". Ha hah hahaha

It was the best rice dinner I had for months. HaiLoong looked at me in wonder, how could this girl be so hungry after having 4 rib-eye steaks for taking out earlier during lunch...!!! She must have a Bottomless Pit in place of her stomachs.

The steamed chicken was done right. Its skin had a springy, oily kind of after effect and its not over steamed. Some would not know how it would be steamed and it may end up the chicken being too dry.

The right approach was to 'bask' and 'bathe' the chicken in its own Essense during the steaming and once it starts to bleed and the breasts could be inserted with a toothpick, the meat's ready, folks!

Nom... Nom... Nom... Nom... Nom...

That's all that could be heard between the two of us and I consumed more meat because HaiLoong had made it almost boneless, deftly prepared both halves and removed it main bony structure except for the wings and drums.

I raised my almost empty bowl a HaiLoong and he filled it up to the brim. Hahahaha... I really dumped 3 bowls of rice down the chute... Tally Ho...! Incoming... Hahahaha.

While we are eating, HaiLoong phone buzzed in silent mode and he picked it up and looked at me with a slanted eyebrow on one eye and overturned it back on the table.

"It's the DEASTF that called. It's dinner time, dudes... Give a man time to eat and answer later... Just like you... Shoot first, kick their balls later."

I laughed and nearly blew the rice in my mouth towards HaiLoong's face. Hahahaha. He dared to joke when my mouth is full... The last time he did and he ended up with a drabble of Starbucks down his white work shirt. Hahahhaha.

The phone buzzed again and I told him to answer it. He flipped it to his ear and it automatically answered. He spoke briefly and placed the phone face down again.

"Yup, that's the darn DEASTF that had picked up the 5 perpetrators. The question they asked was," do I know whether their balls were busted before or after I had hogtied them."

We both laughed so hard and nearly spilled the rice from the bowls that we both had cupped in our hands.