1.44 The Reason Why Vamps Don't Bite Humans Nowadays.

When we reached the outskirts of Bethel Church, the usual procedures ensued. There were barricades set up and several heavily armed guards were there as well. They peered in and saw the usual me driving with two unknown persons and when they flashed their badges, the armed security waved us in.

Just like that, we were told to proceed and parked the car in the designated area. "This place seems to be heavily guarded. There's even CCTV coverage all over the place. It's like a place that is meant to prevent intruders at all times." Mulder said as he exited and walked with me towards the entrance of the church.

"Seems like it. There are going to have some special guests and maybe they going to invite Count Dracula from Sesame Street I guess. He would be here and be counting every single thing that he could see and every successful would result in a thunderous roar... Hahahahaha... " I joked as we near the door.

I swung open the door and walked in. Both seem to acknowledge that it looked like a normal church to them. I led them behind the altar and there was a door with a number pad. After keying in a few numbers, it slid open and we all walked down the stairs and met with another similar down with the keypad.

"This place is really secretive. So you're the only human that had access to this place, right?" Scully asked. "Yeah, just me alone. And since I'm not packing today, which I'm not supposed to, there won't be much of tap down by the security later."

I led them through a hallway with rooms on each side that were manned with Blood Servants doing their own things such as surveillance and all sort. It was like daylight underground and these Vamps surely looked like normal human beings going about their activities after all.

I saw Adam just who had just arrived from the other side of the hallway and I gestured to him. I introduced Adam to the two feds who were about to meet with Leonard regards to the mysteries that shroud on the disappearance of a top DEASTF personnel and other matters.

"So you have anything in you that might go squawk under the metal detector?" I showed Adam my silver chain under my neck and tapped myself clean. Mulder and Scully removed their sidearms and their badges and placed in the tray before they moved through the metal detector and was clean.

"Keep your weapons and badges, Leonard is expecting all of you." Adam then ushered us as Mulder and Scully had picked their badges, pistols and holstered them.

"Welcome to the Association. Please take a seat. Mae, I hope you are well and have rested enough. I have somethings to discuss with you afterwards after this meeting. Welcome...welcome...please...make yourself comfortable."

Leonard was overjoyed seeing the 2 Feds who had arrived with me and he thought that these 2 would be of great assistance to him for this event.

"Soon, there would be some guests coming over and I'm sure it was covered well in the media for the past week. Those 2 Kenyans Lordship or Kingship would be arriving after dusk, and would be staying over for some days here."

"There won't be nothing much right now but would be, later at around 8 pm, hence the tightening of security coverages with armed men as well as additional mobile CCTV too. There would be a large reception soon and we would be expecting about 30 or more distinguished guest from the Wildlife Conservation Group, WWF, PETA and others."

Leonard spreads his hands as he explained it to us. I nodded in acknowledgement and knew that this meeting would need extra hands and I was wondering how I would be of much help since the Association had a few hundred Vamps under their command.

"If possible, both Mulder and Scully would be cordially invited to this reception as well... Since it would be the first, your presence would be making a huge difference too. I'm sure you could talk to your department regarding this matter."

Leonard advises as he called for some tea and biscuits to be served. It was the sugar gem biscuits again and by looking at it I guess Mr Director had several budget cuts since he would be splurging on reception for at least 50 people and those guys in the Ops and Control rooms demanded JCo Doughnuts.

"Your pocket sure koyak rabak xiaa..." I thought to myself as I smiled and took a few of the sugar gems biscuit and popped them into my mouth. Usually, I would eat the biscuit first followed by the colourful sugar gems. But what the heck... No one's complaining.

"Yes, I've called to my HQ and they told us to follow through," Scully said after she had flipped her Motorola phone having talked to their higher-ups.

"That's great. Adam would guide you for the security briefing later at 730 pm and in the meantime, feel free to ask questions since you are here, Mulder."

Leonard knew that Mulder is the one that loves all these dark and deep mysteries especially the unknown.

"*Ahem* How did you turn into a Dracula or Vampire... Or any of these makes any difference at all?" Mulder cleared his throat and sipped on the tea before he presented the first question.

"Dracula is the Vampire King. I am just your normal everyday friendly Vampire. Hahahahaha. Dracula, the word itself is terrifying. As a Vampire, we had revamped the way we capture our Blood Servants to sustain our blood. Like Adam, he was my Blood Servant from many hundreds of years."

"For the past 150 years or so, there hadn't been any more Blood Servants added. Instead of suckling them to sustain us, they bloodlet and then we feed on there. After which they would dress the slit wound and would heal in a matter of days."

"However.... 50 years back, we had stopped doing so because of the fear that got everyone startled. The four-letter word that rocked the world and had immediately stopped us from drinking blood from new victims or bloodletting from our Blood Servants and this was..AIDS...!!!"

"A few of our Vamps caught it and shrivelled down to become like dried prunes or raisins. It was if they had drunk holy water by the gallons and their bodies slowly disintegrate while they sleep in their coffins. At last, we had no choice but to threw their coffins open in the sunlight and thus...*POOF* They turned to dust. Their remains were swept away under the carpet and were remembered for eternity... *tsk* *tsk* *tsk*. "

Leonard covered his eyes and face with horror when he mentioned about AIDS that had made a few of his seniors infected accidentally.

"Now, there are members of the public, especially women, that knew we are Vamps, and they volunteered their white, irresistible necks for us to feast and make them our new Servants or lovers...but you know what? The risk is too damn high...!"

Leonard threw his arms up in the air and made his cloak flapped like as if he was about to transform into a bat or something...

"Oooooo... So since you don't go round and biting people on their necks anymore, and these women volunteered themselves to be your Blood Servants or Sex Slaves... So they need to sign an indemnity form before letting themselves be infected?"

Mulder asked as he sat cross-legged on the armchair and was truly interested in this matter very much. Scully, on the other hand, was touching her own neck and half expected to have a Vamp transformed into a small mosquito and tried to enslave her in some ways.

I looked at Scully and she was covering her necks with the blazer she rode high on her neck and I laughed at her. She was acting rather silly and if I were a Vamp, I'd rather settle myself on her boobsies instead. Hahahahaha.