1.43 The Hideout

While Mulder and Scully had each jumped into the shower, I had slouched myself out on the porch area and watching the ripples on the lake. I was wondering that the sea would have low and high tide while the lake would continuously have a fixed body of water.

There was basically no living soul in a few km radii and was thinking to myself how would other people survived in this part of the world, like a hermit. Ironically, here I am too, living as a hermit as well and it feels good to be in this kind of solitude with nature to the front and back of me and the sudden appearance of a game warden, acting as a traffic controller, as she lets Beast and Spotty crosses the road safely. Hahahahah

The sun was shining over the horizon and I can see some fishes breaking the surface of the lake, leaping above to catch the flying insects that were just hovering on top of it.

The scene in front of me was quite serene and I checked on those two and saw that Scully had occupied the whole queen-sized bed for herself and Mulder was literally thrown himself on the couch in the living room area. I left a big note for them and mentioned I'd be bringing back lunch at The Iron Skillet in Bryson City.

I rode slowly on the highway since there was no rush and the restaurant had already open at 7 am. It had been some time since I had ridden something like 30 km/h as I slowly took in the sights with practically no traffic on each side of the road.

I soon reached the restaurant and ordered a big breakfast club sandwich with deep-fried potato balls fritters and a pot of black coffee. After settling down to have my breakfast and I asked the waitress if they served steaks in the morning and luckily they do. I ordered 2 big breakfast for the 2 guys at home and 8 pieces of medium-rare sirloin steaks with separate gravies, coleslaw, fries and corn on the cob to go as well.

After having these meals and waiting for my takeaways, I glanced around to check if there's any scent of Weres and discovered nothing of that sort, and it soothed my nerves abit. Having Weres in these parts won't make my stay at the cottage any safer.

After collecting and paid for my takeAways, I rode back and found that those two were still sprawled where I had left them. I set the table for the big breakfast and the steaks were stored in the conventional oven and separated the fries as it might turn soggy.

Since I've got nothing much to do except to wait for the time to meet with the Supervisor at Rifle Range Road at 6 pm later that evening, I decided to give my bike a wipe down using Pledge Spray-on Wax. That's right, the yellow can with Scented Lemon is not only good for furniture but upholstery and metal parts too.

It took me a while before the bike retained its sheen and used two chamois cloth for the wipe down. Even the tyres shine black after applying the Pledge lemon spray. I looked back and was proud of what I had performed and even took a selfie with my bike in the background. Hahahahaha.

Soon those two had stirred from their slumber and I invited them for brunch and I joined them as well and had the steaks which I had set on the table as well.

"I see that you have a humongous appetite early in the day. You had your big breakfast too I reckon?" Mulder said as he chomped down on his club sandwich of ham, tuna, bacon and smoked chicken. There were 4 sandwiches and all were equally lined with a generous mayo, salad, pickles, egg and another garnishing.

"Yeah, my metabolism is rather high so whatever I had wolved down, it only amounts to a single sandwich only. If I were to eat 4 steaks like this, it only amounts to a single or even three-quarters of it. That's why sometimes I'm always hungry." I replied, in fact, the ones who ate most are my Beasts within. Hehehehe. I can't be telling them right? Or I'd going to be in their X-Files soon.

"You needn't need to Bike around today. Hop in with us to DEASTF right after brunch and we'd meet the Supervisor instead of waiting till 6 pm. Since we got nothing much to do right now, maybe we could meet with your boss of the association?" Scully said in a matter of fact.

"Hang on, let me give them a call first...." I replied and took my phone and dialled Leonard. It took a while before he answered and I told him about the Feds that want to ask a few questions about Weres and Night Crawlers and may or may not shed some light on how to solve this type of crisis.

"Ah Yes... Come on down then. By the way, we would be expecting guests as well so bring your friends along too." Leonard replied after pausing for some time since bringing other humans to their domain is like violating their domain and space.

"Alright Leo, we'd be down in a bit after lunch. See ya." I hanged up and explained to Mulder and Scully that Leonard, the boss of the association would be having some guests and we are invited as well.

"That'll be great. At least I could meet someone who had been living for some centuries. Hahahaha. I wonder how wrinkled they could be." Mulder said as he was sceptical in these vamps that could live for several hundred years and still be good looking.

"In that's the case, I'd drive since I knew the place well. It's not an abandoned warehouse or some old cemeteries. They build their base underground somewhere."

"It's a Chapel and it works like a front for them. Crosses and what not actually doesn't work on them. They treat it like an Alphabet and they have no reactions against garlic since they said garlic enhances one's blood."

"So what scares them the most?" Scully asked...

"Tainted blood with all these shit is thrown in..." I replied and both made an 'O' with their mouths and nodded.

After we had our meals, I cleared the table and both of them got dressed back into their old garb. I cleared my laundry that was billowing on the clothesline and folded them and stored away in the laundry basket and placed it in the dryer.

The laundry smelled fresh and I love the smell of it. I remembered Glade had a scent dispenser called 'Fresh Laundry' or something like that and I made a mental note that I would be getting some cans soon.

It was past 11 am when we got into the car and I drove towards Bethel Road which was slightly less than a 2-hour ride. We would make a pitstop later on for a short break before heading into the Association as there would be no food or drinks to be served there. But since the boss would be entertaining some guests, we could expect a platter soon. Its best not to assume and we stopped at WAFFLE HOUSE and I ordered a grilled salmon while the two picked at their fish and chips.
