1.48 The Gathering

It was about 5 pm or so when we reached the Bethel Church, the base operations for the Association after we had spent about 2 hours at Two Mile Creek, watching some laid back folks fishing from their roundabout boats that were parked near the shoreline.

They had caught a few fishes about a meter long, and from the distance, it may look like a largemouth bass which was an abundance in these waters. It was kinda fun to watch them fish while hollering his these fishes were fighting over their rods and reel. Mulder and Scully pondered on and asked if they could retire just like them one day.

Adam was waiting for us when we had reached the main hallway and he introduced to us the surveillance team made of entirely Vamps. He said the surveillance team had found the three of us relaxing at the park benches and watching the folks over the boat fishing. The CCTV cameras were powered with 25x optical zoom and were close enough to see the hairs on those fisherman's arms.

He briefed that the 2 Kenyan Lordships would be entering through the entrance that we had gotten through and it would be led by 4 members if the Entourage and then followed by them and another 8 members of the Entourage would follow.

"There would be other guests as well and the camera crews had been here earlier than us and we're setting up the cameras as we walked around the hallway. It was a simple march through, and then the speakers would be able to deliver the speeches made by the Wildlife Conservation Group, followed by WWF and PETA."

"The follow-up speech would be made either by Mbuntu or Enya herself so we don't have to worry much and just to Mill around and make her feel safe, that's all."

"However, we may need the expertise of Ms Mae here in certain aspects during the march in and before the speech was being made. Although it may look simple from the outside, it may invoke other groups as well from the outside. That's why we had tightened the security 360 all around this place."

"Why this place? Does it make any better than the one the was made earlier on other media platform? They had been saying the same things since they arrived here in the States and I wonder what impact they would do for this interview once they had done."

"It is part of Leonard's plan, having these people from various groups of organisation and then congregate here to deliver their speeches in front of live camera crews. People would see that this purposely congregated group would further enhance the outreach of the Association to other Vamps as well."

"I see... You mean to say that there would be an increase of membership when the Vamps made their debut on the 9 o'clock news later?" Scully spoke after digesting the reason why Leonard had these interview here in his abode.

"Just a bit of publicity that there's an Association here they could turn to after all." Leonard reasoned for the rise in social awareness to the three of us.

There were camera crews bustling around to set up the various cameras to capture the arrival of the distinguished guests and security had been beefed up to ensure that everything is up to their standards of guarding the safety of these distinguished guests.

It was already 6 pm and the catering crew had wheeled in their goodies. "Not bad, they are going to serve buffet-style 6-course dinner over here. These are for the guests, ours are being wheeled in to the ops room along the corridor right now."

I said as I ushered the two googly-eyed Feds as they watched trollies of silver chafing dishes being wheeled and arranged at the reception area. I thought Vamps don't have any more taste buds to savour all these dishes and was wondering since they had reserved about 100 pax catering for a 30 odd guest and 15 plus camera crews et cetera.

"Come on guys, this way. We could have our early dinner since the guests would be here by 8 pm. Adam had briefed us of the incoming guests so at least we know when they trooped in followed by their Entourage as well as other guests too." I said as I pushed those two Feds inside the ops room that some Vamps were seated in front of the screens that showed the CCTV coverage around the perimeter of the compound.

"Hello guys, don't mind us squeezing in. Seems we gonna have a small party on here eh? Wow... Not bad. They're serving American comfort food in here... And Chinese too." as I peered at the chafing dishes meant for us and saw several kinds of dim sum, low ma Kai, chaofun, chee chong fun and braised duck with several disposable bowls of brown rice.

There's also shoestring fries, grilled mini steaks with different sauces, coleslaw, corns on a cob, salad greens with sliced eggs and sesame seeds, white steam rice, chicken cutlets, crispy wings and drumlets and all those dipping sauces... Yummy nom... Nom... Nom... Nom...!

By 745 pm our distinguished guests had arrived and we stood at the bylines and watched them pass us by. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary for the Wildlife Conservation Group, PETA and WWF. They all had lanyards around their necks that depict which organisation they represent and their names. There was an emcee announcing every guest that arrived and Vamps made up most of the crowds as they clapped and welcomed their guests.

Suddenly, the hairs behind my hair pricked up and Beast was sniffing at the incoming crowd. Just as my nose starts twitching at the unfamiliar smell, Beast roared within me as it saw its common enemy. Just then, Enya and Mbuntu who were representing the Kenyan Lordship sauntered in.

"Puma...! Black cats...! Groowwwll... Raaawwwrrr..." both Beast and Spotty were wildly pacing in the back of my mind as I smelled Predators among the group. Not the 4 members of the Entourage but the ones behind them...

The man and the lady. The man was dressed in a 3 piece light blue coloured suit while his partner was wearing a flowing evening matching the light blue dress with shimmering Swarovski and sequins while 2 of the Entourage members were holding the ends of the dress up.

The moment I saw both the Kenyan Lordship, my hairs behind my neck was pricking up and sent an electrifying jolt within my whole body as if I'm going to shapeshift there and then... The man's eyes were hidden behind light brown shades but the moment Enya looked in my direction, her eyes somewhat glowed a greenish yellow. SHE'S A PUMA AND A SKINWALKER JUST LIKE ME...!!!

I was holding on to the metal stanchion that separated the crowd among the incoming guests and a few lightly armed security guards were controlling the crowd back. Amidst the smell of the predator that was emanating from her, I could smell HaiLoong on her body too...!!! Is she the one who manhandled HaiLoong back at 'Undies Clothes' apparel store as well as at the Red Doors Motel?!?

My mind was racing as we locked eyes and she suddenly stopped in her tracks and moved towards me... "Grrooooowwwlll... Hiissss... Hiiissssss..." Beast was hissing and spotting and was on stance to pounce anytime. Spotty was sort of whimpering behind Beast at this moment, ready to bolt whenever I needed her.

"Hi... I'm Enya. Kenya's Lordship... Queen of Cats. It's nice to meet someone with the love of Cat... *sniff* *sniff* two cats... Two cats, how wonderful..." Enya extended her gloved hand towards me and I gingerly took it and shook. Her handshake was superhuman strength and was squeezing tightly on it and Beast took over and returned the powerful handshake too.

"Oh...! A feisty little fighter yeah... That's good...! Hahahaha...! Come and join our tribe, and you will get more than just recognition and would be rewarded handsomely..." she offered and Spotty hissed back and made me hissed back at her too while our hands and eyes seemed locked with one another, neither wanting to back down as Predators meet each other in a lockdown match.